Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7442 The girl in green shirt, Lian'er, and the soul-eating beast

After they collapsed, forces gathered together and evolved into an even more magnificent starry sky storm!

Gradually, a terrifying hurricane of stars formed, sweeping crazily across the starry sky!

Buzz buzz... boom boom!

The star hurricanes continued to superimpose and soon evolved into an interface storm!

Waves of storms swept across the interface, easily swallowing up large areas of Star Ruins and destroying more than a dozen nearby small interfaces!

"Damn it!"


"Oh my God!"

"Stop it!"

The black shadow has exceeded tens of millions of feet and is evolving towards a scale of hundreds of millions of feet!

Not only has the speed not slowed down, it has even gotten faster!

Such changes have completely exceeded the imagination of the warriors!

Some people simply have a mental breakdown and a collapse of will!

Some people hold their heads and shout wildly, falling into madness!

As powerful men at the level of God Creation, they have witnessed countless bizarre scenes in their lives.

But it has never been as scary as now!

Compared with the strange movements caused by this black shadow and its terrifying power, even if these people were added together, they were just ants, not even ants!

So what is their lifelong practice?

A humble speck of dust?


"You...what are you?"

Most of the hundreds of warriors screamed in despair.

Question your martial arts, beliefs and even your life like never before!

The changes in front of us are too terrifying and grand!

It was so grand that it directly destroyed their minds and shattered their imaginations.

Even with all his strength, he couldn't figure it out.

How could there be such terrifying power in the world?

I am afraid that if they live for thousands of years, they will not be able to reach one thousandth of the shadow!

In this case, what is the use of practicing?

In the end, he is nothing more than an ant or dust that lives and dies involuntarily!

Rumble, rumble!

The black shadow expands rapidly!

It has exceeded the size of hundreds of millions of feet!

However, against the backdrop of the vast starry sky, it is still not worth mentioning!

Compared to the boundless starry sky, it is still too small!

However, its expansion is accelerating and will soon exceed the size of more than a billion feet!

"How can it be?"

"It's over, it's completely over!"

at this time!

Whether it's Su Wan or Long Qingke.

Everyone stopped what they were doing!


All struggles and efforts are in vain!

The speed of the black shadow's expansion was beyond imagination.

No matter what bloodline forbidden techniques or dragon soul forbidden techniques you use... they will all be useless!

Because the speed of the forbidden technique's escape is far inferior to the speed of the black shadow's expansion.

Originally, they could still clearly see where the edge of the black shadow was.

Now there is only a black shadow left in all directions!

Even the roar of the starry storm caused by the black shadow is no longer scary!

Because the peripheral sounds are fading away and fading with the rapid spread of the black shadow!

Therefore, no matter how violent the storm caused by the black shadow is.

They are almost no longer able to hear those sounds!

The place where they stood once again became a "paradise", a quiet place.

But this kind of silence is deathly silence to them!

It's despair!

"We can't escape, we can't escape!"

"Ants...we are just ants!"

"Shut up! Are you an ant? You are not even an ant!"

"Dust! We are just dust!"

"Maybe... we are not even worthy of dust?"

"We don't even deserve to have a body?"

"Who cares? Who cares about your thoughts and feelings? Compared with this terrifying black shadow, who are you?"

Hundreds of warriors let out desperate roars, as if venting their last grievances.

They realize more and more that this struggle is in vain!

It is meaningless babble and powerless babble!

Who cares?

After all, their voices couldn't travel very far!

Each of them claims to be powerful, but even if they exhaust their strength, they cannot keep up with the speed of the black shadow's expansion.

As if being pinned to the spot by a forbidden curse, it becomes increasingly impossible to escape!

"Ahhh...I want you to die!"

"Die, let's destroy together!"

Bangka... boom, boom, boom!

More than a dozen warriors reached their peak and fought together.

The power of the attack was 20 to 30% higher than usual!

In general competitions, there will be an instinct of self-preservation.

And now in this situation, they are all going crazy!

The attack was fierce, the attacks were unreasonable, and the combat power was even greater than before.

"That's unreasonable!"

"Are you crazy?"

"They are crazy, aren't we crazy?"

"Destroy, let's destroy together!"

More people joined the melee, and the situation became more and more intense!

at this time!

Only a few warriors from various forces can still forcibly stay awake.

But in their hearts, murderous intent was also aroused!

"Idiot, waste!"

"It doesn't count as a bunch of ants, so why are you still fighting here?"

"Die, die!"


In an instant, the elders of the True Dragon Family, the monsters of the Phoenix Clan and the Phoenix Clan all took action.

After a violent attack, many crazy warriors were killed by them.

The surroundings gradually returned to calm.

In this case, there is no point in fighting!

Because the storm outside the shadow was thousands of times more violent than their attacks.

They fought back and forth here, but they all felt that it was useless.


The storm in the starry sky continues to intensify, and the black shadow has spread over hundreds of billions of feet, forming a terrifying outline that is rapidly expanding!

at this time!

A ray of starlight suddenly flew from a distance!

This is a throne of stars!

Sitting on it was a woman in a green shirt, with her legs crossed, as if she was looking down at everything!

There was a small beast lying on the woman's shoulder.

Soul-eating beast!

Sitting on the armrest of the throne was a cute little girl.

"Sister Fuyao, what happened over there?"

The little girl pointed forward and asked.

"It's just a storm in the starry sky, nothing special. Didn't you see it last time, Lian'er!"

"But it seems different from last time!" the little girl sitting on the armrest of the throne said in confusion.

"Really, how can I...eh?"

The woman in green shirt straightened up slightly and looked over there.

His face gradually darkened!

"Isn't it possible? That thing...didn't it perish long ago?"

"Sister Fuyao, what are you talking about?" Lian'er asked, blinking her innocent big eyes.

"It's nothing, maybe it's an illusion. Soul-devouring beast, go ahead and swallow it to avoid making any noise!"


With a flash of silver light, the soul-devouring beast disappeared on the shoulder of the woman in blue.

"Sister Fuyao, let me go take a look!"

Lian'er couldn't wait to jump off the handrail and followed excitedly to watch the excitement.

The woman in green shirt didn't stop her, she simply leaned back on the chair and watched calmly.


The Soul-Eating Beast came to the top of the rapidly expanding black shadow, and its small eyes as big as rice grains burst out with light like stars!

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