Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7281 Dragon Marked Star Boat

He will continue to be his Holy Land Elder!

But Jiang Tian will face some extra pressure that he might not have had otherwise because of his performance!

The Xingxu monsters are arriving one after another, and the elders have begun to call their names!

There were two hundred Xingxu monsters in total, and Jiang Tian was surprised by the large number!

"There are so many extremely evildoers who have entered the Star Ruins?" Jiang Tian murmured to himself.

Long Qingke's spiritual power transmitted the message and explained: "Originally there were only one hundred and fifty, but this time due to some special circumstances, fifty more places have been added!"

"I see!"

Jiang Tian pondered silently.

This means that Long Bo and his ilk had no chance of being included in the Xingxu list!

Accordingly, his defeat of Long Bo to enter the list is also a good opportunity to catch up with the expansion of the list.

Therefore, the top 150 monsters looked down upon him, the only person with a foreign surname.

Even the forty-nine monsters at the bottom were quite repulsive towards him.

Because Jiang Tian almost threatened their quota!

"This kid is really lucky. He is actually protected by Elder Long Qingke!"

"Yes, I think that when he defeated Long Bo, he probably had the secret help of Elder Long Qingke. Otherwise, could he have won?"

"This possibility is indeed very high. With his true strength, it should be difficult to defeat Long Bo!"

"Yes, it has never happened before for someone with a foreign surname to come forward in our Holy Land. He is an unprecedented one!"

Facing Jiang Tian, ​​the forty-nine ranked monsters were a little nervous.

Jiang Tian may not be able to threaten the top monsters in front of him, but he will definitely have the biggest impact on them.

at this time!

Jiang Tian scanned the whole place and found that there were only one hundred and ninety people present, and there were ten more who had not yet arrived!

"Those ten people must be the most powerful monsters in the Holy Land!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, extremely curious.

The strength of those people is said to be higher than that of their peers, and they are all extraordinary geniuses!

"Everyone is here, let's go immediately!"


Jiang Tian was quite surprised when he heard this.

There were obviously ten people left, but the elder actually got everything he said.

Where are those ten people now?

at this time!

The leading Holy Land elder sacrificed a flying boat that was no more than a hundred feet long!

This boat is engraved with dazzling dragon patterns and star patterns!

In front of each dragon head, there are one to three star patterns, showing the posture of a dragon playing with a pearl!

It is very different from all the flying boats I have seen before!

Everyone quickly boarded the boat.

When Jiang Tian stepped onto the deck of the flying boat, ten young monsters suddenly walked out of the cabin opposite!

These people wore dazzling dragon-patterned robes of gold, silver, purple, white and other colors. Each one of them was majestic and impressive!

"Look, it's them!"

"Finally saw them!"

"Long Ji, that supreme genius wearing the golden robe is Brother Long Ji!"

"The one wearing the silver robe is Brother Longtu!"

"The purple robe is the sister of the Longzhen clan!"

"They are all extraordinary geniuses who are above us. It is said that their strength is terrifying!"

"We can hardly even defend ourselves against such an opponent!"

"Their strength is not at the same level as ours. It is said that they worked hard to suppress their realm for the trip to Star Ruins!"

While everyone was exclaiming, they were looking at these ten top monsters with excited eyes.

They were seven men and three women!

Just standing there gives people a strong sense of oppression!

"It's really strong!"

Jiang Tian was secretly surprised!

The auras of these people were richer than he imagined, and they were definitely the most advanced beings under the God-creation realm.

He even suspected that some of the more mediocre gods might not be able to suppress these people.

"Everyone has suppressed their realm to the half-step God-making realm, and they have not advanced even if they stay in the Holy Land for several years. What kind of magic power does Star Ruins have?"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, becoming more and more curious about this trip to Xingxu.

These ten monsters obviously have high self-esteem!

Facing the heated discussion of more than a hundred people of the same race, their expressions were pale, and their brows were filled with pride.

"Everyone is here, let's set off immediately!"


The flying boat immediately took off into the sky, carrying ten Holy Land elders and two hundred Xingxu monsters and fleeing in the air.

"So fast!"

Jiang Tian was shocked by the speed of the flying boat!


too fast!

The body shape is only a hundred feet long, which is the level of ordinary flying boats.

But its speed was much, much faster than any spaceship he had ever seen!

"This is the dragon-patterned star boat, an escape weapon specially prepared by the family for the trip to the Star Ruins!"

Long Qingke came to Jiang Tian and explained Feizhou's situation to him with a smile.

"At this speed, how long will it take to reach Xingxu?" Jiang Tian asked.

Long Qingke shook his head: "This flying boat can't reach Star Ruins!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian was stunned!

"Don't be surprised! Although this flying boat is specially prepared for the trip to Star Ruins, it can't reach Star Ruins by itself. It will send us to the nearest star pit!"

"What is the star pit?" Jiang Tian asked.

"We can think of it as a space passage. We will enter the star pit and then reach another mysterious space. After traveling for a few days, we will reach the star ruins!" Long Qingke said.

"It takes several days to reach the mysterious space through the star crater!"

Jiang Tian was quite surprised.

Before this, he didn't know much about the situation in Xingxu.

But now that he knew something about it, he found that the trip to Xingxu was far more complicated than he thought!

The travel time alone is very long!

Long Qingke pointed to the flying boat at his feet and said: "Although this flying boat looks ugly, in the True Dragon Family, it is the only one that can take us to the star pit. If we use another flying boat, it won't even be able to reach the star pit!"

"Oh, what's so special about it?" Jiang Tian asked.

"You must have seen the star pattern on its surface. Let me tell you, it is not just a decoration. It is a special spiritual pattern made of extremely rare star stones, or small magic circles. !”

"That's it!" Jiang Tian nodded, thoughtfully.

"These magic formations may seem small, but they were actually created by the family's senior weapon refining masters, senior formation masters, and spiritual talisman masters. They spent a lot of effort to refine them!"

"Been taught a lesson!"

Jiang Tian cupped his hands and thanked him.

"It doesn't matter, compared to the entire heritage of the True Dragon Family, this is just the tip of the iceberg. When you come back, you will have the opportunity to learn more!

Star Market is an extremely dangerous place. You must be extremely careful when you get there and never let down your guard at all times!

In addition to the various strange and unpredictable dangers in Star Ruins itself, you also have to be wary of these companions, especially those super geniuses with extremely powerful combat powers, as well as other super monsters who have entered Star Ruins! "

"Who are the other forces?" Jiang Tian was curious.

Before this, he did not know the true situation of the trip to Xingxu.

Now I know that Star Ruins is not the exclusive property of the True Dragon Family!

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