Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7443 Empress Fuyao

"Little thing, get out of here, or I'll kill you!"

The black shadow roared with disdain and drove the opponent away.

The Soul Devouring Beast didn't seem to hear it!

The next moment, it opened its pointed mouth and sprayed a stream of silver light towards the black shadow!


Rumble, rumble!

The silver light pierced into the black shadow like a straw, and the next moment, the terrifying devouring power exploded 1

The soul-eating beast devoured it like a whale sucking water.

The black shadow's expansion stopped instantly, and began to shrink and roll back under the terrifying devouring force!

"Damn it! Get out of here!"


The black shadow undulated violently, setting off a shocking storm, trying to repel the soul-devouring beast.

But its struggle was useless, and the Soul-Eating Beast was not affected at all.

Suspended steadily in the starry sky, devouring it crazily!

at this time!

The warriors in the shadow also noticed something strange!

They saw that as soon as the silver light fell, the entire black shadow began to undergo shocking changes!

What excites them the most is that the sound of the storm that once disappeared reappeared and began to grow!

"Listen to the sound of the storm!"

"The black shadow seems to have stopped expanding!"

"We have hope!"

Everyone cheered!

As long as the black shadow shrinks to a certain extent, they will have a chance to escape.

"Little one, do you really think you can suck me dry? I'm dreaming!"

The black shadow roared furiously!

The huge body surged and suddenly sprouted countless tentacles!

These tentacles are billions of feet long, stretching out into the starry sky.

Some stretched directly into the starry sky storm, and some plunged into the star ruins of different colors.

Some directly penetrated the interface barrier and swallowed up all the materials in a certain interface!

Whether it’s warriors, monsters, heavenly materials or earthly treasures, mountains, rivers, long sky, lakes and seas, magnificent clouds...devour them all!

Become the nourishment of Sombra!

This makes up for the loss of being devoured by the soul-devouring beast!

"Zhizhi! Roar!"

The soul-devouring beast's small eyes widened and it was also shocked!

Its devouring speed is quite terrifying, but the speed of Black Shadow's replenishment seems to be even more furious!

So after a while, the size of the black shadow increased instead of decreasing!

"No, the sound of the storm disappeared again!"

"Damn it!"

"how so?"

The warriors in the shadows are desperate again!

"Squeak! Hohohoho!"

The soul-devouring beast is also anxious!

It opened its sharp mouth again and sprayed out streams of silver light.

Some of these silver lights are like straws piercing into the black shadow and sucking wildly!

Some exploded into waves of silver and shrouded them down!

Under the cover of the silver wave, the black shadows are eroding and blurring into pieces!

"Hahahaha, let's see who is faster!"

Although the black shadow is constantly being swallowed and consumed, it seems to have no fear.

Swish, swish... boom!

In an instant, a large number of tentacles stretched into the depths of the starry sky.

Not only did the storm around the black shadow not weaken, it even got stronger!

And everywhere within reach, all the star ruins and small interfaces suffered!

I don’t know how many creatures and small worlds were destroyed in one moment, all of them became the nourishment of the black shadow!

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The soul-eating beast is in a hurry!

Since the birth of its spiritual intelligence, it has never encountered such a difficult thing.

It seems that no matter how much it devours it, it can't absorb this black shadow!

It couldn't help but look back, as if asking for help.

A tender hand caressed the top of its head!

"Little Master Lian'er!"

"Hehe, let me help you!"

Lian'er stepped forward.

A blue dress like a lotus fluttered gently, turning into a huge giant lotus and suppressing the black shadow.


The majestic lotus shadow stretched across the black shadow, and wisps of strange power shrouded it, making the black shadow freeze!

The next moment, pieces of black shadow were sucked up, becoming the nourishment of the giant lotus.

"Hey, this breath... is so strange!"

Lian'er blinked, feeling a little weird.

But the nourishing effect of the black shadow surprised her!

The originally illusory blue giant lotus quickly turned solid, and its color quickly increased!

"Little girl, you are still too young, Jie Jie Jie!"

The black shadow suddenly laughed strangely!

It turned into a huge black screen and rose up, covering the giant lotus instead of the guest!

"Little Master Lian'er, retreat quickly!"

The soul-eating beast was frightened!

If she hurts the little master Lian'er, sister Fuyao will be furious!

"Hehe, interesting!"

Lian'er didn't panic.

Instead, it urged the giant lotus to accelerate downward, and actively faced the enveloping black shadow!

next moment!

The two forces passed by each other, but Lian'er was not enveloped by them.

Easily penetrates the barrier formed by the shadows.

The giant lotus circled in the starry sky for several times, the blue light surged, and it returned to its pure and flawless appearance again!

On the contrary, the Soul-Eating Beast seemed to be trapped in boundless darkness!

Even those silver lights have become dim!


Lian'er suddenly discovered that some of the petals on her lotus skirt had turned black!

This made her dislike it!

She slapped hard, but found it was useless!

Those lotus petals were contaminated by the shadow's aura, and it was difficult to recover for a while.

She is angry!

"Hit it!"

The giant blue lotus spun faster and slammed into the black shadow!


The shadow was shaken violently and was torn apart, but was soon reunited!

"Jiejie! Is this what you're good at, little girl? How come it's like scratching an itch?"

The black shadow was not surprised but happy, and even taunted him.

"Ah! Sister Fuyao, it bullied me!"

Lian'er waved her little fist and asked Fuyao for help.

Fuyao sneered: "Come back quickly and let me destroy it!"

"Hmph, you're going to be beaten soon, Soul Devouring Beast, let's go!"

Lian'er shouted angrily, then took back the giant lotus and returned to Fuyao.

It turns out that the Soul-Eating Beast didn't come back!

That little beast was actually trapped in the shadow!

Although it is trying its best to devour, escape, and try to rush out.

But the speed of the black shadow's recovery is so fast that it sinks deeper and deeper!

"Humph, it does have its own style!"

Fuyao, the woman in green shirt, had cold eyes and her face darkened!

Raise your right hand and grab it forward!


A big hand of cyan starlight flowed out like the Milky Way, reaching into the darkness and grabbing the Soul-Eating Beast.


She threw the little beast onto her lap and was smashed to pieces.

He simply hugged Fuyao's thigh tightly and started to pretend to be dead!

"Destroy it for me!"

Fuyao shouted coldly, raised his cyan starlight hand suddenly, and smacked it down hard.


A horrifying scene appeared!

The starry sky collapses, and terrifying storms arise one after another.

A wave of unimaginable power tore the black shadow into countless pieces!

The shadow struggled hard, trying to recover.

But unable to withstand the huge force coming from all directions, nearly 70% of them were forcibly pulled into the collapsing abyss of the starry sky!

"Empress Fuyao, Fuyao Heavenly Palace... I didn't expect that after so many years, this power has not been destroyed. Which generation of Fuyao are you? Hum, no matter what generation you are, just wait to be devoured by me!"

The black shadow roared crazily, and the remaining 20 to 30% disappeared into the starry sky without a trace!

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