"It's hard to say, but there is no doubt that the background of the forces that can enter the Star Ruins will not be worse than that of the True Dragon Family!"

"Wait a minute! With all due respect, the True Dragon Family is already the top force in the Dao domain. There shouldn't be too many such forces, but from what the elders say, there seems to be quite a few of them?"

Long Qingke shook his head and sneered: "You are right, the True Dragon Family is indeed one of the top forces in the Dao Domain, but the forces that enter the Star Ruins are not all from the Dao Domain, and there are many from There are powerful forces at the edge of the Dao Domain and some mysterious areas, and there will even be people from other small and medium-sized interfaces mixed in!"

"So complicated?"

Jiang Tian was greatly surprised!

As a result, the danger of Star Ruins will increase dramatically, and the situation he and these monsters will face may be beyond imagination.

"You can understand that the situation in Xingxu will only be more weird, dangerous and complicated than what I described, and it will never be easier!"

"I understand, thank you elder for your guidance!" Jiang Tian raised his hands in thanks.

"It doesn't have to be like this. Although you are not the most powerful monster in the True Dragon Family, I am optimistic about your potential. In time, your achievements will not be worse than those ten extraordinary geniuses. But the most important thing in the Star Ruins is to save your life. Try not to do things that you are not sure about or that are beyond your capabilities. As long as you can come back alive, it is the greatest victory!"

After Long Qingke said that, he turned around and walked into the cabin.

Jiang Tian stood there, silently meditating.

When he first arrived at the True Dragon Holy Land, he originally thought that Star Ruins was just a relatively dangerous secret realm, but now it seems that it is far from that simple!

"That's right! I forgot to remind you about something!"

Long Qingke's spiritual sound transmission suddenly rang in his ears!

"Senior, please speak!"

"If possible, you can strive to break that big barrier in the Star Ruins, because when you advance there, the increase in strength you gain will be beyond imagination. This is why the monsters around you are sharpening their heads to enter the Star Ruins. Ruins, and the reason why he has been struggling to suppress his realm!"

"Understood!" Jiang Tian nodded.


A storage ring suddenly appeared out of the void and landed in his palm.

"Advancing to the God-making realm is not easy. Although you seem to have absorbed a certain God-making artistic conception, for the sake of safety, I have made some preparations for you. Take it with you and seize the opportunity!"

"Thank you, elder!"

Jiang Tian thanked him again.

Then take a look at this storage ring!

There are several deep-breathing elixirs inside, as well as several special talismans.

In addition, there is a golden dragon scale with an obscure aura!

Needless to say, elixirs and talismans are definitely healing and life-saving things.

And the obscure aura of this golden dragon scale exudes some kind of bloody aura, as well as a powerful god-making artistic conception!

This was obviously a big gift from Long Qingke to him!

Jiang Tian put away the storage ring and came to the front of the deck to look from a distance.

at the same time!

The central area of ​​the True Dragon Holy Land!

Dragon Stone Girl stretched her waist and walked out of the quasi-divine vein cave!

She has been sleeping for several days, and this time her breathing was much stronger than before!

"How many days have I been asleep?"

Long Shinu tried to count the days with her rough fingers.

But soon she gave up!

This thing is too brain-consuming, it’s better to sleep!

At this moment, she heard the discussion of several monsters on the opposite mountain peak.

"Jiang Tian really went to Xingxu!"

"This is too exaggerated. This has never happened in our True Dragon Holy Land!"

"There's no need to make a fuss. He squeezed in reluctantly, and he's not really strong. It's hard to say whether he can come back!"

"But once you come back, it will be terrible!"

Hearing these people's discussions, Long Shinu was shocked!


She jumped up and hit the opposite mountain peak like a huge boulder falling from the sky.

Knocked everyone to the ground!

"What are you talking about? Brother Jiang Clan went to Xingxu. When did it happen?"

Everyone was angry and wanted to take action, but when they saw the fierce aura of the Dragon Stone Girl, they immediately turned off the flames!

"Dragon Stone Girl, you have become stronger again!"

"Your bloodline is really enviable!"

"How great would it be if I had a talent like you?"

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me about Brother Jiang!"

Dragon Stone Girl shouted loudly!

The other party did not dare to neglect, and quickly told her that Jiang Tian had obtained the quota and successfully went to Xingxu.

"Damn it! It's actually true. Brother Jiang is too strong!"

"By the way, tell me, how many days did I sleep in total during this retreat?"

When she asked this question, everyone stared blankly, and everyone was speechless!

"How many days have you been asleep? How do we know?"

"It's going to be several days anyway. You don't even know. Is it useful to ask us?"

"We don't watch you every day!"

Everyone took the opportunity to vent their inner frustrations.

Dragon Stone Girl grinned: "Hey, you're right, I'd better ask someone else!"


Dragon Stone Girl jumped up and returned to the mountain peak where the quasi-divine vein was located.

"Where's Long Lin, Long Lin, come out quickly!"

Long Shinu shouted towards Long Lin's cave.

After a while, there was a response!

"Dragon Stone Girl, I am practicing hard in seclusion. When the critical moment comes, don't interrupt me!"

Long Lin's voice was mixed with annoyance.

"Don't be so damn wordy. If you don't want to come out, then I'll have to invite you out!"

"What? Don't come over!"

Long Lin was shocked!

How could he be interrupted when his cultivation reaches a critical stage?

So, he immediately put up a forbidden barrier in an attempt to stop the Dragon Stone Girl.

But it was shattered by Dragon Stone Girl's punch!

"Long Lin, get out of here!"


Long Shinu took Long Lin out and threw him at the entrance of the cave.

Then he asked: "Tell me, how many days have I been in retreat this time?"

"You interrupted my practice just to ask this question?"

Long Lin was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

Sister, can't you explain it clearly at once?

Do I need to interrupt my practice just because of this small problem?

I had just reached a critical moment, but your arrival immediately interrupted my state!

Long Lin was extremely angry, but he didn't dare to vent.

Because Dragon Stone Girl is stronger than him, the gap between the two is even wider than last time!

He was practicing hard day and night, but Long Shinu only slept for a few days before making such a progress.

Thinking of this, he wanted to bang his head against the wall!

"I'm convinced, Dragon Stone Girl. I'm really convinced. You should have been sleeping for three or four days!"

"Three or four days! It's amazing that Brother Jiang Clan can get a spot in the Star Market in such a short period of time!"

Long Shinu praised Jiang Tian repeatedly and admired Jiang Tian so much that she fell to the ground.

"Are you satisfied? I'm going back to practice. Don't bother me again!"

Long Lin said bitterly and prepared to return to the cave to practice.

"What's the rush? Come back here!"

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