Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7444 Blood Realm Dragon Clan, Blood Dragon Palace

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"I am waiting for you!"

Empress Fuyao shouted coldly, with a star-like coldness in her voice!

"Wow, that's amazing. Sister Fuyao is so amazing!"

Lian'er clapped her hands and laughed.

Empress Fuyao's face was full of self-deprecation: "What an ass! I couldn't even crush a star monster to death. My sister really can't be a prodigal anymore. She has to go back to seclusion for a few years to practice hard!"

"Sister is so strong, do you still need to practice?" Lian'er was surprised!

Fuyao smiled bitterly: "You don't understand! Those old men and women are right, people really can't be too arrogant. From today on, I want to be a new person and be the strongest empress in the history of Fuyao Heavenly Palace... No, I want to be the entire heaven. The unique and strongest queen!"


The starlight skyrocketed, and Empress Fuyao disappeared into the starry sky with Lian'er and the Soul-eating Beast!

The turmoil in the starry sky is not over yet!

Some of the torn shadow fragments fell into the star pit, and some merged into the surrounding star ruins.

Some fell into some small interfaces!

Of the hundreds of warriors trapped inside, less than half died unfortunately.

The remaining people were carried by the black shadow fragments and came to different star ruins and interfaces.

Lucky to survive!

After all, the bodies of these warriors are still too small for the black shadow fragments that can easily reach hundreds of millions of feet!

So small that it seems like just a speck of dust!

Blood Realm!

Heavenly domain!


In the outer area of ​​Blood Realm Mountain, purple light suddenly appeared!

Jiang Tian appeared with purple formations and came to the edge of the Dragon Clan's territory in the Blood Realm!

Looking around, he saw a huge blood-colored sky hanging down, lying in front of him, blocking his way!



Jiang Tian raised his hand and threw out two tokens!

It is the identity tokens of Long Xuelie and Long Fatian!

Bang, bang, two loud noises!

The two tokens both exploded!


Jiang Tian's eyes were slightly cold, but he was not surprised.

The owners of these two tokens have died, and it is reasonable for them to become invalid.

Now that the token has expired, the news of the death of Long Xuelie and Long Fatian must have reached the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm.


After the two tokens exploded, they turned into two spiritual lights and escaped into the depths of the Blood Realm Mountain.

The core area of ​​Blood Realm Mountain, in the Blood Dragon Palace!

The dragon clan chief and the elders gathered together to discuss matters!


Suddenly, there was a cry of surprise, and the elders of the Soul Palace rushed over.

"Report! Master of the family, elders, the tokens of the two elders Long Xuelie and Long Fatian who have just fallen appeared outside the bloody sky of Blood Realm Mountain!"


"Check it quickly!"

The dragon clan leader gave an order, and the great elder immediately opened the forbidden magic circle in the palace.


A blood curtain emerged out of thin air, showing the scene of a restricted barrier outside the Bleeding Realm Mountain.

In front of the blood curtain, there was a young figure standing in the air, with cold eyes and full of fighting spirit!

"It's him?"

"Who is this?"

"I don't recognize it, but I'll understand if I catch him and ask him!"

"To be able to kill Long Xuelie and Long Fatian in succession, this person obviously has some skills!"

"No matter how powerful he is, can he still make a huge difference in our Blood Realm Mountain?"

The elders were confused, but they were all furious.

Can’t wait to catch someone!

"Wait!" An elder suddenly stepped forward and looked at the figure behind the bloody curtain with a look of surprise on his face.

"What, the Sixth Elder recognizes him?"

Everyone looked at the dragon blood map and asked questions.

Dragon Blood Picture stared at it for a moment and nodded slowly: "What a coincidence! Some time ago, I received a summons from the Blood Sacrifice Ancestral Technique, and this person seemed to be the one who performed the Blood Sacrifice Ancestral Technique. He came from another interface. , not a person from the blood realm, but a human monster with dragon bloodline!"


"What's the reason for this?"

"With his strength, why does he still need to use the blood-sacrifice ancestral technique?"

Everyone hesitated.

Not only can he kill Long Xuelie and Long Fatian, his strength goes without saying.

What kind of blood ancestral technique does such a character need to perform to summon the dragon blood map?

Even if Dragon Blood Tu is stronger than those two people, there is not a big gap.

All kinds of things are confusing!

"What you don't know is that my strength was still very weak at that time, much lower than it is now!" Dragon Blood Tu explained.

"But he has the blood of the Dragon Clan, and his level is not low. If we can recruit him, it will definitely be of great benefit to our tribe!"

Everyone fell into deep thought after hearing this!

"If it is true as the Sixth Elder said, he is an ideal recruitment target, but he killed two elders of his clan in a row, and this account cannot be ignored!"

"I think it's better to behead him. Such a person must have evil intentions. We can't tolerate him!"

"There is no need to recruit, our Blood Realm Mountain is not short of this bloodline, kill!"

All the elders expressed their opinions one after another and decided to kill Jiang Tian.

"By the way, Sixth Elder, when was the Blood Ancestor summoning you mentioned? It was probably a few years ago?"

In everyone's opinion, it will take at least three to five years, or even longer, for this human boy to summon the Dragon Blood Map.

Because only long enough can he grow to where he is today!

"Wrong!" Dragon Blood Tu's face looked a little ugly: "If I remember correctly, it was about half a year ago!"


"What did you say?"

"Half a year ago!"

Everyone was shocked!

In just half a year, that human boy has grown to this point?

"Sixth Elder, did you remember it wrong?"

"Even if he has the blood of our dragon clan, how could he grow to such an extent in half a year?"

"What kind of cultivation was he at that time? Was he in the early stage of the God-making realm or in the middle stage?"

Everyone stared at the dragon blood picture and asked impatiently.

Dragon Blood Tu’s face becomes even more ugly!

"Wrong, you are all wrong!"

"Wrong?" Everyone was stunned!

Dragon Blood Tu frowned and said: "Should I say that you overestimated him or underestimated him? In fact, the summoning seemed to have been less than half a year, and his strength was not at the level of God Creation at that time. It should be It’s just that the human race’s starry sky realm is even lower!”


"The human starry sky realm...or even a lower level?"

"Sixth Elder, are you kidding me?"

"This joke...isn't funny at all!"

"Sixth Elder, stop teasing us. How could he grow to this point in less than half a year?"

Everyone looked a little ugly, and the atmosphere became solemn.

In the beginning, they still had a huge sense of superiority.

Looking down at the human monster behind the bloody curtain with a superior attitude.

But now, they suddenly feel like a light on their backs!

Don’t talk about half a year!

Even if it takes just one year, it is extremely terrifying for a warrior in the Starry Sky Realm or even a lower level to grow to this point!

There are countless dragon monsters, and they have seen too many geniuses and freaks.

But there has never been anyone who can be so evil!

"Do you really think I'm joking?"

Dragon Blood Tu's face became more and more ugly, and he looked at the clan leader with firm eyes.

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