Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7437 Mysterious Black Shadow


Two streams of dragon blood poured into the body, and then split into two.

Half is integrated into the Zixuan Realm, and the other half is transformed into Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power!

"Not bad, very strong!"

Jiang Tian felt the power rising steadily, and he was extremely excited!

As expected of the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm!

He is worthy of being the mid-term Blood Emperor!

The nourishing effect of these two bloodlines is stronger than the dozens of blood emperors in the Blood Sky Sect!

Sure enough, it must be of dragon bloodline!

"Has the peak of the God-making realm arrived?"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, feeling the rising power.

Next, he discovered a shocking fact!

His cultivation still hasn't reached the bottleneck!

The bloodline spiritual power has been increasing, but I can't feel the bottleneck effect!

"How can it be?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

According to original expectations, he should have hit the bottleneck as early as the Blood Sky Sect.

Because after devouring dozens of blood emperors, the bloodline spiritual power has reached a 100% full state.

Next, he devoured the blood essence of the two Supreme Elders of the Blood Sky Sect. It should not be a big problem if he reaches the bottleneck.

Now he has devoured two more mid-stage dragon blood emperors, but he still failed to reach the bottleneck!

Where is his bottleneck?

In the long run, this is definitely a good thing!

Because Jiang Tian's combat power has been increasing, it seems that there is no upper limit!

In the late stage of God Creation Realm, he can already suppress the mid-stage Blood Emperor head-on!

This is an extremely exaggerated thing!

It’s no longer enough to describe him as a monster or a freak!

His fighting power is crazy and perverted!

"Blood Realm Mountain...wait for me!"

Jiang Tian looked in the direction of Blood Realm Mountain.

That is the territory of the Blood Dragon Clan!

How high is the cultivation bottleneck?

Where is the limit in the late stage of the God-making realm?

I'm afraid only Blood Realm Mountain can give him an answer!


Under him, there are two dying dragons!

Although the bloodline devouring has been completed, these two giant dragons have not truly fallen.

Jiang Tian even left them with a breath!

Under the suppression of bloodline will, Long Xuelie and Long Fatian couldn't even escape, even if they wanted to self-destruct!

"bring it on!"

Search for souls!

Boom boom!

Jiang Tian waved both palms together and began to search for the souls of the two giant dragons.

"The Blood Realm Dragon Clan, the Blood Realm Mountain...the Extreme Blood Cold Pond, the Blood Realm Alliance...the Dragon Blood Map...the Blood Dragon Ancestral Land!"

All kinds of information jumped out, confirming the results of the last soul search.

But it’s a hundred times more detailed than last time!

This soul search allowed him to find out more about the Dragon Clan in the Blood Realm, and even some secrets of the Dragon Clan's forbidden land.

It can be said that the harvest is huge!

However, soul searching cannot replace actual exploration, so we still have to go to the territory of the Blood Realm Mountain Dragon Clan!

Boom, boom!

After the soul search was completed, Jiang Tian casually killed Long Xuelie and Long Fatian.

After collecting two piles of dragon materials, activate the void formation.

Target Blood Realm Mountain!


The purple light flashed and fled far away!

at the same time!

A black shadow is fleeing in the endless starry sky!

This black shadow is none other than the mysterious existence that took the opportunity to rush out after the Yinxu seal disappeared!

At this time, it has left the blood realm.

He was running aimlessly through the starry sky at an extremely terrifying speed!


It began to turn around and fled towards a gathering of stars!

There, it felt a familiar atmosphere!

"Master...is it you?"


The black shadow crossed the starry sky at a terrifying speed, and it didn't take long before it rushed into the place where the stars gathered.

Ignore the power of the barrier in front of you and run straight into it!

Star Market!

That's right!

This place where stars gather is the Star Ruins!

The black shadow escaped into it, causing turmoil in the interface.

It quickly spread to the entire Star Market!

All the warriors inside felt the huge changes!

Fortunately, the turmoil did not last long and quickly subsided.

"what happened?"

"What happened just now?"

Throughout the Star Ruins, the strong men who felt the turmoil were shocked!

They come from various interfaces and forces in the surrounding area.

There are warriors from the True Dragon Family in the Tao Domain, as well as monsters from the Taikoo Yun Clan.

There are also Phoenix Clan geniuses from the Fengyuan Realm, and Phoenix Clan monsters from the Blood Phoenix Realm!

Originally, the Phoenix Clan and the Huang Clan were mortal enemies, but this time, both sides had a tacit understanding and did not go to war!

There is no other reason!

Just because of the latest special intersection between the two powerful men from the Phoenix Clan of the Phoenix Realm and the Phoenix Clan of the Blood Phoenix Realm!

In the face of a life-and-death crisis, the two powerful men broke the taboos between the two races and used forbidden blood techniques to warn the two races.

As a result, the two tribes sent strong men to Xingxu to hunt down the enemy!

"This is not an ordinary movement, but a fluctuation in the entire interface. There must be some kind of terrifying force that has touched the interface barrier of Star Ruins!"

On the edge of a certain boulder storm, a group of Phoenix clan monsters were having a heated exchange.

Su Wan, the leader, reacted extremely calmly.

It seemed that nothing she encountered in the Star Ruins was enough to move her.

"Sister Sioux, what do you think?"

Several of her compatriots looked at Su Wan.

"Everyone has a mission, so just do your best."

Su Wan was not happy with the conversation, so she just replied lightly and stopped talking.

It’s hard for people to ask too many questions!

After all, this sister of the Suwan clan has always spoken very little, and is deeply trusted by the senior leaders of the clan.

Where another cloud of energy gathered, Yun Xianghan, the number one evildoer of the younger generation of the Taikoo Yun Clan, frowned!

In this strange movement that filled the Star Ruins, she felt the crisis!


She issued a summons!

"Everyone in the Taikoo Yun Clan, listen to my order and leave Star Ruins!"


"Why leave!"

"What is Yun Xianghan doing?"

After receiving the summons, several monsters from the Taikoo Yun Clan were confused and even a little annoyed.

After finally arriving at Xingxu, could it be that because of a small change, I just left like this?

"Don't worry about her!"

"Yes! Star Market is a place of madness. We came here to hone our cultivation. Leaving now is a sign of cowardice!"

The monsters of the Taikoo Yun Clan ignored it and continued to travel in the Star Ruins.

The monsters from the Phoenix Clan haven’t left either!

In their view, the greater the change, the greater the opportunity!

Maybe some great rare treasure is about to be born, and maybe they can get a great opportunity and make great contributions to the family!

Another piece of calmer void.

Several elders of the True Dragon Family looked at each other with ugly expressions!

There are two hundred young monsters who entered Star Ruins.

Today, there may be less than fifty people alive, or even less!

Among them, Long Qingke was most worried about Jiang Tian!

The last time I saw Jiang Tian was half a month ago!

For half a month, there has been no news from Jiang Tian, ​​as if he has disappeared!

Where did he go?

Did he encounter an accident and die unexpectedly?

If this is the case, that would be so sad!

Long Qingke frowned, his face uncertain!

He devoted a lot to Jiang Tian.

In the beginning, he was betting and investing for future benefits.

After coming to Xingxu, he was completely conquered by Jiang Tian's potential!

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