Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7413 Crushing half-step blood emperor

The Peak Blood Emperor was proud of his own means.

Fake surrender, and then violently attack.

The whole plan was perfect and the timing was just right!

The strong man of the human race must have been bombarded by Chongbao and died!

Clap clap!

"Yes, your scheme is not ingenious, but unfortunately, you can't fool me!"

"What? Hiss!"

A cold voice sounded from behind!

The old man suddenly turned around, his face changed drastically!

"You...you are not dead! How is that possible?"

His scheme was almost perfect, but he still failed to deceive the other party?


Even more unacceptable!

"I'll fight with you..."


With a flash of purple light, the head of the old man flew up and fell to his death!


The purple flame rose, and the old man's body turned into ashes.

Jiang Tian reached out and grabbed a few blood rings, and threw them directly into the Zixuan Realm.

"Big... Your lord is too strong!"

Xue Feng swept into the city and came to Jiang Tian's side.

Last time in Blood Moon City, she still had to hide to avoid accidents.

When she arrived at Blood Sun City, she could protect herself without being too cautious.

Among those warriors who escaped for their lives, there were also a few peak blood emperors, but no one dared to delay a step.

"These are for you. How far you can go in the future depends on your own good fortune."

Jiang Tian threw dozens of blood rings to Xuefeng.

This is his spoils for beheading the peak blood emperor.

It is almost useless to him, but to Xuefeng, it is a rare resource.


"Thank you, my lord!"

Xue Feng knelt down to thank him.

"I'm leaving, you're free!"

Jiang Tian is about to leave.

"My lord, please stay!"

Xue Feng's face was extremely ugly!

This lord of the human race actually let her go!

For a while, she was a little hard to accept!

"Master... Could it be that my lord sees that my cultivation base is too poor, and I am slowing down?"

Xue Feng's face was extremely ugly!

In the past, she was often disliked by others for her poor strength and held her back.

Now she seems to have encountered the same scene again!

But the difference is that while the former people disliked her for her poor strength, they refused to provide her with resources to cultivate and break through.

You won't use your own strength to force her to advance!

And this strong human race is just the opposite!

From the day I met her, I threw and stuffed all kinds of resources to her, and even used my own power more than once for her to cultivate and improve.

Faced with such treatment, she felt happier and more proud than those ladies from aristocratic families and the arrogance of the sect!

She even started to obsess and enjoy this way!

And now, this human race lord wants to give her back her freedom.

It also means that from now on, she will lose such conditions and treatment.

From now on, I will have to rely on my own strength to make my way in the blood world!

If it is in the lower domain, it may be easy to say, after all, her strength is already very strong.

Self-preservation is not a problem!

And in this heaven, she is still the bottom!

"That's right, the blood world is so big, you really can't help me find the Yinxu Kunmu with your medicinal body alone. Instead of that, let you go free."

Jiang Tian was expressionless and said truthfully.

Xue Feng was extremely embarrassed, and even blamed herself extremely!

"It's all because I'm useless, I'm holding you back!"

"So you are free!" Jiang Tian said.

"I understand... I wish my lord will find the Yinxu Kunmu as soon as possible, and Xuefeng will bid farewell!"

Jiang Tian nodded lightly.

Xue Feng immediately turned around and fled into the distance without looking back.

The resources Jiang Tian gave her were more than enough for her to cultivate to the peak of Blood Emperor!

Then she can return to the Lower Domain, or stay in the Tianyu.

But life or death, advance or retreat, has nothing to do with Jiang Tian.


Hum rumbling!

Jiang Tian opened the Great Formation of Transforming Space and fled to the next branch hall.

In fact, he also considered continuing to hunt for treasure with Xuefeng.

So how much can help.

But in reality, it doesn't help much!

It is far less direct than soul searching!

In the process of searching for more than a dozen half-step blood emperors, he even found many clues to the rare treasures that the blood world powerhouses could only dream of.

It's a pity that he has no interest in those things.

His goals are always only two: the Yinxu Kunmu and the blood dragons!

Hum rumbling!

The purple light suddenly appeared!

Jiang Tian stepped on the huge purple pattern and appeared above the blood owl city!


Jiang Tian urged a heavy treasure of the blood world and blasted towards the restraining formation.

Crack... Rumble!

The blood burst, and a gap was forcibly torn open in the forbidden formation.

"Who is destroying the restriction formation?"

"Want to die?"

"Catch me!"


More than a dozen peak blood emperors soared into the sky, ready to round up.

Jiang Tian took a step forward and shot at several people.

chi chi!

Ziguang slashed out, and a dozen peak blood emperors fell instantly!

Jiang Tian was no longer interested in devouring their blood essence.

For him, the blood essence has almost completely failed for a warrior of this level.

Spending several times or even more than ten times the time to concentrate and purify can only get a little nourishment, which is not worthwhile.

But he still habitually put away more than a dozen blood rings.

Then he took a step forward and came to the top of the Blood Owl Hall!

"All half-step blood emperors, get out and die!"


With a step on the air with his right foot, the Blood Owl Palace collapsed in an instant!

"Damn it!"

"Bold lunatic, die!"


Seven half-step blood emperors rushed out of the hall, rushed straight at Jiang Tian, ​​and joined forces to attack!


chi chi!


The phantoms of Blood Palm, Blood Fist, and magic weapon instantly flooded the void.

But at the same time, Jiang Tian appeared behind them!

"Void fairyland, town!"

Hum rumbling!

The Void Immortal Territory unfolded and quickly shrank to less than a hundred feet.

The terrifying coercion made their bodies freeze, making it difficult to move.

Crack... bang bang bang!

The fairyland shook slightly, and the seven people vomited blood and screamed in an instant, and were seriously injured!

"Search for me!"


Jiang Tian immediately began to search for the soul!

A huge amount of information flooded into my mind.

"Oh My God!"

"How can it be?"

"The seven half-step blood emperors... aren't his all-in-one enemies?"




The warriors of Blood Owl City scattered for their lives in an instant, and the huge city turned into an empty city in an instant.

After the soul search was over, Jiang Tian looked disappointed!

The desired leads were not obtained.

He immediately devoured the blood essence of these people, and his breath improved, but it was not enough to hit the bottleneck.

This situation was expected, and he was not surprised.

After capturing the blood rings of several people, he took the treasure house of Blood Lord City and fled quickly.

After a few hours!

Three blood rainbows came from the sky.

Looking at the messy Blood Owl City, the corners of the eyes of the three strong men from the Blood King Palace twitched in shock!

"Almost the same technique, this is already the third branch hall, is it really a strong man sent from above?"

"But why is it a human race?"

"Could it be that our Blood King Palace has newly recruited a powerful human guest minister, or enshrined it?"

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay!

The blood-cloaked old man who had a firm mind at first began to waver at this moment!

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