Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7430 Shuangqiao Mountain

He originally thought that he could successfully suppress it with his bloodline will, but now it seems that he really underestimated the power of the giant demon bone.

The giant demon's hand bones had swallowed up a large amount of the blood essence of the strong man before, and now they may have become a backlash.

This demonic bone has posed a huge threat to him!

"Red Snow Sword Marrow, kill again!"


The Chixue Sword Marrow was slashed out again, but this time it was in vain!

The giant monster's hand bones swung the brown wooden stick and smashed it away.

The golden light flashed and rushed towards Jiang Tian at an astonishing speed!

"not good!"



Jiang Tian didn't even have time to teleport before he was knocked away by the giant demon's bones, and blood flowed out of his mouth again.

But this is just the beginning!

Next, the Giant Demon Bones launched a storm-like offensive!

Suddenly golden light appeared and huge waves rose one after another!

Jiang Tian could only keep teleporting to dodge, and every time he fought back, he was put at a disadvantage by the giant demon's bones!

The complete giant demon bone is already stronger than him.

In the past, he had relied on the bones of the giant demon to suppress powerful enemies that far exceeded his own strength.

Now, I deeply feel the terrifying power of the giant demon bone.

"The Taichu Demonic Vine!"


Jiang Tian sacrificed the Taichu Demon Vine to deal with it!


The billowing black energy surged crazily, and black magic vines spread out, entangled in the bones of the giant demon without any explanation!

It looks like it can no longer move!


Jiang Tian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the bones of the giant demon are not like other evil things and will not be swallowed by the Taichu Demon Vine, the power of the Taichu Demon Vine is also extremely terrifying.

If the giant monster's bones were destroyed, it would also be a huge loss.

Jiang Tian was ready to put away the giant demon's bones, and at the same time let the Taichu Demon Vine be responsible for suppressing this thing to prevent it from happening again in a short period of time.

But a scene that shocked him appeared!

Bang bang bang... click... boom!

The golden light around the giant demon's bones surged, and it actually broke the entanglement of hundreds of demonic vines!

"How can it be?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

The power of the Taichu Demonic Vine is extremely powerful, and its sturdiness goes without saying.

It can be forcibly broken by the giant demon bone. The power of the demon bone is really powerful!

"The Taichu Demonic Vine, suppress it for me!"


Jiang Tian didn't have time to think too much and once again activated the Taichu Demonic Vine to suppress the Giant Demon's Bone.

Fortunately, he had already retracted his two hand bones in advance, otherwise Taichu Demon Vine would have been even more passive.

But even so, don’t be careless!

During this fusion process, the bones of the giant demon seem to have been fed back by the hand bones of the giant demon, and their power is astonishingly strong!


Bang bang bang!

The Taichu Demonic Vine was so powerful that it wrapped hundreds of black vines around the giant demon's bones.

But there are still a lot of canes that have been forcibly broken!


Suddenly, a roar echoed through the void!

The arm that disappeared from the giant demon bone actually grew back in the surge of golden light!

"How can it be?"

Jiang Tian's expression changed drastically!

The two hand bones of the giant demon were clearly taken into the Purple Mysterious Realm by him, so why could they still grow back?

next moment!

Before he could react, a terrifying scene quickly unfolded!


Bang bang... click!

The giant demon bone that had grown a complete arm raged wildly, tearing off large pieces of black magic vines.

Killing Taichu, Demon Vine is retreating steadily!

"No! Take it from me!"

Jiang Tian quickly recalled the Taichu Demon Vine.

Although this thing is evil, it is also a super powerful trump card in his hand.

It must not be destroyed like this!

But even if I take it back now, it's still a little too late.

The confrontation just now has caused great damage to Taichu Demon Vine.

But now is not the time to care!

"Star Sword Domain, rise!"


Jiang Tian used his sword domain to suppress him, but was torn apart by the golden giant demon in the blink of an eye!

"Thunder formation, get up!"


Jiang Tian changed his methods and bombarded the demon bones in the thunder array.

The seemingly terrifying Thunder Pillar had no effect.

The golden demon bone exploded the thunder pillar with one punch!

Crack, click, rumble!

The lightning exploded, the thunder force filled the air, and the golden demonic bone was not damaged at all!

"Xianyun, give it to me!"


Jiang Tian sacrificed the Immortal Meteor Treasure!

Hundreds of top-notch fairy treasures were kneaded and refined to launch a mad attack!

The golden demon bone is trapped in a tight siege!

The combined offensive of hundreds of magic weapons temporarily overwhelmed it!

But before Jiang Tian could relax, an astonishing scene happened!



The golden demon bone swung both fists together, destroying one fairy treasure after another.

The seemingly powerful Xian Yun was instantly defeated!

Bang bang bang... boom!

After just a few moments, hundreds of top-level fairy treasures were all destroyed!

The large-scale compound magic weapon "Immortal Meteor" that Jiang Tian carefully refined was destroyed!

Jiang Tian was in a hurry!

The golden demon bone is not a living monster.

The influence of bloodline will on it is relatively limited.

He tried almost all his methods, but still couldn't suppress the opponent.

What else is available next?

In a critical moment, he thought of a valuable treasure!

Shuangqiao Mountain!


Jiang Tian summoned Shuangqiao Mountain and smashed it towards the opposite side!

Click... boom!

This trick really worked wonders!

The power of Shuangqiao Mountain's attack was so terrifying that it actually knocked the golden demon bone thousands of feet away!

"Come again!"

Jiang Tian teleported over, grabbed the Shuangqiao Mountain and smashed it downwards!

Boom, click... bang!

The golden demon bone, which was not yet firmly on its feet, was hit by him in the air and fell deeply into the ground!

Even the dazzling golden light was obscured by the ground!

In the blink of an eye, changes occurred again!

Click... boom!

Thousands of feet of ground suddenly exploded!

The dazzling golden light spurted out like a volcanic eruption, the golden demon bones flew out from the ground, and the aura was stronger than before!

"Give me the town!"

Jiang Tian throws Shuangqiao Mountain again!

But the golden demon bone calmly dodged it!

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's expression changed and he quickly summoned Shuangqiao Mountain to return.

Unexpectedly, the golden demon bone turned against the guests and captured Shuangqiao Mountain by force!

From a high position, he hit Jiang Tian hard!


Jiang Tian teleported to avoid.

Shuangqiao Mountain exploded into the void, causing a terrifying giant wave.

Smashed hard into the depths of the ground!


The offensive of the golden demon bone did not stop and rushed towards Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian's expression changed, and he responded with Void Immortal Realm and Immortal Dragon's critical attack!



With a full blow, Jiang Tian was blown thousands of feet away!

Blood spurts out wildly, and the breath is violently turbulent!

If it weren't for the support of the Tyrant Dragon Immortal Body, I'm afraid it would have been severely damaged.

Even now, the injury is serious!


A golden light appears!

The golden demonic bones plundered at an alarming speed!

Jiang Tian could only keep teleporting to avoid it!

But he knew that continuing like this was not an option!

We must find a way to suppress and repel the offensive of the giant demon's hand bones.

"Force it into the Purple Mysterious Realm?"


Jiang Tian immediately gave up the idea.

There are many rare treasures in the Purple Mystic Realm, which hide several of his trump cards.

There is even a spiritual pet called the Mountain Swallowing Black Turtle!

In the current state of the golden demon bone, if it wreaks havoc inside, the consequences will be disastrous!

He must not risk the existence in Zixuan Realm!

what to do?

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