Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7309 Is there another one?


Jiang Tian gave up the idea instantly!

That's not another one, it's still the same one!

After it passed in front of Jiang Tian, ​​it turned a corner and came back again!


Jiang Tian drove the flying boat furiously, trying to get rid of the giant creature's sucking force.

But Yin Zhou escaped not far away, and his speed dropped sharply again, even slower than before!

Jiang Tian decisively used the "Void Transformation Formation"!


The purple formation suddenly lit up, and the people and the boat were teleported hundreds of thousands of feet away, leaving the giant creature far behind.

Jiang Tian felt slightly relieved.

He turned around and looked back, but his face was still solemn!

The giant thing didn't give up and was still flying towards him.

There are even signs of acceleration!


Jiang Tian felt very strange!

When this giant creature saw him fleeing far away, it immediately sped up to catch up. It was obviously very strange!

He instantly realized that something was wrong with the giant thing, maybe it was hiding some kind of secret!

But now is not the time to be curious. The giant thing is too huge, equivalent to a super giant city.

It is obviously not a wise move to confront such a being!

"Void Formation!"


Purple formations suddenly appeared, and people and boats escaped hundreds of thousands of feet again.

Jiang Tian stood still and turned around to look back!

Seeing that the giant thing began to slow down and showed no signs of accelerating to catch up, I was relieved.

"Let's go!"

A gentle tap on the foot urged the silver boat to move forward.

But the next moment, his expression changed drastically!

"not good!"

A huge shadow struck from the front, so fast that he was caught off guard!

There was a loud bang!

The seemingly indestructible silver boat exploded!

At the same time, the afterimage left by Jiang Tian was also shattered!

Jiang Tian himself, after several lightning-fast teleportations, activated the void formation and escaped far away.

It wasn't until he had escaped hundreds of feet away that he turned around and looked back, feeling terrified in his heart!

"what is that?"

Looking intently, two giant objects suddenly appeared in the void opposite!

They are equally huge and look almost identical!

"There are actually two?"

Jiang Tian was shocked and horrified!

I didn’t expect there to be two of these things!

He was suddenly shocked again!

Since there are two, will there be three, four, or more?

Thinking of this, he immediately looked around, and at the same time let go of his mind to investigate.

Fortunately, no more have been found yet!

But in fact, if there is a giant attack, spiritual exploration is of little significance.

Because of the terrifying speed of the giant object, after the divine sense sensed it, it was already too late to react.

"What on earth is this?"

Jiang Tian is getting more and more strange!

Two giant objects, each one is extremely huge, like two super giant cities.

The speed is extremely fast!

The half-step god-creating monster who seemed to be powerful was almost like a piece of clay made of paper in front of it, with no power to contend against it.

Even trying to avoid it is extremely difficult!

What exactly is this thing?

All kinds of bizarre speculations came to Jiang Tian's mind.

But there is no doubt that they are not lifeless things like other fragments!

Judging from the situation just now, they seem to have some kind of intelligence!

"The interior of the Star Ruins is truly bizarre and incredible!"

At this moment, Jiang Tian couldn't help but become extremely curious about the giant thing.

At the same time, the two giants were tracking him again, spreading out from left to right in a pincer attack!


Jiang Tian's eyelids twitched, but this time he did not avoid it.

The speed of the giant object is quite fast. Although he can avoid it with the formation of void formation, continuing to hide like this is not an option after all.

To completely eliminate these two threats, we must understand their details.

"Come on, let me see what's so weird about you!"


Jiang Tian immediately activated the void formation and took the initiative to rush towards the two giants.

But they were so big that he could only probe one at a time.


After the distance was shortened, Jiang Tian used the void formation again and took the initiative to land on the giant object.

At this time, the giant creature's sucking power was still very strong.

Invisible pressure was like huge mountains pressing on him!

The powerful physical body of the True Dragon Overlord is also feeling tremendous pressure at this moment!

"No wonder those people can't escape. This sucking power alone is not something that ordinary half-step gods can resist!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, his expression extremely solemn.

With the help of the void formation, he could land calmly on the surface of the giant object, directly eliminating the risk of collision with the giant object.

But the sucking power emanating from the giant thing cannot be ignored!

"Space spiritual power is rising!"


Jiang Tian mobilized the spiritual power of space to form a protection on the body surface to resist the sucking power of the giant.

It works really well!

Under the isolation of space spiritual power, he could hardly feel the pressure of the giant object.

But he quickly withdrew his spatial spiritual power!

Because he discovered that the sucking power of the giant creature was an excellent exercise for his body.

He can completely use this huge suction power to strengthen his true dragon body!

His physical body has already reached its bottleneck, but there is still a long way to go before the final transformation.

Perhaps these two giants are opportunities for physical advancement!

At worst, it can also be used as an introduction to transformation!

Boom, boom, boom!

Jiang Tian was under heavy pressure, and every time he took a step, he had to expend ten times and a hundred times the usual effort.

If it were anyone else, they would have fallen into despair after just three or five steps and would have no energy left!

But for him, this is not a big problem!

The powerful physical body of the True Dragon Tyrant allows him to walk on the surface of giant objects without consuming bloodline spiritual power.

Although it takes a little more effort, the effect on the physical body is also extremely obvious!

Rumble... bang, click!

"not good!"

Jiang Tian turned his head and saw another giant thing approaching!

The two giants are about to collide!

At this moment, even if he activates the void formation, he may not be able to escape completely!

In desperation, he violently activated his true dragon body and fell towards the surface of the giant thing!


A scene that surprised him appeared!

The surface of the giant object is extremely hard, and it cannot be broken through with the strength of the physical body alone!

Jiang Tian's expression changed, he decisively activated the Void Dominance and sank downwards!


This time, the surface of the giant object was forcibly broken open by him.

Before the two giants could attack together, Jiang Tian sank dozens of feet downward!


The power of the giant attack was extremely terrifying, and it directly shook Jiang Tian, ​​who was not yet firmly on his feet, to pieces and almost fainted!

"Hiss!" Jiang Tian took a breath!

The physical body suffered an unprecedented impact, the bloodline spiritual power continued to vibrate, and the breath rose and fell wildly!

But he also discovered that the hardness underneath the giant object was obviously not as high as the surface.

The combined force of the two giants caused terrifying cracks to open on their surfaces, spreading downwards to a depth of thousands of feet!

Jiang Tian's expression changed!

Understand that it’s not safe here!

If such a combined attack happens again, he might be crushed into a meat pie!


Jiang Tian sank down again.

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