Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7421 Almost enough!

At the four corners of this cage, squatted four ferocious blood-colored beasts, exuding a fierce and violent aura!

The breath of the cage locked Jiang Tian in the air, and it was about to imprison him.


Jiang Tian's figure flickered, and suddenly disappeared in place!

"not good……"


Ninth Elder's complexion suddenly changed!

Just as he let out an exclamation, he was hit on his chest by a fist wrapped in purple light!


Ho Ho Ho Ho!

The bloody cage fell quickly, and the breath locked onto Jiang Tian!

Jiang Tian looked up, but didn't pay much attention to it.

He had teleported once, but he couldn't escape the lock of the cage.

It means teleporting again, and it doesn't make much sense.

Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to the cage.

The Ninth Elder was blown away by his punch, and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

I wanted to take this opportunity to escape, but before I could turn around, a strong crisis came from behind!



Pfft... Whoa!

Purple light flashed!

Jiang Tian punched the ninth elder on the back!

Half of the Ninth Elder's body exploded!


With a flash of blood, a blood armor suddenly enveloped him!


Blood patterns intertwined, outlining the mutilated body of the Ninth Elder.

In the next moment, the blood energy from all directions poured out crazily, repairing his remnant body in an instant!

The momentum of the surging blood energy was so violent that Jiang Tian even felt a huge force, as if he was going to be sucked to the side of the Ninth Elder.

"What a life-saving means!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help admiring.

The Blood Heaven Sect is worthy of being a great sect in the blood world. Without this special method, the Ninth Elder might have already fallen.

And at the same time!

The bloody cage had already fallen, enveloping Jiang Tian in it as expected!

Ninth Elder wanted to laugh, but couldn't at all!

His face is even extremely ugly!

Because he and Jiang Tian were imprisoned in the bloody cage!

Meticulously prepared means, self-defeating!


The Ninth Elder roared sharply, and could only wave the token to remove the restriction.

Dodging quickly under the blood pattern, distanced himself from Jiang Tian.

And at the same time!

The furious roar resounded through the void!

"Who broke into my Blood Heaven Sect?"

"Dare to come to my Blood Heaven Sect to make trouble, and let you die without a place to bury you!"


Amidst the violent roar, ten figures escaped from the sky!

The first person is wearing a large blood robe and a eye-catching blood crown!

It is the suzerain of Xuetian Sect, Xueheng!

The other nine people are the nine elders under his seat.

Together with the nine elders on the opposite side, they are also the top ten elders of the Blood Sky Sect!


Roar again!

More than 30 figures came from all over the Blood Sky Sect!

They are also in the Blood Emperor Realm!

"More than forty blood emperors!"

Instead of being surprised, Jiang Tian was overjoyed, and immediately became excited!

He was worried about the slow growth of bloodline spiritual power, and so many blood emperor realms came in a blink of an eye.

This is really a rare opportunity!

"Human strong, you are too arrogant!"

"For a long time, the blood world is basically equivalent to the forbidden area of ​​the human race. You not only broke into my blood world, but also dared to wreak havoc in my blood sky sect. Who do you think you are?"

"I am dignified Blood Heaven Sect, how can I allow a human race to create gods to wreak havoc?"

"Catch him alive!"

With Xueheng's order, more than a dozen blood emperor realm elders rushed towards Jiang Tian.

These people are all members of the Presbyterian Church, but the nine elders around him didn't do anything directly.

Two of them turned their gazes to the Ninth Elder in the distance.

"With two blood emperor colleagues, you can still be injured like this, Ninth Elder, you are too careless!"

"Elder Ninth, hurry up and heal your wounds, leave this place to the suzerain!"

The eighth elder and the tenth elder stepped forward, preparing to protect the ninth elder and go down to heal his injuries.

As for the strong human race, he was besieged by more than a dozen blood emperors, and he could no longer decide whether he should live or die.

But when they came to the Ninth Elder, they heard a cold voice!

"Did I let him go?"


"not good!"

The expressions of the two of them changed!

Before he had time to react, a purple light was wiped across his neck!

The Ninth Elder stood opposite, watching Jiang Tian teleport over, and shot easily.

The Eighth Elder and the Tenth Elder, two strong men in the Blood Emperor realm, were beheaded lightly by the opponent without any defense.

"Sect Master, save me!" Ninth Elder yelled fiercely!



Jiang Tian stretched out his hand and cut off the Ninth Elder's neck.

At the same time, the blood vessel devoured!



Ziguang moved in pain, and the bodies of the three blood emperors shriveled up quickly.

The essence of the bloodline is all in Jiang Tian's body!


"Thirty percent!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his eyes brightened!

The nourishment of the three blood emperors made his bloodline spiritual power reach 30%!

Slightly more difficult than expected!

"In this way, maybe forty more blood emperors are needed?"

Jiang Tian turned and looked across.

The lord of the Blood Sky Sect and the other seven elders, there are eight people in total.

And in the void next to it, more than a dozen blood emperor realm elders have also come to their senses!

After realizing that they were being tricked, they were all furious!

If Jiang Tian had been surrounded just now and he hadn't been teleported away, the Eighth Elder, Ninth Elder, and Tenth Elder would not have died.

For the fall of the three, they cannot escape responsibility!

"Blood Swallowing Secret Technique!"

The corners of Xue Heng's eyes shrank, and his face was ferocious!


"Arrogant human race, die!"

"kill him!"


More than a dozen people's breath soared, and they rushed towards Jiang Tian frantically.

"Eight, sixteen, and... more than twenty, almost enough!"

Jiang Tian scanned the void, his eyes were extremely cold.

It's frighteningly cold!

But everyone believed that he would never be able to stop the joint mad attack of the sixteen blood emperor powerhouses!

If it wasn't for the suzerain to live, this strong human race would definitely be torn to pieces!


Jiang Tian stepped forward to meet the sixteen blood emperors!

"Void Immortal Realm, open!"

Hum rumbling!

The fairyland swung open, and the sixteen blood emperors froze!

But immediately, all of them unfolded the artistic conception of the blood emperor!

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the violent roar, the breath of the sixteen people rose sharply.

Against the suppression of the Void Immortal Territory, he was ready to make a move.

"The power of attraction, open!"

Hum rumbling!

Jiang Tian was already ready!

Vigorously urging the power of attracting, devouring everyone's blood emperor artistic conception!

Buzz buzz!

Perhaps it was because the blood emperor's artistic conception was too strong, this time his aura was obviously enhanced.

The body even trembled slightly!


"kill him!"

The sixteen blood emperors had no time to dwell on the devoured blood emperor's artistic conception.

Resolutely stimulate the potential of the blood, like sixteen angry beasts rushing towards Jiang Tian!

At this time, Jiang Tian still hadn't escaped from the turmoil of the power of attraction.

But there was no panic expression on his face.

The next moment, he opened his mouth lightly.



The Void Immortal Territory shrinks rapidly, sweeping past like a terrifying ring-shaped sharp blade!

Puff puff puff!

The sixteen blood emperors were all cut in two!



"Sovereign save me!"

The screams rang out, and the more than 30 blood emperors watching the battle were shocked!

The suzerain Xueheng himself was also taken aback!

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