Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7434 Encounter again, the Dragon Clan itself!

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

He can't let him take all the benefits!

"Jie Jie, fortunately I found it in time, Long Xuelie, if you want to take advantage of it all, there is no way!"


Long Fatian jumped up and turned into a streak of blood and disappeared into the clouds.

Looking closely, a huge trace was left in the sky above the clouds!

This is exactly the direction from which the Blood Sacrifice Ancestral Technique call was initiated!

"Hahaha! As expected!"

Long Fatian laughed!

I am becoming more and more convinced of my guess!

Long Xuelie has always acted calmly, but this time he was uncharacteristically different.

It shows that he was so eager to gain benefits and opportunities that he didn’t even have time to cover up the traces!

How could he be allowed to monopolize such a good thing?



Long Fatian chased with all his strength!

Jiang Tian's side!

When Longxuelie's body forcibly cut off the blood-sacrifice ancestral technique, the bloody dragon's divine sea suddenly turned into chaos!


Jiang Tian frowned!

The soul search is forced to stop!

But he had found the information he wanted, and gained some more.

It can be considered that the goal has been achieved.


The blood dragon's eyes gradually became dull.

The dragon's body naturally stretched out, forming a huge and stiff line, and the blood-colored clouds that formed the body gradually dispersed.

"Bloodline swallowing, swallow it for me!"

Of course Jiang Tian would not let go of this opportunity to supplement.

With both palms waving, two long dragon-like purple lights spurted out and poured into the dissipating dragon body.

But this is still very slow!

"Swallow the Xu Jue, swallow it for me!"


Jiang Tian opened his mouth and devoured it crazily.

But in the end, he only swallowed less than half of the dragon body.

The rest quickly dissipated between heaven and earth!

But even so, the harvest is still considerable!


As soon as the devouring ended, Jiang Tian's aura began to rise steadily.

He expected to reach the bottleneck of cultivation, but still failed to do so!

But he was not disappointed!

Because his combat power has increased significantly, the effect of this supplement is quite good!

Especially his physical body was more obviously nourished.

The power of the Tyrant Dragon Immortal Body has been significantly enhanced!

"As expected of the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm!"

Jiang Tian was a little excited!

Although it was just a clone of the Blood Ancestor, it only swallowed less than half of it.

But it still has such an effect.

What if it's the dragon's true form?

At this moment, he couldn't help but look forward to it!

"Blood Realm Dragon Clan, Blood Realm Mountain, let's go!"


Jiang Tian activated the void formation and fled far away in the direction of the Blood Realm Mountain!

Half an hour later!

Over a mountain range tens of millions of miles away from the Blood Realm Mountain!

As soon as Jiang Tian emerged from the purple formation, he saw the billowing cloud of blood covering the sky in front of him.

And the terrifying blood dragon escaping quickly in the blood cloud!

"The Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm, it's it!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and he was shocked!

This terrifying blood dragon is none other than Dragon Blood Dragon!

It roared in the void, with a body length of 100,000 feet, and a terrifying momentum. It rolled up a huge blood cloud and wreaked havoc in all directions!

The world on the opposite side turned blood red, and it was spreading towards Jiang Tian.

In an instant, the entire world turned blood red!

Jiang Tian seemed to be in a boundless sea of ​​blood!

"Hoho! Boy, you came very quickly. Are you so anxious to seek death? In that case, I will grant you my wish!"

Long Xuelie noticed Jiang Tian's presence and recognized him through his breath.

"If you dare to swallow my blood ancestor clone, you not only violated the taboo of blood ancestor sacrifice, but also touched my bottom line and dignity. You will die!"



The 100,000-foot-long bloody dragon roared fiercely, emitting a mighty dragon roar like an oracle!

The roar of the dragon swept across the world, causing tens of thousands of feet of terrifying blood!

Wave after wave of terrifying pressure pressed against Jiang Tian, ​​trying to knock him down.

But then he discovered it!

Such pressure is of no use to Jiang Tian!

Jiang Tian didn't even blink an eyelid!

Obviously, just a mere coercion cannot do anything to Jiang Tian!


Crack... click, boom!

Violent roars resounded through the void, and Dragon Xuelie's dragon body stretched out its claws, tearing the void apart and pointing directly at Jiang Tian.

"Are you so anxious to die?"

Jiang Tian looked disdainful.

Although he knew that Long Xuelie himself would take action, he did not expect that the other party would come in such a hurry.

There were still tens of millions of miles away from the Blood Realm Mountain, but the other party couldn't wait to kill them, and the momentum was so huge.

If it were an ordinary warrior, he might really have a headache.

After all, such a powerful middle-stage Blood Emperor would indeed cause him a lot of trouble.

But since he is a dragon, he is not afraid!

"bring it on!"



Jiang Tian teleported several times in succession and appeared above the head of the 100,000-foot giant dragon.

Prepare to suppress the opponent with your bloodline aura!

Long Xuelie was already prepared. The dragon's head suddenly twisted, and its huge body slammed into Jiang Tian!

The fins on the back were like rows of terrifying swords, slashing at Jiang Tian!


Jiang Tian's face changed slightly!

Although he is not afraid of dragon blood, he even desires it.

But we cannot ignore such a substantive attack!

Click, click, click!

The rows of fin spines on the blood dragon's back cut through the void, causing bloody cracks!

That was a space crack, and with it came a huge space wave!

These huge waves have no effect on Long Xuelie. It seems to be the master of space, stirring up the void wantonly.

Jiang Tian teleported one after another to avoid Long Xuelie's offensive.

A cold light flashed in his eyes!

Long Xuelie's dragon body is too huge, and if he continues to struggle like this, he will definitely get half the result with twice the effort, and it will not do him any good.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian decisively launched his bloodline aura!

"Bloodline aura, give it to me!"


hold head high!

Jiang Tian activated the bloodline will of the Barbarian Blood Dragon and violently suppressed the 100,000-foot-long blood dragon body below.

"How arrogant! Do you really think that I will be suppressed by you... Huh? Hiss! That's not right!"


Although Long Xuelie was well prepared, he thought that his attack would not be greatly affected.

But after truly feeling the power of this bloodline, I was still shocked!

"Damn it! This is impossible, what kind of bloodline are you?"

The body of a hundred thousand feet blood dragon trembled and trembled!

The rolling dragon's blood flowing inside actually slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye, almost stagnating!

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Ho ho ho!

Long Xuelie roared crazily, unable to accept this fact.

The majestic Blood Emperor of the middle stage of the Dragon Clan, with a dragon body of 100,000 feet across the void, can't withstand the pressure of the opponent's bloodline?

this moment!

He felt a terrible crisis!

A creepy feeling enveloped him!

He suddenly understood!

What happened to the Blood Ancestor's clone was not just an accident, it was inevitable!

Because not even his blood dragon body can withstand the power of this weird bloodline!


The bloody dragon roared furiously, trying its best to get rid of this suppression.

But under the pressure of Jiang Tian's bloodline, its speed has been greatly slowed down. How can it escape?

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