Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7412 Is this over?

In this huge wave, there is a half-step blood emperor's powerful coercion, forming a huge blood will, coming down!

"Blood will?"

A trace of contempt flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes.

Release your blood pressure a little bit!



Although the breath of blood was only a slight sway, the majestic, domineering, and violent breath still made the opponent's heart tremble!

"How is it possible... who are you?"

Half-step Blood Emperor resisted the trembling uneasiness in his heart, and asked sharply.

"Kill you!"



With a flash of purple light, the half-step blood emperor's head flew up.

Jiang Tian didn't devour the blood immediately!

Because a half-step blood emperor is too little!

He wants to save a few more and devour them together to avoid trouble!

"Blood Yang City, is there only one half-step Blood Emperor?"

Jiang Tian overlooked the hall below, his eyes staring.

"Damn it!"

"Human race, don't be too arrogant, we will..."

Several angry roars came from the main hall with the plaque of the Blood Sun Hall hanging in front.


Jiang Tian slammed out his palm, and the Blood Yang Palace collapsed in an instant!

"Damn it!"

"kill him!"

"I want you to die without a place to bury you!"

Boom... Boom!

In an instant, seven half-step blood emperors rose into the sky and launched a siege.

"A total of eight, one more than Blood Moon City!"

Jiang Tian said with a sneer.

"What did you say?"

"Blood Moon City?"

The seven half-step blood emperors were startled, feeling something was wrong.

Could it be that this human race came from Blood Moon City?

So, Blood Moon City has already fallen?

"Impossible, no way!"

"There are seven half-step blood emperors in Blood Moon City, can they still be defeated by him?"

"He did it on purpose, don't worry about it, kill him!"

In their view, the opponent must be bewitching them in an attempt to disturb their minds.

But how can a dignified half-step blood emperor be so easily bewitched?


Boom boom boom!

The roar shook the sky, and the seven half-step blood emperors shot wildly!

"Sword Field, get up!"


The purple-black sword field circled up, and was torn to pieces by the mad attack of the seven people in a blink of an eye.

no way!

The mere power of the sword field is indeed difficult to counter the joint mad attack of the seven half-step blood emperors.

"Hahahaha! Arrogant human race, that's all!"

"Who gave you the guts to come here and play wild?"

"Catch him alive!"

Just now the seven of them wanted to kill their opponents regardless of everything, but now they realized that it was nothing more than that, and they wanted to capture them alive instead.


Jiang Tian smiled coldly!

"Void Immortal Realm, open!"

Hum rumbling!

The fairyland swung open, and all seven half-step blood emperors entered it!


Hum rumbling!

Under Jiang Tian's urging, the Void Immortal Territory shrank and rolled back, forcibly pulling the seven people within a hundred feet.

"Damn it!"


"Rush out!"

Boom boom boom!

Booms rose one after another, and the half-step blood emperors who realized that something was wrong were soaring in breath and prepared to get away.

But it's too late!

"Seven plus one, just right!"

Jiang Tian threw the half-step blood emperor who had just been beheaded into it, making up the number of eight people.

With a light wave of the palm!

Crack... bang bang bang!

The Void Immortal Territory chopped off all seven of them!



The half-step blood emperors were still gasping for breath, but they were unable to fight anymore, and they all hissed in despair.

Jiang Tian stepped forward and came to the fairyland.

Soul search!


The huge divine sense blasted into the divine sea of ​​the seven half-step blood emperors without encountering any resistance.

A stream of complicated memories jumped out, Jiang Tian frowned in thought, his face cloudy and uncertain.

After a while!



The bloodline engulfment started again, and all the bloodline essence of the eight half-step blood emperors poured into the body.

Promote his bloodline spiritual power to 100% full state!

"Blood spiritual power is 100%!"

Jiang Tian grabbed ten blood rings and threw them into the Zixuan Realm.

His face was full of excitement!

In just a few days in the middle stage of advanced god-making realm, the bloodline spiritual power has already reached 100% full!

It is only one step away from the late stage of God-making Realm!


too fast

At this level, this speed is too fast!

After this soul search, he also understood the situation here.

Blood Sun City is the same as Blood Moon City, originally there were only seven half-step blood emperors!

But just yesterday, a new half-step blood emperor was born here!

That is, the first person to attack him!

He had just stepped into the half-step blood emperor realm, and was rejected and run on by seven veteran half-step blood emperors, eager to make contributions.

Jiang Tian's arrival gave him an excellent opportunity!

So, he couldn't wait to make a move.

The result is to be killed in seconds!

"Run, run away!"


Seeing the eight half-step blood emperors all fall, the remaining warriors fell into extreme fear.

They all scattered and fled for their lives!

Jiang Tian has no interest in these worthless low-level blood races.

Turn to look at the hidden treasure hall in Blood Sun City!

I saw a bloody light flashing away in the corner outside the blood hall!


Jiang Tian sneered, and took a step to catch up!

That person has disappeared without a trace!

Even the breath is gone!

"The mere technique of restraining the breath and concealing it also wants to deceive me?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of sarcasm.

That person was probably the elder of the Treasure Hall, who took advantage of the chaos and fled with a bunch of treasures.

But his luck is really not very good, being targeted by Jiang Tian, ​​he is destined to be unable to escape!

"Phantom Eye, open!"


Jiang Tian opened his phantom eyes, and instantly saw a sneaky figure among the buildings!

The man didn't go far away, but hid himself, preparing to avoid the chaos in front of him before getting away.


Jiang Tian teleported over, and slapped the hall with his palm!

"Pfft... ah!"

Amidst the screams, a embarrassed figure was caught.

This is a peak blood emperor, and his strength is not bad.

But in front of Jiang Tian, ​​he had no strength to fight back.

"Great... my lord, please spare my life, but this villain is willing to dedicate the entire treasure house to my lord!"

The peak blood emperor kowtowed desperately and offered nearly a hundred blood rings, just to save his life.

"This... This is the entire collection of the Blood Sun City's treasure house. Please take a look at it, and I only ask you to spare my life!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand gently, and all the blood rings were involved in the Zixuan Realm.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Huh? This..."

The other party was taken aback!

This is the end?

"Why, you don't want to go?" Jiang Tian asked with a smile.

"Dang...Of course I want to leave, thank you sir for not killing me!"

Bang bang bang!

The peak blood emperor kowtowed several times to Jiang Tian.

Then he stood up, took a few steps back tremblingly, and prepared to leave.

Jiang Tian's gaze turned to the other side, as if he had been ignored!

at this time!

The face of this peak blood emperor suddenly became ferocious!

"Jie Jie! Die!"


A blood glow spurted out from his mouth, instantly blasting the void opposite.

The terrifying blood light raged and filled the air, and its power was terrifying!

But at the same time, a layer of blood mask densely covered with spirit patterns emerged on his body, which perfectly isolated the huge coercion.

"Jie Jie! Compared with the old man, you are a little tender after all!"

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