Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7431 Master, is it you?

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Jiang Tian was thinking rapidly in his mind, and secretly cried out in his heart!

The combat power of the golden demon bone is really too strong!

He could hardly think of a good solution.

Just then, something unexpected happened!


The ground trembled violently, and a powerful and terrifying breath came from below the ground!

"what is that?"

Jiang Tian's expression suddenly changed!

Could it be something suppressed by Yinxu Kunmu?

The Yinxu Kunmu has been pulled out, and the mysterious existence may be out of trouble.

This time it’s even more troublesome!

Jiang Tian's face was extremely ugly!

Shuangqiao Mountain is still deep underground and has not been recovered yet.

At this moment, there was such a change, and he had to face the threat of the golden demon bone. The situation was extremely chaotic!

The golden demon bone didn't pay attention to this. The offensive paused for a moment and then attacked again!



The golden light is dazzling!

The golden demon bone opened its arms and roared to grab Jiang Tian!

The terrifying golden light directly drowned Jiang Tian's figure and blocked his aura!

"Master...is it you?"

A voice that seemed to come from eternity, like weeping, complaining, lamenting and sighing!

Suddenly it came from the ground and landed in this space!


Jiang Tian's expression suddenly changed!

This voice actually gave him a strange sense of intimacy!

But this is his first time in the Blood Realm!

This is also my first time to the Yinxu!

How could it possibly feel like this?

There is no doubt that this must be an illusion!

And that unfathomable aura also made his hair stand on end!

That was definitely a force he couldn't contend with, and the threat was even greater than the golden demon bone!


At this moment, he had no time to think too much, he could only get out of this dangerous situation first.

But before the teleportation started, the terrifying coercion penetrated the ground and spurted out!

"not good……"


Jiang Tian's expression changed drastically!

The screams were drowned out by the terrifying noise, and the whole person was swept away by the terrifying power.

But what surprised him was that this force didn't hit him hard!

A ball of purple stars enveloped him!

This is the star sword intent gushing out of his body!

But this was not a deliberate push on his part, but an unconscious reaction!

After reacting, he was shocked!

"how so?"


There was a crazy loud noise from the other side!

A ball of golden light crashed around, the aura rose and fell wildly, and the light gradually dimmed.

It's the golden demon bone!

But under the impact of this mysterious power, the arms that once grew from the golden demon bone have disappeared.

The breath also began to decline sharply!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian is overjoyed!

Immediately teleport over, and after a short inspection, place heavy restrictions on the demon bones.

Then it was taken into the Zixuan Realm!

He himself also followed into the Zixuan Realm to check the situation inside.

The two giant demon hand bones were lying on the ground tightly grasping the Yinxu Kunmu.

The aura of the golden demon bone has returned to stability, and there is no longer anything strange.

"World Spirit, keep an eye on it, but if there is any abnormal movement, report it immediately!"

"Yes, Master!"

After giving orders to the world spirits, Jiang Tian immediately left the Zixuan Realm.


The Yin Ruins have begun to collapse!

"What exactly is that power?"

Jiang Tian sensed it briefly and found the whereabouts of Shuangqiao Mountain.

After putting away this valuable treasure, he quickly left the Yinxu.

He wanted to track down that mysterious voice and the power that made him feel inexplicably familiar.

The barrier in the middle of the Yin Ruins has also disappeared without a trace!

But when he came to the top of the Yin Ruins, that power had disappeared!

Looking up, I saw a huge black hole closing rapidly in the sky!

That's not the clouds surging, but the sky being pierced!

That mysterious power seems to have broken through the interface barrier of the blood world!

"This power is so strong!"

Jiang Tian took a breath!

When he comes to the Blood Realm, he still needs to pass through the Void Blood Drawing Formation as a passage.

When I first crossed the border, I had a narrow escape from death and faced many difficulties and dangers.

And when that mysterious power left the blood realm, it directly broke through the interface barrier. It was really an exaggeration!

"What is that power, and who is its 'master'?"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, recalling the great changes just now.

What puzzled him the most was that that terrifying power actually gave him an inexplicable sense of intimacy!

And because of the Star Sword Body, he was saved from serious damage!

Everything is so bizarre!

"Where is the Blood Realm Mountain?"

After a long time, Jiang Tian's thoughts turned to the Blood Realm Mountain!

It is said that it is the territory of the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm!

But where exactly it is is still unknown!

"try to find!"

Jiang Tian activated the void formation and fled away in a certain direction.

He didn't stop until a large city appeared in front of him!

This city is called Blood Jade City!

City Lord Xue Yun is a powerful Blood Emperor!

Jiang Tian went straight into the main hall of the city lord's mansion and found Xue Yun!

"That's unreasonable!"

"A mere human race dares to break into the main hall of the Lord's Mansion of Blood Jade City. Please calm down, Lord, and we will take it down now!"

Boom boom boom!

Ten Blood Emperor Realm elders rushed to take action, but in the blink of an eye they were suppressed by Jiang Tian's pressure!


"So...so strong!"

"How come the human race is so strong in the late stage of the God-making realm?"

Everyone was stunned and did not dare to move!

Xueyun's face was ashen and he didn't dare to mess around!

This strong human race gave him a strong sense of threat, enough to decide his life or death!

"Your Excellency...are you the protector?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I just want to know the location of Blood Realm Mountain!" Jiang Tian said.

"Blood Realm Mountain? That is the territory of the Blood Realm Dragon Clan. Are you trying to find the Blood Realm Dragon Clan? What a pity!"

Xueyun shook his head and sighed.

"What's a pity?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Unfortunately, no one knows the location of the Blood Realm Mountain. Some say it is at the end of the Blood Realm. Some say it is hidden in some mysterious place, but no one knows where it is exactly!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian hesitated.

"If you don't believe me, you can come and search for the soul, and Mr. Xue can swear a blood oath to prove that you are not lying!"

Without waiting for Jiang Tian to nod, Xue Yun directly raised his hand and swore a blood oath!

The thunder of the oath ravaged the sky, and the violent thunder confirmed Xue Yun's words.

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, then disappeared directly into the hall!


After Jiang Tian left, Xueyun collapsed and sat on the throne of the city lord, sweating all over his body!

At this time, Jiang Tian had already left the scope of Blood Jade City.

He must look for the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm, but he doesn't plan to continue searching aimlessly.

It is actually not difficult for him to find the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm.

It's really not difficult at all!

Blood sacrifice ancestral art!

"In my name, I invite the Blood Ancestor to come and suppress all directions. I am the only one who is supreme!"


Jiang Tian popped out a drop of blood!


In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the clouds rolled crazily!

A terrifying blood shadow appeared above the clouds, and it turned out to be a giant bloody dragon!

The dragon's body is tens of thousands of feet long and hovers in the void. It can't be seen at a glance, but it looks slightly illusory!


The giant dragon suddenly opened its mouth and sucked in all directions!

The billowing clouds suddenly turned into a whirlpool and poured into the dragon's mouth!

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