Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7420 How many blood emperors does the Blood Sky Sect have?

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They really couldn't imagine or accept the situation in front of them.

This strong human being was separated from them by a huge realm and should have been an absolute weakling.

They are vulnerable ants!

He should have been crushed by them in an instant and collapsed at the first touch!

Now, they are suppressing them in turn!

"Hua Xu Ji Yi! He actually has this kind of power?"

The Ninth Elder was also shocked!

Turn the void into the ultimate meaning!

For blood warriors, it is an extremely terrifying power.

There were once demons from the blood realm who cultivated this kind of power and wreaked havoc on one side, making them unparalleled in the limelight.

In the end, he was crazily surrounded and killed by countless strong men from the blood realm, and fell to death!

This kind of power is almost an enemy of martial arts in the Blood Realm.

It is one of the few forces that is not allowed to exist!

"No wonder...no wonder!"

The Ninth Elder murmured to himself, but his eyes became colder and colder!

Looking at Jiang Tian, ​​he immediately issued an order!

"Catch him alive!"


"Catch alive?"

The eyes of the two Blood Emperor Realm elders twitched and they secretly complained!

The other party is a terrifying monster with the ultimate intention of transforming into a void!

It is too difficult to catch him alive!

Not to mention capturing them alive, even if they want to defeat the opponent, it is extremely difficult.

If they were not stationed at the sect and had the Ninth Elder supervising the battle, they would even want to turn around and run away.


"No matter what, we must take him down!"

Under the suppression of Huaxu Jiyi, they were unable to turn defeat into victory.

The only way is to stimulate the potential of the bloodline!

Boom, boom!

Accompanied by two terrifying roars, the two Blood Emperor Realm elders decisively activated their bloodline potential!

And at the same time!

Jiang Tian, ​​who was on the opposite side, suddenly withdrew his power to attract him!



In an instant, the giant wave rolled back!

The power of reception carried two blood emperor artistic conceptions and poured them into his body, causing a subtle change in his aura!


Jiang Tian's breath was slightly turbulent, becoming more and more mysterious and unspeakable!


"Get him quickly!"

This scene made the expressions of the two Blood Emperor Realm elders change!

They waved their arms in unison, and four dragon-like blood flames rushed towards Jiang Tian crazily!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian's eyes shone brightly, and he once again launched his power of attraction!


The moment this power swayed away, the four blood flames instantly fell into stagnation!


"Impossible, how could this happen?"

The expressions of the two Blood Emperor Realm elders changed drastically!

The Blood Emperor's artistic conception was forcibly swallowed by the opponent, and now the potential of the bloodline doesn't work?


With the help of the suppression of the power of reception, Jiang Tian decisively used the Xu-Swallowing Technique to swallow up the four blood flames!


The breath fluctuates again and steadily improves!

"Damn it!"


The two Blood Emperor Realm elders had to admit that they had lost!

Complete defeat!

But the Ninth Elder's order was ahead of them, and they didn't dare to retreat!

Boom, boom!

Amidst the roar, the two of them each used their own magic weapons!

One person urged the sword, and the other waved a huge blood-striped flag to attack Jiang Tian!


The blood-striped giant flag waved gently, and huge flag shadows filled the void.

Layers upon layers of pressure pressed toward Jiang Tian, ​​releasing huge pressure!


Jiang Tian's body sank suddenly, as if there were thousands of mountain peaks pressing on him.



The blood knife tore through the sky, slashing straight through Jiang Tian like a streak of bloody lightning!

Under the suppression of the blood pattern banner, no matter how strong Jiang Tian was, his actions would stagnate.

And with the help of this moment of delay, the blood knife can seriously injure him.

As for whether he can be captured alive, it is no longer that important.

Because the Ninth Elder has already seen that this strong human race is not so easy to deal with!

Click... boom!

The blood knife slashed wildly, making a loud noise that shook the sky!

Terrifying waves of blood rippled in all directions, surging crazily in all directions.

The scene is extremely impressive!

"Hahahaha, that's all!"

"Although the intention of transforming the void is strong, it is only effective in close combat. As long as we keep the distance, what can you do to me?"

Seeing the scene in front of them as the void collapsed and blood rolled violently, the two Blood Emperor Realm elders finally found some balance.

Vent out the frustration in your heart!

It’s frustrating!

It’s so frustrating!

The two mighty Blood Emperor Realm masters joined forces, but were actually taken advantage of several times by a human race God-creator Realm.

This feeling is really humiliating!

it's good now!

They can finally breathe a sigh of relief!

"Melee combat? Tsk!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded!

The face of the ninth elder behind him suddenly changed!

I wanted to remind you but it was too late!

There was no sound coming out of his open mouth.

A ray of purple light burst into the void!

Poof, poof!

Two heads flew up!

Two Blood Emperor Realm elders fell to death!

On the rolling head are two pairs of round eyes!

The frozen expression is one of despair, unwillingness and extreme fear!

Both of them had their mouths open, but they couldn't make any sound.

His eyes were full of shock and despair!

As if to say: You are not dead?

It seems to be saying: Where did you come from?



Jiang Tian did not continue to attack the Ninth Elder, but decisively activated the bloodline devouring!

Swallowed the blood essence of two Blood Emperor Realm elders!


The bloodline spiritual power slowly floats!

Finally it reached the point of two and a half percent!

"Two and a half?"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughtfully.

According to this increase, I want to increase the total blood volume to 100%.

Thirty-two Blood Emperors need to be devoured!

This is just a conservative estimate.

If the efficacy declines during the devouring process, the number will continue to increase!

"I wonder if the Blood Emperor of the Blood Sky Sect is enough?"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, while turning his head to look at the Ninth Elder opposite.

"What did you say?" There was a little doubt on the ninth elder's gloomy face.

"Let me ask you, how many Blood Emperor realm experts do you, the Blood Heaven Emperor, have in total?"

Jiang Tian asked coldly.

"You... are extremely arrogant!"

The ninth elder's eyes twitched, as if he understood what the other party meant.

After witnessing the scene just now, as long as he was not a fool, he should be able to guess the other party's intentions.

"Human boy, do you really think you can wreak havoc in our Blood Sky Sect? What do you think of the Blood Sky Sect? Die!"

The Ninth Elder shouted loudly and grabbed it with both hands.

Two ferocious giant claws appeared at the same time, scrambling to grab it.

Boom, click!

A dozen cracks were scratched into the void, and terrifying blood-red space cracks appeared!

At the same time, more than a dozen huge bloody waves were activated, setting off a huge bloody wave!


Jiang Tian used two Immortal Dragon critical strikes in succession, exploding two bloody claws.

The strength of the Ninth Elder was stronger than the two Blood Emperors just now.

But now it's one-on-one, so Jiang Tian not only doesn't suffer, but is even more relaxed!

"Come here! Great Elder, Sect Master...come and help me!"

The Ninth Elder shouted wildly!

He knew that he alone might not be able to defeat this human monster.

But he still didn't back down!

Instead, he took out the Elder Token and activated a magic circle!


The token flickered, and blood suddenly appeared in mid-air!

A square-shaped bloody cage is intertwined!

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