Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7438 Star Clan Reappears

Jiang Tian even saved his life in an unexpected danger!

Such a relationship is much stronger than his simple bets and investments!

This means that the two have become life and death friends.

When Jiang Tian returns to the True Dragon Family, he will definitely be reused.

With the kind of person Jiang Tian is, he will definitely reciprocate his kindness.

By then, his status in the family will also be extremely high!

All his efforts and efforts will be rewarded beyond imagination!

but now!

Jiang Tian is missing!

There is no trace, no one knows whether he is alive or dead!

This made him anxious!

"Have you seen Jiang Tian recently, or even heard a little bit about him?"

Long Qingke asked eagerly.

My colleagues shook their heads and even rolled their eyes!

"Elder Qingke, it's only been less than half an hour, and you've already asked me a dozen times!"

"If you ask again, we still don't know, don't know, don't know!"

Several colleagues are already annoyed by his questions!

From the moment they met, Long Qingke never left Jiang Tian, ​​as if Jiang Tian was the top priority in his heart.

But the plight of the demons who are the direct descendants of the True Dragon Family doesn’t care at all!

"Elder Qingke, you only care about asking Jiang Tian, ​​why don't you ask the younger generations of our clan?"

"Of the two hundred monsters, there may only be a few dozen left by now. I'm afraid it won't be easy for us to explain when we go back!"

The faces of several elders were extremely ugly.

Although the trip to Xingxu is a journey of life and death, the family will not be too harsh on the young people because of their death.

But if too many people die, of course they will be stressed.

Long Qingke repeatedly questioned Jiang Tian, ​​which undoubtedly made them more irritated!

"You are confused! Don't you see that among this group of people, only Jiang Tian is a useful talent?" Long Qingke said.

"Elder Qingke, what you said is a bit excessive, isn't it?"

"Jiang Tian is very strong and very evil, but that doesn't mean that others can't do it!"

"Don't those people in Long Zhen also have a bright future?"

Several colleagues retorted.

Long Qingke sneered, there was nothing else in his eyes!

"Wrong! Long Zhen and the others are indeed not bad, but they are completely incomparable to Jiang Tian. As long as we can successfully bring Jiang Tian back during this trip, it will be our greatest success! I might as well tell you that even the fifteenth and sixteenth level demons Even Jiang Tian can easily kill beasts!"


"He can kill level 16 monsters with ease?"

"What a joke!"

"Elder Qingke, are you serious?"

Several colleagues were shocked!

It is suspected that Long Qingke is deliberately bragging in order to emphasize Jiang Tian's importance.

"It can't be faked, and it's useless to brag about it! You can figure out Jiang Tian's weight by yourself. If you can't understand it, it can only mean that you are too confused!"

Long Qingke sneered and scolded, saying no more.

After the unusual movement, the Star Ruins gradually calmed down!

Everyone's worries gradually relaxed.

Therefore, the warriors in the Star Ruins continued their travels.

at the same time!

There is another starry sky not far away from Star Market!

This place is filled with large starry sky storms!

From time to time, dazzling star spots burst out, releasing large swaths of starlight!

There are also star craters everywhere, large and small, countless!

And above this chaotic star ruins, there is a huge nebula suspended!

at this time!

Two young men, a man and a woman, each carrying two special bags came to the edge of the nebula.

They have a temperamental temperament, eyes like stars, and they wear robes that seem to be woven from nebulae, with little stars dotted on them, flickering on and off, looming and appearing!

In comparison, the pocket in the hand is a bit inconspicuous.

These pockets are black and dotted with sparse star patterns that flicker on and off!

Maybe it's been used for a long time and it looks dirty.

The two of them stood on the edge of the nebula, overlooking the large star crater below and the starry sky storm that suddenly glowed.

The young man put the two pockets in his hands next to him, then took the initiative to take the pocket from the young woman's hand, picked up the bottom of the bag, and lifted it up!

"Do you want to help me pour it again? I should do it myself!" the young woman said.

"This kind of dirty work should be done by people with stupid qualifications like me. Xingzhen, you are about to advance to the Taixu Realm. From now on... I may not even have the chance to help you empty the star bag. there is none left!"

"Xingji, you are not bad either. I believe that one day, you will be able to reach the Taixu Realm. By then, we will be able to meet again!" Xingzhen said with a smile.

"Me? Hehe, maybe one day, but I believe that by that time you will definitely be not only in the Taixu Realm, but maybe further away from me!" Xingji scratched his head, with a naive smile on his dull face.

"Hehe!" Xingzhen suddenly jumped to the opposite side and grabbed two of Xingji's pockets!

"Hey... what are you doing? Put it down quickly, that pocket is very dirty!" Xingji was a little anxious!

That was his star sac. It was stained with too much star dust because of too frequent use.

Xingzhen suddenly held it in his hand, which made him feel very uneasy!

"What are you doing? Of course you are taking out the trash. You have taken it out for me so many times, so I have to take it out for you too, otherwise I may never have a chance in the future!"

Xingzhen said, quickly untied the star bag and shook it gently.


A pile of star debris-like things fell from it, falling towards the large star pit below.

This kind of pocket is called a star bag.

It sounds elegant, but it's actually the container StarClan uses to hold trash!

Those star debris include waste residues produced by Star Clan alchemists, leftover materials from Star Clan weapon refiners, and some garbage generated during the cultivation of Star Clan powerful masters.

These things will be collected by the junior disciples, put into the star bag, and then dumped.

Those star pits below are the garbage pits of StarClan!

Some of these garbage have some residual spiritual power.

When they are dumped into the star pit, they often produce various reactions and cause various abnormal movements.

The starry sky storm near the star crater is caused by these things.

But these movements are not worth mentioning to Star Clan!

After Xingzhen poured out the first one, she quickly poured out the second star bag!

Bang bang!

She clapped her hands and handed the empty pocket to Xingji.

It turns out that Xingji’s first pocket has not been emptied yet!

"Xingji, are you too slow?" Xingzhen muttered.

"You know, that's how I am!" Xingji wasn't angry, he just smiled innocently.

"Okay, I'll pour that one!" Xingzhen said.

"No, I must do this!"

Xing Ji protected the pocket like food.


Xingzhen smiled!

"It's just a bag of garbage. If you don't think it's enough, I'll beg the elders to let me stay here for a few more days and let you take out the garbage for me a few more times!"

"That's not possible, cultivation is more important. If you finally have a chance to escape, you must get out!" Xing Ji frowned anxiously.

"You idiot, I was just joking to make you anxious, as if my practice is more important than yourself..."

Xingzhen said with a smile. She didn't know what she thought of, but suddenly she couldn't stop laughing.

He seemed a little uncomfortable and his expression was a little strange.

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