Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7286 Targeted!

They didn't participate in the topic just now, they just watched quietly, acting very indifferent.

"Jiang Tian is a very extraordinary person!"

After a moment, Long Zhen suddenly broke the silence, which immediately attracted everyone's attention!

"Well, you are so concerned about this person with a foreign surname?"

"Long Zhen, this doesn't fit in with your usual style!"

Everyone looked at Long Zhen with surprise on their faces.

Long Zhen gave people the impression that she was always serious in speech.

Why are you so special to Jiang Tian?

Long Zhen sneered: "Because I feel a challenge and threat from him that I have never experienced before!"


"Really or not, you're not just joking, are you?"

Everyone didn’t believe it!

Although Jiang Tian broke records all the way and entered the Xingxu list, there was not much that made him stand out in their eyes.

So I didn't pay any special attention to him.

Even if Jiang Tian stopped on the deck just now, they didn't care. They just glanced at him and ignored him.

"Haha, if I really have a chance, I would like to see how special this Jiang Tian is?"

Long Xiao looked disdainful, as if he was worried about what happened just now.

This time, Long Zhen ignored him.


At this moment, there was a strange buzzing sound coming from outside the cabin!

A dazzling golden magic circle suddenly lit up, covering the entire flying boat in an instant!

At the same time, a majestic voice sounded!

"The star pattern shield will be opened soon, everyone be prepared!"

"The moment the star pattern shield is opened, everyone should gather their blood and spiritual power. Don't make any unnecessary resistance, let alone do some meaningless things because you are smart!"

This sound hit everyone's ears like thunder, shocking everyone!

The cabin of the dragon pattern starship is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

The top level is used by the elders, and the middle level is used by ten super monsters!

The remaining one hundred and ninety monsters gathered on the bottom floor.

At this time, the monsters who heard the elder's reminder all had solemn faces, even a little nervous.

Concentrate your bloodline spiritual power immediately and prepare to deal with the impact of the star pattern shield!

"Jiang Tian, ​​there is no need to panic. The monsters of this clan have practiced this situation many times. You missed the practice time, but as long as you follow the elder's instructions, you will be fine!"

"Thank you, elder, for reminding me!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, and then prepared to gather his bloodline spiritual power.

But at this moment, Long Qingke suddenly exclaimed!

"Hey, why so fast? It's broken, it's too late..."


Long Qingke's words were interrupted by a violent roar!

While he was speaking, most of the dragon monsters had already gathered their bloodline spiritual power and entered a special state.

In this state, the power of the star pattern shield has no effect on them.

But there are a few people who paid the price for their slow response!

Boom, boom, boom!


There were strange strange sounds coming from these people's bodies, blood spurted out wildly, their auras surged, and then suddenly dropped!

At the same time, a formation pattern made of intertwined starlight appeared on the surface of the dragon pattern starship. The aura was far stronger than the previous golden light!

"Oh?" Jiang Tian was shocked!

Obviously, these people are absolutely uncomfortable and have even been seriously injured!

It cast a shadow over their trip to Star Market!

"Damn it! What the hell are you guys doing?"

The elder's angry roar came from the cabin on the top floor, ringing in everyone's ears like thunder!

Obviously, the elders in the God-making realm are not affected by the star pattern shield.

They can still freely mobilize powerful forces!

The faces of those slow-reacting monsters were extremely ugly. They were hurt and scolded, and their mood was really bad!

At the same time, Long Qingke was paying attention to Jiang Tian's condition!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you...eh?"

Long Qingke's spiritual thoughts focused on Jiang Tian, ​​and he was shocked!

Jiang Tian didn't even confine his bloodline spiritual power!

It seems that it was too late after all.

But then he was shocked!

Because Jiang Tian did not suffer as badly as he imagined, and his breath was only slightly turbulent!

"Jiang Tian, ​​what's the matter with you?" Long Qingke asked immediately.

But then he explained: "Don't misunderstand, I mean, you don't seem to be affected by the star pattern shield. Why is that?"

Long Qingke was deeply surprised!

Even the ten super monsters in the middle cabin didn't dare to support him, but Jiang Tian was not affected.

This is so strange!

"I'm not sure. Anyway, the power of the star pattern shield doesn't seem to have much impact on me."

Jiang Tian said thoughtfully.

"It's amazing!"

Long Qingke was even more surprised!

The power of the star pattern shield is indeed not a threat to a powerful God-creator like him, but it has a great impact on warriors below the God-creator realm.

Those young monsters just now were severely injured because of their slow reaction.

Jiang Tian was not affected, which was really surprising.

But at the same time, it also surprised him!

This means that Jiang Tian has greater potential.

Maybe he really has some kind of unknown super trump card?

Long Qingke was secretly excited!

The greater Jiang Tian's potential, the greater the rewards he will receive in the future.

In this round, he really made the right bet!

Long Qingke suppressed his thoughts and said with a smile: "Although it has no impact, you can't be too careless. In short, it's better to be careful!"

"Thank you, elder, for reminding me!"

Jiang Tian nodded in thanks.

At the same time, there were some cold eyes in the corner of Feizhou looking at him silently!

These are some monsters from the dragon clan, they obviously have bad intentions!

"Am I wrong? He seems to be unaffected by the opening of the star pattern shield?"

"You read that right, I also discovered this problem!"

"Even the ten brothers and sisters who are above the level dare not neglect the power of the star pattern shield, but this person with a foreign surname can handle it with ease. It is indeed not easy!"

"Maybe he has some special trump card?"

"Mostly yes, I just don't know if this trump card is a rare treasure, a talisman, or something else?"

"That's okay, but I'm afraid his trump card is some kind of special bloodline!"


Speaking of this, their eyes burst out with strange light!

Any magic weapon or talisman is always a foreign object to these top monsters from the True Dragon Family.

And only strong bloodline is what they truly rely on.

Jiang Tian's realm is the same as theirs, but he can ignore the pressure of the star pattern shield. If this ability is really some kind of blood talent, it would be so enviable!

If they can obtain this ability, their bloodline potential and cultivation potential will definitely increase significantly.

The good things that will come in the future are absolutely hard to estimate!


"No need to say anything, just let everyone understand it tacitly!"

"It's just a person with a foreign surname, we have nothing to worry about!"

"This will be our first harvest after entering Star Market!"

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