Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7435 Devouring


Jiang Tian teleported and flew towards the blood dragon's head.

Next, he is going to search for the soul and then devour it!

The nourishment of the Blood Emperor in the middle stage of the Dragon Clan and the body of a dragon with a body of 100,000 feet is absolutely beyond imagination!

Long Xuelie obviously realized this too!

He was in great fear!

Is the body of the majestic mid-stage Blood Emperor of the Dragon Clan, with the body of a blood dragon of 100,000 feet, really going to perish here?

This is not the Blood Ancestor’s clone!

But the transformed dragon body of his deity is the real body!

Once you fall, your body and soul will disappear, and there is no way to recover!

At this critical moment, Long Xuelie can't care so much anymore!

"I swallow you!"


Bah... ho ho ho ho!

With a shocking roar, the two front claws of the bloody giant suddenly fell off on their own!

Then there was a flash of blood, and Jiang Tian appeared in an instant!


Jiang Tian was startled and had to teleport to avoid it!

Obviously, this is some kind of trick of Long Xuelie's, and he has to guard against it!

But before he could teleport out, the two dragon claws exploded into two terrifying masses of blood mist, covering him!

And in this blood mist, there are two terrifying dragon bone claws merging left and right to form a dragon bone cage!

Trapped him in it!

"Swallow, swallow it!"

The bloody dragon opened its big mouth and swallowed Jiang Tian fiercely!

"Hahahaha, your bloodline is mine!"

"Boy, die!"

"You are still a thousand miles away from fighting me!"

The giant bloody dragon swallowed Jiang Tian into its belly in an instant and let out a shocking laugh!

So what if the bloodline is strong?

So what if the origin is mysterious?

Didn't it eventually become his dragon blood's delicacy?

"Crush him!"

Rumble... roar, roar, roar!

The 100,000-foot-long blood dragon's body was spinning and circling, madly crushing Jiang Tian who was swallowed by it.

The huge dragon body seemed to be twisted into a ball of twists!

If he were outside, Jiang Tian might still have room to teleport to avoid, advance and retreat in attack and defense.

But since he was swallowed into the dragon's belly, everything was out of his hands!


The dragon's body circled and rolled, rubbing violently, trying to crush Jiang Tian's body.

at the same time!

There were huge waves of terrifying blood inside the dragon's body!

It was the purest dragon blood and the powerful cultivation of the mid-stage Blood Emperor, attacking Jiang Tian!

Even if you can't crush him with the external power of the dragon body, you still have to use the internal power of blood to crush him, tear him into pieces, and refine him!

"You don't know how to live or die, do you really think that a mere human dragon can compete with this heavenly blood dragon? It's extremely stupid to overestimate your capabilities!"

Long Xuelie sulked fiercely, venting the hatred in his heart.

It took less than an hour from the time the Blood Ancestor clone was suppressed to now.

He finally turned defeat into victory and got his revenge!

Jiang Tian, ​​a dragon of unknown origin, eventually became his nourishment.

It is not difficult to imagine that after refining this mysterious bloodline, his bloodline level and overall strength will rise significantly.

You can also get the extra benefits hidden in Jiang Tian!

What a great opportunity!

"Hurry up, tear him apart and refine him!"

Long Xuelie can't wait any longer!

He could even feel several strange auras contained in Jiang Tian's body.

That is an opportunity and treasure independent of the dragon bloodline!

Those smells made him curious, but he couldn't explore them carefully yet.

Because he wants to refine this blood food first, and then spit out those opportunities and mysterious treasures, turn them into human forms, and understand them carefully!

Time passes by minute by minute!

Long Xuelie changed from the initial excitement and ecstasy to confusion and anxiety!

"Why aren't you dead yet?"

Long Xuelie was shocked!

Whether it was the crushing external power of the dragon's body circling and rolling, or the internal impact of the power of blood, they failed to produce the effect he expected.

Although Jiang Tian was in the dragon's belly, he did not show any obvious signs of decline.

Instead, he went crazy and took action, causing impact and backlash to it again and again!

"Long Xuelie, do you really think you can kill me like this?"

"You are extremely arrogant. You are about to die. How dare you be so arrogant?" Long Xuelie scolded angrily!

"Tsk! Have you forgotten that the power of my bloodline will suppress you?" Jiang Tian sneered.

Long Xuelie was so sick that he sought medical attention, but his cleverness was mistaken for him!

Even though he couldn't compete with the bloodline power of the Barbarian Blood Divine Dragon, he still insisted on swallowing him into the dragon's belly, thinking that this would solve the problem.

Extremely stupid!

"Do you still want to overturn the world?" Long Xuelie roared fiercely!

"In that case, I will turn this day over and let you see it!"


Jiang Tian raised his arms and activated the bloodline pressure in the dragon's belly!

Ho ho ho!

A majestic, domineering, manic and violent aura rippled out!

The seemingly powerful dragon Xuelie's bloodline power was instantly defeated!

It turned into huge waves of blood, rolling out in all directions with Jiang Tian as the center!

Boom... boom!

"Ah...damn it, no...stop, stop it!"

The dragon's body of a hundred thousand feet trembled crazily, and Long Xuelie was completely frightened!

If Jiang Tian was still outside, he might have other ways to deal with it.

But Jiang Tian is in the body of a dragon, and there are really not many methods he can use!

"Damn it! Get out of my dragon body!"

Long Xuelie roared loudly, filled with shock and anger.

"Tsk! You want me to go out? It's not that simple!"

Jiang Tian shouted coldly, raised his foot and stepped hard!


Purple light bursts!

The terrifying sword intent instantly pierced the dragon's belly, and the dragon's blood spurted out, and the dragon's blood forceful aura was violently turbulent!

"Ah... stop it!"

Long Xuelie screamed in agony!

The sword intent penetrated the dragon's belly, and the essence and blood leaked out wildly, which was a double loss for him.

"Stop when you say stop?"

Jiang Tian sneered and commanded to kill!



The purple sword intent passed through the dragon's body, creating a thousand-foot crack!

"Oh no!"

Long Xuelie screamed miserably and was in extreme pain!

As the injury worsened and the dragon's blood was lost, his breath began to obviously decline.

He didn't dare wait any longer!

If you continue like this, you will definitely be consumed by the opponent!

Roar... boom!

The shrill dragon roar resounded through the void!

The dragon's blood coiled into a twist-like body and suddenly began to straighten!

In the coiled state just now, every time Jiang Tian made a move, it would cause him more than one wound.

Now, Jiang Tian's attack can only hurt one place!

Avoid additional injuries.

But this is still not the best way!

Because Jiang Tian was still wreaking havoc in his huge dragon body, causing him severe abdominal pain!

After several shots, Jiang Tian suddenly stopped!

"Huh?" Long Xuelie was startled, then ecstatic!

It’s like the aftermath of a disaster!

But then, he fell into even greater panic!

"Bloodline swallowing, swallow it for me!"


Jiang Tian activated his bloodline devouring talent and madly devoured the bloodline essence!

"Damn! No!"

Long Xuelie was horrified!

He could feel the power of his bloodline draining away rapidly, and his cultivation even began to decline.

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