Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7404 Forty and a half percent

"Take it now!"

At the same time as the order was passed out of the hall, loud shouts could be heard outside!

"Who is coming?"

"If you dare to break into the Blood-seeking Island, you are seeking death!"

"Get it for me!"

Boom, boom!

Amidst the violent roar, three middle-aged men in blood robes killed themselves.

The three peak blood kings took action!

One of them raised his palm and slapped wildly, while the other two surrounded him to prevent the other party from escaping.


The blood palm exploded into the void, causing a billowing wave of blood.

Screams followed!

But it was the middle-aged man in blood robe who took action, and his neck was wiped by a sudden purple sword light!

"Hiss! How is that possible?"

"No, help is coming quickly!"

The two middle-aged men in blood robes were shocked!

In a face-to-face encounter, they would still be able to counterattack and kill instantly if their companions struck first.

The opponent's methods are quite amazing!

They immediately screamed for help and now joined forces to attack each other.


A cold shout came from the other side.

The mysterious warrior turned into two figures and appeared in front of them.

Clone technique?

Instant killing technique!

The expressions of the two changed, and they punched each other wildly, trying to repel the intruder.

But the next moment!


Two rays of purple light passed over their necks, and their heads rolled down in the air.

Kill three people in an instant!

After Jiang Tian used unexpected means to kill his opponent, he immediately started bloodline devouring!

"Swallow it!"


He came to Xue Xun Island firstly to continue to pursue the clues he wanted.

Secondly, it is to devour the blood essence of these peak blood emperors!

For some reason, there are not many monsters in the Blood Realm.

Whether in the lower realm or in this heavenly realm, he didn't encounter many.

In this case, he can only devour the blood essence of the blood warriors to nourish themselves.

And it turns out that the blood essence of blood warriors is quite impressive!

It was different from the imagination he had of a Blood Realm warrior a long time ago!

The blood essence of these powerful men in the blood realm is actually quite pure!

In other words, these people have cultivated their blood spiritual power to an extremely refined and pure level.

For him, it is a rare nourishment!



The blood-devouring talent unfolded, and the three middle-aged men in blood robes instantly turned into three mummies and fell into the air.

At the same time, more than ten peak blood kings came to kill!

"He's actually a strong human being?"

"You are not from the Blood King Palace, who are you?"

The leader asked sternly, surprised by Jiang Tian's appearance.

Warriors from the outside world rarely come to the Blood Realm, and it is even rarer to enter the Heaven Realm.

This strong man from the human race has actually come to the Heaven Realm, and he is so strong.

What's the origin?

"Kill your people!"


"Extremely arrogant!"


Boom boom... boom!

Roaring sounds came one after another, and except for the two leading old men in blood robes, the remaining nine peak blood kings all took action!

In an instant, the void was crushed by blood light, and huge waves of blood rippled out. The scene was horrifying!


Instant killing technique!


Jiang Tian transformed one into nine and suddenly took action!

Four of them appeared opposite the nine peak blood kings.

Surprise them!

Just when they were preparing to attack, they heard the exclamations of their two companions!

"not good!"

"He's behind...damn it!"

While the two old men in blood robes exclaimed, they did not dare to hesitate any longer and rushed to help.



Nine companions are in chaos!

The four targets they want to attack are all in front of them.

What's behind and in front?


Someone suddenly reacted and turned around like lightning!

What he saw was a flash of purple light coming towards him!

Tsk tsk tsk!

With a flash of purple light, five heads flew up instantly!

Jiang Tian took action and instantly killed five peak blood kings!

The remaining four were suppressed by the frontal offensive.

Immortal dragon critical attack!

Boom boom boom!

Click... boom!

Four immortal dragons were struck with critical strikes, and the terrifying power instantly killed two of them!

The remaining two people tried their best, but were still beaten by Jiang Tian until they vomited blood and screamed, and were seriously injured!

"Come die!"


The eyes of the two old men in blood robes were red!

What was originally a siege without any suspense turned into a one-sided massacre in an instant!

This is still within their stronghold!

How can I bear it?

Boom boom!

The two of them attacked wildly, and at this moment they no longer cared about whether they could capture each other alive.

They attacked Jiang Tian with all their strength!

The void was directly exploded, and a billowing torrent of blood filled the air.

"Sword Domain!"


Jiang Tian sacrificed the Star Sword Domain, and the two blood-robed old men were severely injured in an instant.

"Bloodline swallowing, swallow it for me!"


Jiang Tian waved his arms together, and two purple dragon-like rays of light spurted out.

The blood essence of the nine people he killed and the two peak blood kings who had not yet fallen in the trapped sword field were overflowing crazily.

Turn into a ball of blood essence and pour it into the body!


The bloodline spiritual power is improving, and the aura is also growing steadily.


"Forty and a half percent??"

Jiang Tian frowned!

According to previous expectations, after devouring the blood essence of these dozen people, his blood spiritual power should reach at least 50%!

Even approaching 60%!

But now, it has only increased by half!

The effect has obviously declined!

"Sure enough, the essence and blood of blood warriors are not omnipotent!"

Jiang Tian frowned and sighed.

The situation that had been bothering him appeared again!

Since he entered the martial arts, he has devoured the essence and blood of monsters, taken many pills, and treasures from heaven, materials, and earth.

They only work best the first time!

If it is used again after that, the effect will obviously decline until it completely fails.

I thought this situation would change for the Blood Realm warriors.

After all, the blood essence they cultivated was extremely pure power.

But it turns out that there are no exceptions!

The only consolation is that his combat power is increasing rapidly!

It makes up for a little loss in disguise!

"In that case, let's have more!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand, grabbed a dozen blood rings, and threw them into the Zixuan Realm without looking at them.

Then he took a step forward and went straight to the main hall of Xuexun Island.

"Everyone inside, get out of here!"

"Extremely arrogant!"

"If you dare to break into the Blood-seeking Island, today you will definitely..."


The strong men in the palace have noticed the situation outside, and they are all filled with murderous intent.

But before they finished speaking, what they responded to was a huge purple palm that suddenly crashed down!


As soon as the giant palm came out, the hall collapsed!

More than a dozen peak blood kings escaped from it, furious!

"Damn it!"

"Arrogant human race, I want you to die!"

"kill him!"

Boom boom... boom boom!

Violent roars resounded through the void, and a dozen old men in blood robes rushed out from the collapsed hall and formed a circle to surround Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian glanced around with cold eyes!

More than a dozen people, all of whom are peak blood emperors!

"So, very good!"


Both sides have no nonsense, the only thing they can do is to fight each other!

Boom boom boom!

More than a dozen peak blood kings scrambled to take action and attacked wildly!

Each blood-based magic weapon was activated, shining with various colors and blasting away crazily!

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