Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7445: Don’t speculate

"So, is it true?"

The leader of the Dragon Clan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a strange light burst out from between his brows.

"It's absolutely true!" Dragon Blood Picture solemnly confirmed.

"Okay, great! If that's the case, then let's do our best to recruit him!"

"Clan leader?"

Everyone looked at the clan leader Long Xuetian and were shocked!

Killing two family elders in a row is the enemy of the family.

Now, they want to recruit with all their strength?

Aren't you afraid that the elders in the clan will be disappointed?

Dragon Blood Map also has concerns!

Personally, he really didn't want to miss this monster.

But as far as the entire ethnic group is concerned, the other party is already a de facto enemy. If they really want to recruit him, they have a lot of worries!

"Clan leader, this matter is of great importance. Do we need to consider the impact?" Dragon Blood Picture reminded him tactfully.

"Confused!" Longxuetian laughed!

"Competition is encouraged within our Dragon Clan. If he is really as evil as you say, even if he pays the price of the death of two elders, it will be worth it!"

Everyone looked at each other and fell into silence.

Everyone was chewing on the words of the patriarch.

As strong men of the dragon clan, they naturally understand that everything should be based on interests.

In the world of martial arts, the strong are respected!

The monster-like genius is the treasure that every force strives for and covets!

"The patriarch is wise!"

"It's because we didn't think carefully!"

"I think that in exchange for such a super monster for the tribe, the two elders Long Xuelie and Long Fatian should be able to smile!"

"Perhaps, they originally wanted to recruit this genius for the tribe, but... it was just that they didn't speak clearly at the time, or their attitude was too fierce, which intensified the conflict and led to the regrets now!"

"That's right! Now that we recruit him here, it can just make up for the regrets of the two of them. It can also be considered a good consolation for their souls in heaven!"

The dragon clan elders all laughed, finding the most high-sounding reason for the clan leader's decision.

"Clan leader... wise!" Dragon Blood Tu's mouth twitched, and he was speechless in his heart.

That is to say, Long Xuelie and Long Fatian are dead, don't know what happened here, and can't hear these words.

If they heard this, they would probably become angry, vomit three liters of blood, and then die in a rage!

"That's it! I'll leave this matter to the Sixth Elder. You are an old acquaintance with him. You will try your best to recruit him. As for the conditions you offer, you can handle it as you see fit!"

"Yes, patriarch!"

"Second Elder, Third Elder, Fourth Elder, Fifth Elder, just in case, you will also go together to show our 'sincerity'!"


The five dragon elders immediately opened the teleportation array and teleported directly to the Blood Curtain!


As soon as the figure flashed, Dragon Blood Tu appeared with several elders!

"Hahahaha! After we said goodbye last time, I didn't expect that we would meet here again. My little friend, you are safe here!"

After Dragon Blood Picture appeared, he laughed and greeted him.

"Dragon Blood Picture?" Jiang Tian recognized the other party.

It was the dragon blood map that he had summoned by using the Blood Sacrifice Ancestral Technique.

Speaking of which, he had a little bit of "friendship" with this person.

"Hahaha, little friend, you came just in time. I know that you had some misunderstandings with the elders Long Xuelie and Long Fatian before, but don't worry, that's all over. I and several elders are here to express our gratitude to the clan leader on behalf of the clan leader. You extend the most sincere invitation to join our Blood Realm Dragon Clan to practice. In the near future, it will be no problem to become the elder of our clan!"

While Dragon Blood Tu was speaking, the second elder, third elder, fourth elder, and fifth elder were all looking at each other.

They feel a little incredible!

Is it this young boy who killed Long Xuelie and Long Fatian?

Does this human dragon vein really have that level of combat power?

Several people had to fight Jiang Tian immediately to test his strength.

But when I think of the master’s instructions, I can’t force myself to do so.

"Sixth Elder, are you too polite to him?"

The third elder sent a message through his spiritual power and asked about the dragon blood map.

There was already a bit of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Although the clan leader saw the potential of this child and ordered to recruit him.

But that doesn’t mean we have to lower our posture like this!

The Blood Realm Dragon Clan is, after all, a large ethnic group.

How could you lower your stance so low in front of your enemies?

"Third Elder, don't worry about this for now, complete the mission of the clan leader first!"

Dragon Blood Tu frowned slightly and explained via voice transmission.

"Hmph! A mere human dragon can make you so nervous. Do you think you think we are begging him?"

The second elder snorted coldly, and the dissatisfaction in his heart was directly expressed.


Jiang Tian glanced at the third elder and others with disdain on their faces.

Then look at the Dragon Blood Picture!

The Dragon Clan's recruitment was not too surprising to him.

In the world of martial arts, the strong are respected. His potential is obvious, and it is impossible for the other party not to be tempted.

But the Blood Realm Dragon Clan didn't mention anything about what happened before, which really surprised him.

But he has no interest in the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm.

I came here purely to get clues about Xuanyuan's lineage!

"Elder Dragon Blood Map, I came to the Blood Realm for no other reason than to know the situation of Xuanyuan's lineage. If you can tell me, I would be very grateful!"

"Xuanyuan's lineage?" Dragon Blood Tu's face sank slightly!

It turns out that the other party came to inquire about news!

He became a little angry when he remembered the scene when the Blood Ancestor rejected him last time when he was summoned.

"Boy, do you still remember what happened last time? I said that anyone who rejects my dragon blood map will definitely pay the price!"

"Those who force me will also pay the price!" Jiang Tian shot back coldly.

"Hmph! Our clan leader appreciates your potential, so we can tolerate all your actions, but you must not think that people from our dragon clan can kill at will!"

"So what?" Jiang Tian sneered: "If you can tell me the exact clues about Xuanyuan's lineage, I will definitely give you Blood Realm Dragon Clan a reward in the future. If you can't, don't talk nonsense. If you know but don't tell me, then tell me something else. Never mind!"

"Boy, pay attention to your attitude!" Dragon Blood Tu also has a temper.

And I don’t have a good temper to begin with, so I can’t help but feel a little annoyed now!

But several of his colleagues had worse tempers than him!

"Boy! Who do you think you are?"

"What qualifications do you have to speak to us in this tone?"

"Do you really think that we, the Dragon Clan of the Blood Realm, will give you face?"

"The patriarch is interested in your potential, but if you don't know what to do, don't blame us for being rude!"

Boom boom boom!

The auras of the second elder, third elder, fourth elder, and fifth elder all surged, showing the terrifying pressure of the mid-stage Blood Emperor!

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at several people.

Their auras are all above Long Xuelie and Long Fatian!

Much stronger!

If he had met these people earlier, he might have felt afraid.

But now, after devouring the blood essence of Long Xuelie and Long Fatian, his combat power has reached an unprecedented height.

Of course you won’t be intimidated by these people!

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