Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7410 Swallowing the Moon

They even looked ferocious, showing expressions of extreme enjoyment!

That's right!

They are enjoying the nourishment of blood brought by the mass killing of many peak blood kings!

at this time!

The aura of the blood moon over Blood Moon City is becoming more and more majestic!

With the injection of a large amount of blood, the nourishment sent by the blood moon becomes more and more pure and thick!

Let these seven half-step blood emperors be excited!

If this situation continues for a while, some of them may show signs of advancement.

However, after this moment of killing, there were not many peak blood kings left in Blood Moon City.

The rest are all late-stage Blood Emperors.

The blood energy of those people is too ineffective for them.

This is a big regret!

But similarly, that strong human race turned into a new and more powerful blood food!

As long as you capture this person, you will definitely gain a lot!

But the problem is, now is still not the time to take action!

Because the seven of them compete with each other!

Whoever loses his composure first is likely to be taken advantage of by others.

Because the first person to take action has almost no chance of becoming the final winner!

So, they are all waiting!

"You, kill him!"

A half-step blood emperor said coldly!

"Damn it!"

Click, click, click!

The Blood Realm Sword King’s face turned livid!

The half-step blood emperor above actually asked that strong human race to kill him!

Instead of letting him kill that human race!

It’s simply unbearable!

But what can I do if I can’t bear it?

He doesn't have the strength to challenge the opponent beyond the level, so he has to endure it!

And his only hope is also a strong human race!

As long as he can successfully kill the opponent and devour this blood meal, he has great hope of breaking through the bottleneck and becoming a half-step blood emperor.

At that time, he was no longer afraid of the strong men above.

It is even possible to become the strongest among the eight half-step blood emperors!

But, can he do it?

The advantage is obviously not on his side!


After a brief weighing, he knew he could no longer hesitate.

Otherwise there is only a dead end!

No matter how good the blood food is, he can no longer enjoy it.

In order to save my life, I have no choice but to leave!


The Sword Emperor left as soon as he said so, extremely decisive!

Cut through the void with one knife and escape into it.

The next moment, it was already a hundred thousand feet away!

The reason why he dared to stay until now was because he had this method of escaping the sword and was confident that no one at the same level could catch up with him.

Unfortunately, he was not very lucky!

Met someone faster than him!

"Want to leave? Stay here!"

Last time on Xue Xun Island, he accidentally let Xue Nanfeng escape.

This time in Blood Moon City, he will never make the same mistake again!


Jiang Tian activated the void formation and immediately chased after him!

"not good!"

The Sword Emperor swung his sword and slashed wildly, and the dense sword light intertwined and slashed towards Jiang Tian.



Jiang Tian waved his fingers together, and the purple sword rainbow exploded with layers of sword light, killing the opponent!

Jiang Tian grabbed the blood knife and a blood ring, then turned back to the top of Blood Moon City.

A mere peak blood king was no longer worth his time devouring blood essence.

Because doing that would be almost useless to him.

At this moment, he was staring at the blood moon!

In Blood Moon City, many late-stage Blood Emperors were still recalling the thrilling killings just now. They were shocked by various scenes and stopped fighting.

"Take action, kill?"

"Why did you stop?"


Next to Blood Moon, a half-step blood emperor raised his hand to take a picture.

Amidst the loud noise, nearly a hundred late-stage Blood Kings were killed by him with one palm strike!

The once stagnant blood energy rose into the sky again, merged into the blood moon, and turned into the nourishment of the Half-Step Blood Emperor!

And this kind of nourishment obviously cannot satisfy them.

They finally set their sights on Jiang Tian!

"Who's coming?"

A half-step blood emperor asked.

The remaining six people were all silent!

Who is coming?

is a problem!

Everyone knew that the value of this blood food was immeasurable, but no one had the courage to take action first.

Because if there is a slight flaw, it will become the second blood meal!

Unmoving as a mountain!

If you move, you will lose!

No one wants to show their flaws!

"It's really a difficult choice."

A half-step blood emperor spoke calmly.

This is a young man in a blood robe. He looks like he is only in his twenties, but in fact he is already an old monster.

"How about we... draw lots?"

The young man in blood robe said suddenly, with a strange smile on his face.

The remaining six people looked at each other across the blood moon with mockery on their faces.

Draw lots?

Leave your life and martial arts future to luck?

After finally cultivating to the halfway level of Blood Emperor, he was only half a step away from breaking through. No one was willing to do such a stupid thing.

"Don't worry, let's come together!"

A domineering voice came!

The seven half-step blood emperors looked towards the opposite side!

"Human, you are so arrogant!"

"Even if one of us takes action, you will die!"

"Where did you get the courage to challenge seven of us at the same time?"

"You are right, none of us are willing to take action first, but you are afraid that you are trying to be smart but you are mistaken. We don't take action not because we are worried about you!"

"Hmph, as long as we are willing, we can reach a gentleman's agreement, and any one of us can kill you!"

The seven half-step blood emperors sneered.

"Come on then, who comes first?"

Jiang Tian asked.


The atmosphere suddenly froze!

"If you don't come, then I will!"


Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared from where he was!

The seven half-step blood emperors were furious and prepared to take action!

But then, Jiang Tian was nowhere to be found!

"Human nickname?"


The seven people reacted very quickly and looked back at the blood moon in front of them!

Some people's eyes twitched, and some people's faces were full of shock!

That strong human race man actually rushed into the blood moon himself!

"Hahaha, you are really looking for death!"

"Stupid guy, you were still arguing about who would do it. Now there's no need to argue. Let's share this blood meal equally!"

"Don't be polite, everyone, I'll go first!"


The seven people couldn't wait to press the secrets and prepare to divide the blood food.

Blood Moon suddenly shook violently and was enveloped by a mysterious force!


The power of guidance!

Jiang Tian released his power of attraction and instantly filled the entire Blood Moon!

The next moment, it poured into the body again quickly!


The unimaginable blood essence propelled his spiritual power to steadily increase, reaching 80% of the total!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian laughed!

It is worthy of being the essence gathered by countless blood warriors. The power of this blood moon is extremely pure and has excellent effects!

After devouring the blood moon, Jiang Tian faced seven half-step blood emperors!

"Damn it!"




They don’t struggle anymore!

The blood moon is gone, and the source of their nourishment has disappeared.

There is no way out, only a fight!

Boom boom boom!

Violent roars resounded through the void, and the seven half-step blood emperors rushed to take action, preparing to be the first to capture Jiang Tian.

"Void Immortal Realm!"


Jiang Tian opened the Immortal Realm and enveloped seven opponents.

Now he has experience fighting against the Half-Step Blood Emperor, and his strength has further improved.

He had killed half-step Blood Emperor, and he had no fear of these seven people!

The Immortal Realm unfolded, and the expressions of the seven half-step blood emperors suddenly changed!

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