Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7310 Physical advancement!

This time, he did not need to use his Void Overlord Body, he could fall smoothly with only the power of his physical body.

After repeating it several times, he had fallen into the giant object more than a thousand feet deep!

And the further down you go, the more bizarre the scene becomes!

The inside of the giant thing is hot and soft, far less scary than the surface!


Jiang Tian glanced around and was shocked!

Judging from the situation in front of us, this giant is not only as simple as intelligence, it is even a special life form!

"Fall again!"

Jiang Tian sank again and again among the giant objects. After sinking for an unknown amount of time, his feet suddenly became loose!


He actually fell into a huge spiritual pool!

It is surrounded by transparent spiritual liquid, and there are pipes of various sizes connected inside!

The large pipes are over a hundred feet thick, while the small pipes are as thick as an arm!

They criss-cross and form a huge three-dimensional network!

"As expected!"

Jiang Tian was in great spirits!

His guess came true!

This giant thing is not as simple as it seems on the surface, but a huge life form!

As for what it was, he couldn't tell now.

Because the people and monsters he has seen, as well as the psychic demon tree in the past, are not so bizarre!

And what it is is no longer important!

The important thing is that he has now arrived at the heart of this giant, and no longer needs to face its powerful external threats!

Bang bang, bang... boom!

There were dull crashing sounds in his ears, and waves of waves came from him.

But after arriving inside this giant thing, the huge power has dropped sharply, and in the end it can only make slight ripples in the surrounding spiritual liquid.

"Sure enough, the most dangerous place is the safest place!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but sneer!

So far, there are two giants.

They kept banging against each other, trying to suppress him, the intruder.

But he is in the heart of the giant, and is not affected by external forces at all.

So he didn't pay any attention to what was going on outside.

"No matter who you are, you are now my prey!"

Jiang Tian tried to swallow and refine the spiritual liquid around him!

But he soon discovered that this was somewhat inefficient, so he stretched out his arms and activated his blood-devouring talent!



Two rays of purple light spit out wildly, like two purple dragons raging in the heart of the giant!

Next, a horrifying scene appeared!

As the purple light spread, the spiritual liquid inside the giant object began to shrink rapidly!

Immediately afterwards, red-yellow liquid began to pour in from those huge pipes.

With him as the center, a huge whirlpool of spiritual fluid quickly formed!

"Faster, faster!"


Violent roars resounded all around, and the speed of the spiritual liquid vortex was getting faster and faster, but at the same time, they were also shrinking sharply.

It changes ten times, becomes one thing every ten times, and evolves into a concentrated essence of blood!

Bang bang, click... boom!

Aware of this terrible crisis, the giant couldn't hold his breath!

The two giant objects collided with each other crazily, trying to stop Jiang Tian's methods.

But Jiang Tian was not affected at all, and his blood-devouring talent was pushed to the extreme.

As time passed, the giant gradually stopped struggling.

All the blood essences gathered into a small spiritual lake, suspended around Jiang Tian.

Looking at this red-yellow spiritual lake that was nearly a hundred feet in size, Jiang Tian was stunned!

"so much?"

This was the concentrated and purified blood essence, and the quantity really shocked him!

But considering the size of the giant thing, which is comparable to a super giant city, it makes sense.



Jiang Tian's arms shook together, and the essence of Baizhang's blood turned into two torrents and poured into his body.

It lasted longer than he imagined!

This is definitely the highest level and largest quantity of bloodline essence that he has ever swallowed, bar none!

Although I don’t know what this giant thing is, its effect is definitely beyond imagination!

Boom... boom!

The moment the blood essence entered the body, a huge wave of blood surged in Jiang Tian's body!

The violent pressure rippled in all directions, and there was a violent explosion all around!

Bang, click... Bang, bang, bang, boom!

Looking around, there are dried up pipes and veins that are collapsing and breaking!

After these things broke, Jiang Tian saw a huge dry shell!

At this time, he seemed to be in a huge dry coconut!

This feeling is very weird!

The blood essence was split into two, and half poured into the Purple Mystic Realm.

The other half merged into his blood, causing waves of fluctuations!

"Are you going to advance?"

Jiang Tian's eyes brightened with great anticipation!

The effect of this supplement must be beyond imagination, so he was not surprised to advance.

But the next moment, he was stunned!

The imaginary advancement did not come. Instead, his physical strength increased rapidly, showing signs of advancement.

"Physical breakthrough?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

He originally expected to advance in cultivation, but he did not expect that the physical bottleneck would loosen in the first step.

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian did not hesitate!

Breaking through in such a giant is a relatively safe choice for him.

With the strong shell of the giant, it can at least avoid the impact of countless boulder fragments.

"What will happen after the True Dragon Overlord advances?"

Jiang Tian didn't understand this, but moving forward was his only belief!


Rumble, rumble!


hold head high!

The purple light all over Jiang Tian surged, and the physical pressure exploded crazily.

Huge waves of flesh rippled inside his body and spread rapidly in the giant space!

Bang bang bang... click!

Strange sounds came from Jiang Tian's body, as if his meridians were breaking and his bones were collapsing!

But soon, these abnormal noises were overshadowed by waves of strange buzzing!

At the same time, a melodious or high-pitched dragon roar sounded!

Jiang Tian's physical bottleneck began to disintegrate inch by inch, and the physical bottleneck collapsed layer by layer!

"True Dragon Tyrant Body, rush for me!"

Jiang Tian roared crazily, and blazing light surged out of his body!

The true dragon body, which had already reached the critical point but had been unable to break through, finally broke free at this moment and erupted like a volcano!

hold head high!


Dragon roars came out from his body one after another, like the eternal dragon making a majestic declaration!

The power of the bloodline of the Barbarian Blood Divine Dragon also exploded at this moment, turning into torrents of bloodline, fueling his physical transformation!

An unprecedented power filled his body, as if his entire being had been reshaped!

Reborn, it seems, is not enough to describe this breakthrough!

Time passes slowly!

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Tian's breath began to decline and gradually stabilized!

At this moment, nine huge purple dragon shadows were hovering outside him!

They have majestic faces and ferocious shapes, exuding indescribable terrifying dragon power!

Jiang Tian's body is covered with countless purple-gold scales, and his whole body looks like a real dragon, exuding the sacred purple-gold light!

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