Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7403 Blood Hunting Island

"Fortunately, my bloodline is strong enough, otherwise I would be out of place!"

Jiang Tian let out a sullen breath.

I am glad that I have the super powerful bloodline of the Barbarian Blood Dragon and the unique talent of bloodline devouring.

Otherwise, it would have been extremely difficult for him to improve his strength along the way!

But thinking about it carefully, he should be content.

After all, there may be people like him who can swallow monsters, dragons and blood essences without any scruples, whether in the upper and lower realms of the blood realm, or in the Dao realm, or the middle realm, without worrying about suffering backlash, but there are definitely not many. !

Jiang Tian grabbed all the storage rings and threw them into the Zixuan Realm.

Then he escaped from Tianyuan City.

Take Xue Maple and move on!

The result of this soul search gave him a small surprise!

The three old men in blood robes are newly recruited guests from the Holy Blood Palace, and they are here to carry out an ambush mission.

The target is the elders and others of the Blood King Palace!

These two forces seem to have some connection with him!

The branch of the former in the Lower Domain is none other than the Blood Saint Sect!

The latter is the force of the Blood Madness Heaven that he once summoned with the Blood Sacrifice Ancestral Technique!

"Blood King Palace, Blood Madness Heaven? What a coincidence!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

After the blood shadow clone of Xue Kuang Tian arrived, he wanted to recruit him to join the Blood King Palace.

But he refused!

Unexpectedly, now that I came to the Blood Realm, I would be related to this force again.

But now he understands how strong the Blood King Palace’s foundation is!

The foundation of such a force is probably even higher than that of the True Dragon Family in the Tao Domain!

"True Dragon Family!"

Jiang Tian looked into the distant sky, thoughtfully.

He entered the Star Ruins from the True Dragon Family, and now he came to the Blood Realm from the Star Ruins.

As for how to return to Xingxu, it is still unknown!

But there is no doubt that it is not too difficult for the strong men of these forces in the Blood Realm to enter the Star Ruins.

Therefore, it shouldn't be too difficult for him to return.

But that’s for later!

Now, he has only two goals:

One is Yinxu Kunmu!

The other one is the Blood Realm Dragon Clan!


According to the results of the soul search, Jiang Tian went straight to the nearest Holy Blood Temple stronghold!

The nearest branch of the Holy Blood Temple is located on Blood Seeking Island!

Guarded by a large forbidden formation, there are many Peak Blood Emperors stationed on the island, and their strength far exceeds that of the Blood Saint Sect in the Lower Blood Realm!


Soon after Jiang Tian left!

Suddenly three blood rainbows came rushing out!

Where the blood rainbow paused, three figures appeared.

An old man in blood robes, two middle-aged men in blood robes, with strong auras!

Looking at the remaining spiritual power around him, the old man in blood robe gradually frowned, with a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

"It's too late after all!" The old man sighed, with a chill in his eyes.

"The people in the Holy Blood Temple are indeed insidious and cunning. You shouldn't have believed them in the first place!"

"That's unreasonable! I knew they were not sincere, but how dare they?"


The two middle-aged men in blood robes clenched their fists tightly and were filled with murderous intent!

Although I had known that the people in the Holy Blood Temple were cunning and had no faith at all.

But judging from the agreement reached by both parties and the balance of power, the other party should not dare to take action wantonly.

Unexpectedly, I still miscalculated!

The old man in blood robe shook his head: "I didn't believe them at first, but I didn't expect them to be so rampant, calculated mentally and unintentionally. Even if they don't fall into the ambush this time, they won't be able to escape the trap next time!"

"I let them take advantage this time. Next time I must make them pay back twice as much!"

The old man shook his head slowly: "I'm afraid the people from the Holy Blood Palace didn't take advantage of that much!"

"Oh?" The two attendants were stunned!


The old man pointed to a ruins where there were three corpses.

All turned into mummies!

As for their colleagues, most of their bodies are gone!

"Hey, they are from the Holy Blood Temple!"

"It's weird, who were they killed by?"

The two middle-aged men in blood robes looked hesitant.

It was obvious that their colleagues were ambushed and all died.

But why did the three people in the Holy Blood Temple also die, and why did they die in such weird ways?

"The mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole follows behind!" the old man said in a deep voice.

"Who is it?" The two were confused.

Is there a third party involved in this matter?

But this method is really strange!

For blood warriors, the method of sucking the essence and blood of others is not surprising.

But it is extremely rare to directly turn people into mummies like this and leave behind several mummies in excellent condition!

"I have a feeling..." The old man in blood robe hesitated to speak.

"What does it feel like?"

"Come with me!"


The old man in blood robe waved his hand, and the three of them fled forward again.

Blood Island!

The Holy Blood Temple is located in a stronghold near Tianyuan City, less than a million miles away from the two sides.


Purple light flashed in the void, and Jiang Tian stood in the air, overlooking the island.

The phantom eye is opened, and a faint blood shield is hidden in the void. It is the forbidden formation of this island!

Jiang Tian took out a bloody token and threw it forward!


The token was blocked by the formation, but as the essence and blood on it dripped, a bloody ripple appeared in the formation.

The token then fell downwards, opening a passage!


Jiang Tian's body swayed and he rushed into the island instantly.

According to the soul search results, there are more than a hundred strong men from the Holy Blood Palace in this stronghold.

More than thirty of them are peak blood kings!

The rest are all late-stage Blood Emperors.

Such a lineup is enough to crush ten Blood Saint Sects!

Because they are both peak blood kings, the people who grew up in the Heaven Realm are much stronger than those of the same level in the lower realm of the Blood Realm.

It can be said that the two are not on the same level at all!

Therefore, the foundation of the Xuexun Island stronghold is also quite rich!

After entering the island, Jiang Tian did not cover his figure or restrain his aura.

After the tidal wave of spiritual thoughts spread out, they quickly locked onto a certain hall in front of them!

There, more than a dozen peak blood kings gathered together!

at this time!

More than a dozen people in the main hall also noticed fluctuations in spiritual thoughts!

"Who is scanning the hall with spiritual thoughts?"

"Hey, that's not right!"

"This spiritual thought is so strange, not from the island!"

"There are outsiders breaking in, what do the guards do for food?"

The faces of the dozen or so people in the hall suddenly darkened!

Anger rising!

As the outermost stronghold of the Holy Blood Palace, it is less than a million miles away from the territory of the Blood King Palace.

Today, the two sides agreed to meet at Tianyuan City in the border area.

Tianyuan City is actually the territory of Blood King Palace.

It was originally just a tentative contact, but because of a little change on the Xuexun Island side.

As a result, their plans have also changed!

From simple contact and testing, it turned into a bloody ambush!

They are gathered here to deduce the subsequent changes!

The Blood King Palace will definitely take revenge after suffering a loss. They must predict the opponent's reaction and make preparations in advance.

But now, at the stall where all the plans were about to be agreed upon, a stranger broke in!

"Who is the one?"

"No need to ask, he must be from the Blood King Palace!"

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