Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7285 Long Zhen

As for other people who were interested in Lei Yunfeng, they all stopped.

Dragon Stone Girl is here. They obviously can't grab this place. If they try to grab it forcefully, they are asking for trouble.

A few days later!

A group of people from the True Dragon Family arrived at the star pit in a dragon-patterned star boat!

"Look, the star pit is here!"

"Is this the star crater? It's so spectacular!"

All the monsters came to the deck and stared at a huge pit in front of them!

This is not an ordinary giant pit, nor is it a depression in the ground!

Instead, it is a strange giant pit suspended in the air and spanning the void!

There is a huge depression at the bottom of the entire pit, but there is no substance around it to rely on!

The whole body exudes the light of stars, as if it is composed of countless stars!

The scope is so large that it is hundreds of thousands of feet long!

"What a star pit!"

Jiang Tian also came to the deck to watch carefully.

The star crater looks majestic and mysterious, and reveals some kind of chilling horror!

If you look at it a few more times, you will feel like you are about to fall in.

Many dragon monsters were gasping for air, some were even restless, and various illusions appeared in the divine sea.

"Please wake up!"

A voice like a bell sounded, coming from the aristocratic elder who led the team!

His voice, mixed with the will of the God-creating realm, blasted into the sea gods, restoring their clarity.


The monsters who woke up gasped again and looked at the star pit with eyes full of fear.

"The star pit is a special passage. Along this passage, you can reach the star ruins all the way. Be careful, go back to the cabin and don't come out!"


Everyone was stunned!

They really wanted to take this opportunity to see the scene of the flying boat entering the star pit.

Why did the elder let them go back?

"The power of the star pit is extremely terrifying. When you enter it later, the flying boat will open the star pattern shield, but it is still not foolproof. If you don't want to die, go back as soon as possible!"


Everyone was shocked and immediately returned to the cabin.

At this time, there was a person walking slowly.

It’s none other than Jiang Tian!

Not only did he walk slowly, but he also looked back at the star pit from time to time!

"Well, why are you..." the leading elder was about to scold.

"Let me do it!"

Long Qingke interrupted his colleagues and came to Jiang Tian.

"Jiang Tian, ​​why are you still stunned? You don't seem to be afraid of this star pit?"

Long Qingke has been paying attention to Jiang Tian.

I just saw that he didn't have any strange reaction when he stared at the star pit, which was really strange!

You know, even those extraordinary geniuses who are above their peers can only hold on for a little longer than others.

But I don’t dare to stare at it for a long time, let alone linger over it again and again!

Is Jiang Tian really not afraid?

Jiang Tian shook his head and said, "It just looks a little mysterious!"


Long Qingke was stunned!

The star pit that frightened others turned out to be just a bit mysterious in Jiang Tian's eyes, leaving him somewhat speechless.

"Go back to the cabin. The star pattern shield will be opened soon. Even us elders don't dare to stay on the deck!"


Jiang Tian nodded, then turned and walked back to the cabin.

And this scene inevitably attracted the attention of other monsters!

"How could he be destined to star pit for so long, and he doesn't seem to be afraid?"

"Maybe it's just pretending?"

"I don't think so. I just observed his reaction. When he looked at the star pit, he didn't have the cautious reaction we have at all!"

"That's too weird!"

Many monsters were surprised when they saw Jiang Tian walking into the cabin with a calm face.

At this time, even the ten super monsters who were above the level in the upper cabin couldn't help but look at him with side eyes!

"This Jiang Tian is interesting!" Long Huang had a strange smile on his face, a pair of red eyes shining with mysterious light.

"It seems that he is indeed not afraid of the special power of the star pit. This person may be qualified to become one of us!"

Long Tu spoke lightly. There were eye-catching golden dragon patterns on both sides of his cheeks.

"Even if he can become one of us, that will happen in the future. You don't need to pay too much attention to him during this trip to Xingxu."

Long Ji spoke indifferently, his face expressionless.

There is a single golden horn on the top of his head, giving people an extremely sharp and unfathomable feeling.

Their strength is almost the same, they are both superb monsters who are superior to their peers.

His status in the True Dragon Family is currently equivalent to that of half an elder.

One of their goals for this trip to Star Ruins is to take the opportunity to break through and enter the realm of God Creation!

After the trip to Xingxu is over, they will be officially promoted to family elders.

In time, he will enter the core of power of the True Dragon Family and become a superpower who controls the destiny of the ethnic group!

In their eyes, ordinary Holy Land monsters, even Star Ruins monsters in the lower cabin, are not on the same level at all.

"I think this boy should not be underestimated. After all, he has broken many records in the Holy Land since he arrived. In fact, he is unprecedented!"

Long Zhen spoke leisurely.

Her face was covered with a layer of white stuff, like a "gauze net"!

But in fact, this is not a veil, but a bloodline characteristic that distinguishes her from others.

Just like the dragon pattern on Long Tu's face and the horn on Long Ji's head, this is her innate symbol!

"Long Zhen, you have been wearing this veil since the first time I saw you. When will you take it off for everyone to see?"

Long Xiao looked at Long Zhen with provocative eyes and said frivolously.


Before he could finish his words, a violent roar suddenly started!

Everyone was shocked!

The source of the sound is none other than Long Zhen himself!

She seems to be particularly sensitive to this matter, and her eyes are already showing murderous intent at this moment, staring at Long Xiao opposite!

"Do you dare to say it again?"

Long Xiao was also shocked!

I didn't expect her to react so much!

"Oh shit, this was just a joke. Why did you react so loudly? I'll take back what I just said!"

Long Xiao was speechless.

But he looked a little funny, even in this speechless state, he still had a smile on his face.

"Some jokes are not allowed!"

Long Zhen's tone was extremely cold, as if the temperature in the cabin dropped sharply!

"That's right, you don't know which words you say will touch other people's bottom line, so it's better to keep your jokes to a minimum!"

Long Ji expressed his support for Long Zhen.

"Ahem, okay, I'll just say it casually, I was careless!"

Long Xiao bowed his hands and apologized, then said no more.

It's not that he's afraid of Long Zhen, but it's not appropriate to do anything in the Dragon Marked Star Boat.

Otherwise, it will definitely lead to angry rebuke or even suppression from the elders!

These ten super monsters are seven men and three women!

Logically speaking, the three women should be relatively close.

But that’s not the case at all!

The other two women did not stand with Long Zhen. Their appearance, talent and cultivation were among the best among their peers.

But it seems that he and Long Zhen have nothing in common!

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