Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7436 Long Cutian

If this continues, you may fall down in a few moments.

At that time, he will completely lose the ability to protect himself!

“No… stop it quickly… stop it for me… ah!”

Long Xuelie roared miserably and even began to beg.

"Is this scary?"

Jiang Tian sneered.

Of course we won’t stop!

This is the blood dragon clan in the middle stage of the Blood Emperor, and their bloodline level is more than ten times more powerful than the elders of the True Dragon Family!

It is excellent nourishment for him!

How can we let it go!

"Swallow, swallow it!"

"Faster, faster!"

Roar... boom!

Jiang Tian stretched his arms together, and his left and right palms spurted purple light at the same time, like a long dragon sucking water!

Long Xuelie's huge dragon body began to shrink, and his bloodline aura continued to decline!

Despair and fear filled his heart!

Long Xuelie felt extremely regretful and wished he could turn back time!

If you go back an hour ago!

He would never compete with Long Fatian for the summons from the Blood Sacrifice Ancestral Technique!

Let alone fight against this mysterious human dragon vein!

He will only hide as far as he can!

But now, there is no use regretting!

He was unable to get rid of this mysterious human dragon vein, unable to stop the opponent's blood from devouring it.

I can only watch myself become the opponent's blood food!

Increase the opponent's strength!

It won't be long before his huge dragon body, which is 100,000 feet long, will turn into an empty shell!


This empty shell is useful too!

Its value is beyond imagination!

Even a scale, a keel, a dorsal fin, and a bone spur are all priceless treasures!

It's a pity that these things are all cheaper for this human race!

His breath dropped sharply, and he could already smell the smell of death!

It’s over!

Completely finished!


In the dragon's belly, Jiang Tian's aura is rising step by step!

In sharp contrast to the declining Dragon Bloodline!

With the help of this bloodline, can he reach the bottleneck of cultivation?

How far is he from the peak of the God-making realm?

This thought flashed through Jiang Tian's mind, and he couldn't help but speed up his devouring speed again!

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!


Ho ho ho!

A dull roar echoed through the void!

Another bloody dragon suddenly arrived!

"Long Fatian? You're here just in time, save me!"

Long Xuelie was ecstatic, as if he had seen a savior!

"Save you? Hey, give me a reason!"

Long Fatian also appeared with a dragon body of 100,000 feet, spanning the void.

Originally, his strength was slightly weaker than the opponent's.

But now, Long Xuelie's aura has dropped by nearly 20%, and he is already much weaker than him!

In front of such dragon blood, he found a huge sense of superiority.

"Long Fatian, if you don't save me, you will die!"

Dragon Xuelie roared loudly!

"Hahaha, a dying man still dares to threaten me, do you think I'm stupid? To tell you the truth, I'm just here to pick up some bargains, but I didn't expect it to go so smoothly!"

Long Fatian laughed wildly, feeling elated for a moment!

He followed Long Xuelie here just to gain benefits.

I thought it would take some effort, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

So exciting!

"Dragon Xuelie, let's settle our old and new grudges together. If I swallow your blood, we'll be even!"

"Idiot! Don't be so self-righteous, or you will regret it..."

"Shut up!"

Long Xuelie was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but was interrupted by the other party before he could finish his words!

"Long Xuelie, your good days are over, die!"

Roar... click!


Long Fatian stretched out two giant claws and held down Long Xuelie!

The ferocious big mouth bit hard at its dragon body!

"Ah...Long Fatian...you idiot, you will regret it!"

"Regret? Hahaha, I regret it's too late!"



Crazy biting sounds, piercing screams and desperate roars rang out together!

Long Fatian bit hard and feasted, and his aura slowly rose.

He was just a little strange, why was Long Xuelie suddenly injured so badly?

What happened just now?

Could it be that he encountered a strong enemy and fought to the death, causing both sides to lose?

may be!

Otherwise, it might not be his turn to pick up this bargain!

This time, he really came to the right place!

Long Xuelie never expected that he would be divided and devoured by one man and one dragon!

"Long Fatian? Another blood ancestor of the dragon clan!"

Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the belly of the dragon, narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly showed a strange smile.

A dragon blood lie is already a rare nourishment, but unexpectedly another dragon fatian comes.

His luck is really good!

Long Xuelie is already half disabled, and his cultivation has fallen below that of the Blood Emperor, and he is barely surviving!

Next, his main target is Long Fatian!

"Well done, well done!"

Jiang Tian teleported away from Longxuelie's body.

Then he appeared above Long Fatian's head!

"Huh? It's you!"

Long Fatian's pupils shrank, and he suddenly had a bad feeling!


In an instant he understood everything!

It turns out that the powerful enemy who fought against Long Xuelie and "both sides suffered" was the human boy who initiated the blood-sacrifice ancestral technique!

And the so-called "lose-lose situation" does not exist!

Only Long Xuelie was severely injured, this human boy was unscathed!

"How could this happen? Damn it!"

Long Fatian was shocked!

The huge dragon head suddenly lifted up, trying to knock the opponent away.

Jiang Tian teleported and grabbed the dragon's horn, but was neither knocked away nor thrown away.

Facing Long Fatian, Jiang Tiantian took the most direct method!

Bloodline suppression!

"Bloodline aura, give it to me!"



Under the aura of the wild blood dragon, Long Fatian instantly fell into panic!

The body of the one hundred thousand foot dragon trembled violently, and the dragon blood all over it was greatly sluggish.

"Don't kill me...don't..."



Jiang Tian stepped hard with his right foot!

The purple sword intent penetrated Long Fatian's head!

Amidst the shrill screams, Long Fatian's brains splattered and blood spurted out wildly!

"Swallow! Swallow it!"

Jiang Tian waved his arms and swallowed the blood essence of the two giant dragons at the same time!


Long Fatian wanted to struggle, but found that his strength dropped sharply and became weaker and weaker!

As time passed, he quickly lost his ability to resist.

Under the influence of the suppression of bloodline will and the influence of bloodline devouring, he was completely reduced to Jiang Tian’s blood food!


Long Fatian regretted it too much!

If he had known this, why would he come all the way here to get an advantage?

Now that I didn't get the bargain, I was going to lose my life and die!


He hates it!

While he still had a little bit of energy left, he lowered his head and bit into Long Xuelie's remaining body.

"Dragon Xuelie! It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, how could I be in this situation?"

Long Fatian let out a desperate roar and directed all his resentment towards Long Xuelie.

This compatriot from the Dragon Clan, relying on his superior strength, forcibly snatched away the summoning contract of the Blood Sacrifice Ancestor Technique.

Then he lured him here and put him in a situation beyond redemption!

If time could go back again, he would never accept the summons, let alone ignore Long Xuelie!

Now, it's too late!

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