Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7432 You are very strong, but it’s a pity that you are a dragon!

The illusory dragon body tens of thousands of feet gradually began to solidify.

The giant dragon hovered in the sky, releasing huge dragon power, overlooking Jiang Tian!

"Who called me... Huh?"

The words stopped abruptly!

The giant dragon suddenly turned its huge front body and looked to the other side.

Roar... boom!

Another phantom of a giant dragon appeared, and it was actually longer and bigger than the one just now!

"Long Xuelie, what do you want to do?"

The first dragon roared furiously, dissatisfied with the arrival of the latter!

"Hahaha! Long Fatian, why do you ask questions knowingly? Of course I came here in response to the summons!"

"That's unreasonable! I obviously responded to the call, but you dared to rob me. You are breaking the rules!"

The first giant dragon named Long Fatian roared fiercely, his eyes full of threats!

"Don't do this! We received the summons at the same time. You just came a little faster than me, but your dragon body has not yet solidified. It's not too late for me to come now!"


"Shut up!"

Long Xuelie scolded fiercely, with arrogance!

Long Fatian was so furious that he was so angry that he couldn't speak!



Long Xuelie's method was extremely domineering. He opened his huge dragon's mouth and directly swallowed the clouds attracted by Long Fa Tianzhao into his belly.

The last thing came first, the dragon body quickly solidified!

"Can it still be like this?" Jiang Tian was stunned!

In his impression, the blood ancestor technique seemed to only be able to summon one blood ancestor.

Unexpectedly, two people showed up!

Moreover, the momentum behind this one is stronger and faster than the first one!

Jiang Tian stared at the two giant dragons with a strange expression.

"I wonder, between you two, who is the Blood Ancestor who responded to my call?"

"Of course I am!"

Long Xuelie did his part.

"You're dreaming!"

Long Fatian's dragon body had also solidified, and he roared and rushed over, directly attacking Long Xuelie.

Roar... boom!

The two giant dragons started a fierce fight, which caused a violent storm and changed the color of the world!

"Hahahaha, Long Fatian, do you really think you are strong? That's fine, let your strength decide!"

Long Xuelie laughed wildly, and the huge dragon body crushed directly towards Long Fatian.


Long Xuelie clearly had the advantage in terms of size and pressure, and he took control of the situation in an instant.

Pressing on Long Fatian, he retreated steadily!

"Damn it, damn it! Long Xuelie, I want to complain to the Council of Elders!"

"Go! Hahahaha, by the time you complain to the Presbyterian Council, I have already reached a contract with this little friend and will enjoy his offerings!"

Long Xuelie laughed wildly and felt very happy.

"You...you are shameless!"

"Get out!" Long Xuelie yelled!

"Wait for me!"

Ho ho ho!

Although Long Fatian was unwilling to give up, he was not strong enough and could only give up this summons.

Turn around and walk away in anger!

Before leaving, he even gave Jiang Tian a hateful look, leaving a deep and unpredictable look in his eyes, and escaped into the clouds.


Dragon Blood Lie looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, letting out a domineering dragon roar!

Then he looked at Jiang Tian with a stern look in his eyes.

"Human warriors rarely enter the Blood Realm, and it is even rarer to come to the Heaven Realm. I didn't expect you to be a descendant of the dragon bloodline! Tell me, kid, why are you calling me?"

Jiang Tian looked at the other party with a strange look in his eyes: "I'm calling you for no other reason than to inquire about some things. According to the summoning rules, can you answer truthfully and tell me everything you know?"

"Huh?" Long Xuelie was stunned!

Then burst out laughing!

"Haha, hahaha! Long has accepted summons many times, and this is the first time I have encountered such a strange request like yours! According to the summoning rules, as long as it does not harm the interests of Long and the Dragon Clan, and does not affect some special secrets, I can answer you!" Long Xuelie said.

As for whether he responded truthfully and whether he knew everything, there was no obvious response.

Obviously, it mostly depends on his mood!

Jiang Tian nodded and said, "Do you know the situation of Xuanyuan's lineage?"

"Xuanyuan's lineage! You actually know the existence of Xuanyuan's lineage?" Long Xuelie's pupils shrank, he was very surprised!

"Is it weird?" Jiang Tian asked.

Long Xuelie slowly exhaled a sullen breath: "Although our blood dragon clan is powerful, we are still beyond the reach of Xuanyuan's lineage... No, it should be said, that is not an existence that we can compare with at all!"

"Oh, I'd like to hear the details!" Jiang Tian asked.

Long Xuelie shook his head: "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. I don't know much about the Xuanyuan lineage. I only know that there was such a lineage before the ancient times. As for where they are, and whether they still exist now... …I don’t know!”

"What?" Jiang Tian frowned: "Who else among the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm knows the details?"

"Tsk! Boy, what's your attitude? Do you really think I'm just for your questioning?" Long Xuelie sneered, his eyes slightly ferocious.

Jiang Tian was silent for a moment and asked his second question: "Where is the territory of the Blood Realm Dragon Clan?"

"Dragon Clan Territory?" Dragon Blood Lielong frowned, and then smiled strangely: "It's really not difficult to know this question, as long as you accept my solicitation and agree to join my Blood Realm Dragon Clan!"

"What if I refuse?" Jiang Tian shook his head.

Since the Blood Realm Dragon Clan has nothing to do with Xuanyuan's lineage, he will naturally not stay here, nor will he accept the other party's solicitation.

"Boy, do you know how many people want to join the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm but have no chance? I advise you not to be disrespectful!"

Long Xuelie's eyes turned cold, and his words were quite threatening.

"The third question: What is your cultivation level?" Jiang Tian asked with a smile!

"Huh?" Long Xuelie was stunned!

In the eyes of this human boy, he actually saw a hint of ridicule?

"Bold!" Long Xuelie was a little annoyed!

As the summoned Blood Ancestor, he should have been aloof and arrogant.

But he found that this human boy's attitude was really not low, and he had no humility in front of him.

"Boy! Due to the summoning rules, I can't do anything to you, but if you are not honest, I can teach you a lesson at any time!"

"Is this related to my problem?" Jiang Tian sneered.

"Hmph! It's okay to tell you. I am a mid-term blood emperor, but my dragon bloodline in the blood realm is innately powerful, and my strength is far beyond the comparison of those trash blood emperors outside. You should understand this!"

Long Xuelie said proudly, his whole body filled with confidence and domineering.

"You are indeed very strong!" Jiang Tian nodded, "But it's a pity that you are a dragon!"

"What? Are you despising the Dragon Clan?" Long Xuelie was shocked!

I suspect I heard it wrong!

Listening to what the other party meant, why did it seem like it was his fault that he was a dragon?

The dragon bloodline is innately powerful, and being a dragon should be a matter of great pride.

Why did it seem to be a weakness, or even a shortcoming, in this human boy's mouth?

This is simply unreasonable!



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