Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7411 Xueyang City

"Damn it!"

"not good!"



Before the seven people could react, Jiang Tian had already contracted the Immortal Realm and suppressed them forcefully.

Seven thorns of the void emerged at the same time, instantly piercing the vital points of the seven half-step blood emperors!


Amidst the shrill screams, seven half-step blood emperors were severely wounded by him.

Billows of essence and blood overflowed wildly!

"Swallow it!"


Purple light suddenly appears, bloodline talent!

In an instant, the blood essence of the six half-step blood emperors poured into his body.

Jiang Tian’s aura is steadily improving!

He took a step forward and came to the last half-step blood emperor.

"Sir...don't kill me!"

He's not dead yet!

He was just severely injured and unable to break free from the confinement of the Immortal Realm.


Jiang Tian raised his right hand!

Search for souls!

"The nine branch halls are equally powerful..."

The memories of this powerful Blood Emperor are extremely complex, the most numerous of which are the nine branches of the Holy Blood Palace.

In addition, there are some secrets of the Holy Blood Temple, but they do not seem to involve the most core things.

The rest are some martial arts experiences and secrets from the lower realm of the blood realm and the heaven realm.

The Yinxu Kunmu and Blood Realm Dragon Clan that I wanted most are still missing!


Jiang Tian shocked him to death with a palm, and then quickly devoured the blood essence.

Ninety percent!

After devouring seven half-step blood emperors, his bloodline spiritual power reached 90%!

"Run...run away!"



The surviving warriors of Blood Moon City fled frantically for their lives.

Jiang Tian ignored these people.

He took a step forward and appeared above the Blood Moon Palace.

He grabbed it with his right hand and pulled out a blood moon token!

Blood Moon Order!

This is the token of the nine branches of the Holy Blood Palace!



The purple light flashed away, and Jiang Tiandun fled to the next branch hall!

Half an hour later!

Jiang Tian came to the sky above Xueyang City!


He raised his hand and threw a token, trying to break the city protection restrictions.

As a result, the moment the token touched the forbidden formation, it was bounced away, and at the same time, it caused layers of forbidden ripples!


Jiang Tian's face darkened, and a stern look flashed in his eyes!

It seems that the tokens of Blood Sun City and Blood Moon City are not universal.

And his temptation has also touched the forbidden formation, which will inevitably alarm the warriors in the city.

"In that case..."

Jiang Tian clenched his right fist and struck hard at the city defense formation!



The forbidden formation rippled violently, completely alarming the warriors below.

"Who is destroying the forbidden formation?"

"Looking for death?"

"Get it for me!"

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the violent roar, three figures soared into the sky!

These are three peak blood kings!

Judging from the abnormal movements of the forbidden formation, the person who broke into the formation must be of extraordinary strength, and is suspected to be the peak blood emperor.

But three to one is enough!


They rushed out of the formation and rushed to take action.

In an instant, blood clouds filled the air, and the offensive was shocking!


Jiang Tian teleported to the three of them and blasted with his right fist!

Bang bang bang!

Amidst the loud noise, the bodies of the three people exploded and they fell to death!

Whoosh whoosh!

Jiang Tian grabbed three tokens and smashed down the prohibition pattern without hesitation.

Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by three strange sounds, three channels appeared in the forbidden formation.

Jiang Tian teleported into it and went straight to the main hall ahead.

"No, someone broke in!"

"Stop him quickly!"

"If you dare to break into Xueyang City, you will be dead!"


Amidst the loud shouts, more than a dozen peak blood kings rushed forward, scrambling to attack Jiang Tian.


Jiang Tian pointed his fingers together, and the purple sword rainbow shot out.

Puff puff puff puff!

Five peak blood kings were killed by him with one sword!

The remaining six or seven people became horrified and retreated decisively!

"Is he the powerful Blood Emperor?"

"No! He is a powerful human being!"

"A strong human being?"

Several peak blood kings swept back at full speed, but were shocked by the identity of the visitor.

There have always been few human warriors in the Blood Realm.

This is true whether it is the lower realm or the heavenly realm.

Even if someone breaks in occasionally, it is often a sheep in a tiger's den, making it difficult to protect oneself.

However, the person opposite could easily kill the Peak Blood Emperor instantly, his strength was terrifying!

Is it possible that he has reached the same level as the Blood Emperor Realm?

"Hey, his realm..."

Someone saw the clues, but before he finished speaking, Jiang Tian's fist had already been smashed down.


Bang bang bang... boom!

A horrifying loud noise spread throughout the void, and these peak blood kings fell again!

Jiang Tian looked down at the main hall below and at the same time used his bloodline devouring talent, calmly and calmly.

"You are such an arrogant human being, do you really think that there is no one in our Xueyang City?"

"If you dare to wreak havoc in Xueyang City, you will definitely pay the price in blood!"

Amidst the violent shouts, dozens of peak blood kings rose into the sky and surrounded Jiang Tian!

Although they witnessed what happened just now, they were shocked by the strength of their opponent.

But in their view, there are not enough people after all.

As long as there are enough people, the opponent will definitely die!

"Is it useful if there are more people?"

Jiang Tian sneered!

A cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes!

Void Fairyland!


The Immortal Realm swings open, imprisoning these dozens of people!


"not good!"

"Get out quickly!"

The faces of dozens of peak blood kings changed drastically!

The power of the Void Fairy Realm frightens them.

And with the opponent's powerful strength to instantly kill the peak Blood Emperor, if they can't break free immediately, they will definitely die!

Boom boom boom!


"rush out!"

A roar suddenly rose up, and they couldn't wait to break out of this prison in the void.

But the next moment, a ray of purple sword light suddenly flashed and swam through the crowd!

Puff puff puff puff!

Heads flew up into the air, dripping with blood!


Jiang Tian activated his bloodline devouring talent and frantically absorbed dozens of bloodline essences.

For him, the effect of nourishing a warrior at this level is already very poor.

But if you spend a little more effort and concentrate and purify it at several levels, there will be some benefits.

"What a strong human being, what a secret blood-swallowing technique!"

A cloud of blood suddenly rose into the sky and filled the air at an alarming speed!

The mighty power swept through the void, and the murderous intent rushed towards Jiang Tian!

"Half-step Blood Emperor!"

Jiang Tian's eyes suddenly brightened, and he was not surprised but overjoyed!

Half-step Blood Emperor is an excellent nourishment for him now.

He decisively dropped dozens of mummies and teleported forward!

"Is it Xueyang City, is it a half-step blood emperor? Do you really think you are strong? Give it to me!"


Jiang Tian slapped it down with a palm, directly scattering the blood cloud!

The violent coercion enveloped the half-step blood emperor, causing dull strange sounds to come from his body!

"Damn it! How is that possible?"

The face of this half-step blood emperor suddenly changed!

I thought I could easily suppress this strong human being, but I didn't expect that I would be suppressed by him in the blink of an eye.


Rumble, rumble!

The Half-Step Blood Emperor pointed his finger at the center of his eyebrows and decisively unleashed his peak combat power!

At the same time as his aura surged, a huge shadow of a blood beast appeared above him!

Baring his teeth and dancing his claws, his momentum was astonishing!



Boom, click, click!

The ferocious giant claws of the blood beast's phantom shot in the air and tore the void directly.

Stirring up huge waves of blood!

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