Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7446 Dragon Transformation Technique

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"It seems like I can't get anything out of your mouth. In that case, let's search for souls!"

"What did you say?"

"In front of us, do you dare to talk about soul searching?"

"Extremely arrogant!"


Rumble, rumble!

Amidst the violent roar, the fourth elder and the fifth elder took action first!

The auras of the second elder and the third elder surged, and they were always ready!

Dragon Blood Tu’s face is a bit ugly!

The development of the situation was worse than he expected.

But this is almost inevitable!

Jiang Tian still had the same temper as last time, and naturally these high-ranking members of his clan didn't really want to recruit him.

Only because of the clan leader's order did he follow.

At this moment, Dragon Blood Tu was relieved!

"You are so ignorant, I might as well teach you a lesson!"

At the most critical moment, he would take action again and use the name of the clan leader to suppress several elders and let them keep people under their command.

But if it doesn't work, he will never mind killing the opponent.

But killing someone is just a trivial matter. The biggest benefit is the bloodline contained in Jiang Tian, ​​as well as the various rare treasures and opportunities that may exist.

Those things are definitely not to be missed!

Jiang Tian can die!

But he must snatch that bloodline!

Even if you can't monopolize it, you still have to devour it as much as possible, and you can't let all the benefits go to the Second Elder and the others!


The dragon blood map silently gathers spiritual power, ready to take action at any time!

"Elders, please don't be impulsive. The clan leader's order has not been completed yet, so don't kill him!"

Dragon Blood Tu warned with a sneer.

"Hmph! You don't have to worry about this. If we really want to kill him, we will explain it to the clan leader!"

"A mere human dragon, do you really take him seriously?"

The second elder and the third elder sneered again and again.

Why don't they know what Dragon Blood Tu is thinking?

This human dragon vein has powerful combat power and its bloodline is extremely valuable.

There must be some hidden opportunities in you!

Those things are not cheap! Dragon Blood Picture!

Of course, he can't be left empty-handed, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to the clan leader.

"Arrogant boy!"


Roar... boom!

The roar shook the sky!

The third elder and the fourth elder all fired their fists and palms, and the terrifying bloody dragon claws wreaked havoc in the void!

Looking at the diffuse blood cloud, Dragon Blood Picture couldn't help but regret!

I regret that I was not decisive enough!

If he had known this, he should have taken action in advance, but now he is at a disadvantage.


Dragon Blood Tu took a step forward, a little out of breath!

"Why are the Sixth Elder so anxious? Let them discuss and discuss first, so that we can see if this human dragon vein is worthy of the clan leader's favor?"


Faced with the obstruction of the two men, Dragon Blood Tu's face turned livid.

The second elder and the third elder were both stronger than him. Although he was annoyed, there was nothing he could do.

"Void Immortal Realm, open!"

"Starfall, instant killing technique!"



The Void Immortal Realm and the Starfall instant killing skills are launched at the same time!

Jiang Tian struck wildly with the Immortal Dragon's critical strike, blasting with both fists!

He actually blocked the joint attack of the Fourth Elder and the Fifth Elder, and was not at a disadvantage for a moment!

"Good boy, no wonder you can kill those two people!"

"It's a pity it's useless, you will die!"

The fourth elder and fifth elder were surprised and happy!

I was surprised that the opponent was extremely powerful, but I was happy that the bloodline was worth more!

Now that the war has begun, there is no possibility of stopping.

This man must die!

Boom boom boom!

The two of them went crazy again and started to double-team on the left and right!


Instant killing technique!


Jiang Tian once again evolved into several figures and used evil thunder attacks at the same time!

Bah la la!


"Ah...what is this?"

"Damn it...retreat!"

The Fourth Elder and the Fifth Elder were struck by evil lightning, but they only fell into chaos for a moment.

Then he regained his composure!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian was shocked!

Although Ni Lei has been repeatedly hindered recently, its power has been relatively declining.

But it actually has great effects!

But things like this are still quite unexpected!

The Divine Sea of ​​these two people must have some means of self-protection, otherwise they would never be able to withstand the evil thunder in an instant!

“It’s not that cheap!”

Jiang Tian takes action with all his strength!

The Star Meteor instant killing technique has been launched, so naturally the opponent cannot be allowed to escape unscathed!

Boom, click, click, click!



Although the fourth and fifth elders had regained control, they were still hit by several immortal dragon critical strikes.

The former's body was shaken violently and his breath was turbulent!

The latter couldn't bear it anymore and spit out a mouthful of blood!


"How can it be!"

The expressions of the second elder and the third elder changed slightly!

At this moment, they no longer doubted each other's strength!

The fourth elder and the fifth elder are so powerful that they can even shout.

The weaker Long Xuelie and Long Fatian died unjustly!

"Boy, do you really think you are strong?"

"This will let you know how powerful we are!"

The fourth elder and the fifth elder were unwilling to be defeated, and both inspired the bloodline vision!

Boom, boom!

Ho ho ho!

The violent roar echoed through the void!

Above the two of them, a giant bloody dragon more than 100,000 feet long appeared.

It spiraled down like a river of blood from the Nine Heavens, suppressing Jiang Tian!

"Little tricks!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but sneer!

If it were someone else, he might be overwhelmed by these two breaths.

But it made no difference to him!

"Is this a bloodline phenomenon? Dragon Transformation Technique, start!"

Jiang Tian pinched the Jue and used the Dragon Transformation Jue!

Roar... boom!

The billowing purple light surged crazily, turning into a purple dragon and rushing towards the two bloodline anomalies!

"What's this?"

"Dragon clan's secret technique?"

Several opponents were a little surprised.

But no one takes this purple dragon seriously!

The Fourth Elder and the Fifth Elder have already inspired the bloodline phenomenon, which is more than enough to suppress Jiang Tian!



Three giant dragons meet in the sky!

The bloody dragon condensed by the fourth and fifth elders stretched out its ferocious claws, trying to tear apart the purple dragon rising into the sky!

The next moment, an amazing scene appeared!

Roar... boom!

The purple dragon suddenly rushed forward and wrapped its huge body around two blood dragons at the same time!

The aura surged wildly, suppressing two bloodline phenomena!


"how so?"

The expressions of the fourth elder and the fifth elder changed drastically!

The bloodline vision that they were so proud of was actually suppressed by the other party?


too exaggerated!

"A mere bloodline secret technique can actually suppress their bloodline anomalies?"


The second elder and the third elder were equally shocked!

At this moment, they finally understood the value of Jiang Tian's bloodline.

His eyes became more and more greedy!

There is no doubt that if such a bloodline is swallowed and fused by them, the benefits will be beyond imagination!

"Come on, don't wait any longer!"

"Yeah, it's time for us to take action!"

The second elder and the third elder Jie Jie laughed strangely!

Prepare to take advantage of the stalemate between the three of them to capture Jiang Tian, ​​devour the blood, and seize this huge benefit!

Once they succeed, their strength may skyrocket in an instant.

By then, your status in the ethnic group will be greatly improved!

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