Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7457 How dare you?

The ice crystal blood dragon did not feel nothing, but at most, it only felt a little bit of slight pain.

On the other hand, Jiang Tian was blown away thousands of feet, his breath turbulent!

Which one is strong and which one is weak is self-evident!

"I have seen a lot of arrogant and stupid people, but I have never seen anyone like you. In my martial arts career, no opponent has ever been as arrogant as you, and there has never been any true genius like you. You are so stupid, you are a complete idiot!"

The ice crystal blood dragon sneered again and again.

This blow didn't even break one of his dragon scales, and the opponent's strength was nothing more than that.

To compete with it physically, this strong human race is obviously not qualified!


A cold shout came from a thousand feet away!

Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared from where he was!


The next moment the figure flashed quickly, and Jiang Tian's fist wrapped in purple light hit the dragon's tail again!

Bang, bang!

Amidst the strange noise, the scales on the tail of the ice crystal blood dragon suddenly exploded into pieces!

"Ho! How is that possible?"

The Ice Crystal Blood Dragon discovered the sky-shaking roar!

Its proud physical defense has been breached!

Although it is only the outermost dragon scale, you must know that if that piece of dragon scale is taken outside, it will also be a priceless rare treasure!

This fact made him shocked and furious!

"Boy, die!"

Rumble, click!

The dragon's tail swung wildly and knocked Jiang Tian away again!

But this time, he only flew back three hundred feet away before teleporting back again.

The ice crystal blood dragon had already predicted it!

Without waiting for him to show up, he swung the dragon's tail and accelerated to face him.


The void twisted and shook, as if Jiang Tian would be caught off guard and hit the dragon's tail the next moment!

But then, Dragon Tail's attack missed time!

"Huh?" The Ice Crystal Blood Dragon was shocked!

I saw a figure flashing behind the dragon's tail!

Jiang Tian crossed the dragon's tail and came to the back of the dragon's tail!

When the dragon's tail swing reaches its limit and is about to swing back, both fists shake wildly and blast out with all its strength!

"Immortal dragon critical strike!"

Bang, click, click!


The loud noise shook the sky!

The ice crystal blood dragon's tail swung to the limit and was severely crushed by Jiang Tian's physical power.

There was a faint sound of bone cracking!

Huge pain spread from the dragon's tail, making the ice crystal blood dragon extremely furious!

"Ouch... Damn it, how dare you?"

The Ice Crystal Blood Dragon has never suffered such a big loss!

No matter today, I was actually plotted against by a human race who was in the late stage of God-making Realm!

In terms of cultivation alone, he is a huge level higher than his opponent!

The human dragon vein is in the late stage of God Creation Realm!

He is the late blood emperor!

At this level, even if it is only a small realm, there is a gap like a chasm.

Not to mention, the two sides are separated by a whole realm!

Under such a gap, the other party actually hurt it!

It’s incredible!

Combat power!

The combat power of this human dragon vein cannot be judged by common sense at all.

This is a monster among monsters, a freak among monsters!

Although he is in the late stage of God Creation Realm, he can withstand the late stage Blood Emperor's crazy attacks, and he can even hit it with a backhand to shock it out of its internal injuries!

"Damn it, I'm going to eat you!"

The ice crystal blood dragon roared fiercely, furious.

At this moment, he even had the illusion that he had been attacked by his sworn enemy.

The memory of that moment once became his shadow and has been with him for thousands of years and has not been erased.

Now that he is out of seclusion, his cultivation has returned to the late stage of Blood Emperor.

He thought no one would be able to repeat that move again.

But this human dragon vein, whose cultivation level was far lower than his, actually gave him a blow to the head!

It’s really not a good sign for him who forced his way out of seclusion!

"Die, die!"


The dragon's tail swings again, but it no longer charges hard with its physical body!

Instead, he swung wildly in the air, whipping out terrifying giant waves in the void!


Jiang Tian smiled instead of being surprised!

As a Void Immortal, he is not afraid of space methods and void power!

"Void Immortal Body, open!"


The Void Immortal Body unfolded, and Jiang Tian stepped into the huge waves of the void like a spring breeze.

These giant waves that could easily crush the mid-stage Blood Emperors and even seriously injure some late-stage Blood Emperors were the best nourishment for him.

It's so sweet!


The aura of the Void Immortal Body was rippling, sucking in waves of void waves. Not only was it unable to hurt him, it even became his nourishment and assistance.

"Void physique? Damn it!"

The ice crystal blood dragon was shocked!

Unexpectedly, the opponent had such a physique. As a result, its attack was obviously useless.

Unless you continue to use your physical body to fight!

But he has suffered a lot and has no intention of doing that!

Because that is using one's shortcomings to attack the other's strengths!

Jiang Tian possesses instant killing skills, and his actual combat methods are strange and unpredictable. He can even use his moves to turn disadvantage into advantage in a fight between lightning and flint.

This kind of reaction and this kind of courage are simply impossible for ordinary people!

Therefore, it did not use the dragon tail to attack again!

Instead, he moved his huge dragon body and suppressed it entirely towards Jiang Tian!

Roar... boom!

The dragon bodies of a hundred thousand feet are gathered together, like a huge cloud suppressing the sky!

Hiss... click!

Threads of strange cold power fell down, instantly freezing the void!


The dragon body fell down with terrifying power, as if it was about to kill Jiang Tian in the next moment.

"Does it mean that the dragon's body is huge and it will work? Tsk!"

Jiang Tian sneered coldly, stamped his foot, and suddenly hit the falling dragon body!

"What are you going to do? How dare you? You are looking for death!"

The ice crystal blood dragon was shocked!

Facing the suppression of its dragon body, Jiang Tian was able to dodge.

Because no matter how fast the dragon body falls, it still takes a little time.

Jiang Tian, ​​who possesses instant killing skills, can take advantage of this momentary opportunity to escape.

But he chose the most unwise move!

Do you still want to repeat the sneak attack just now?

"No way! You are delusional!"

The ice crystal blood dragon roared furiously, and a cold light appeared in its eyes!

It will never suffer the same loss a second time!

It was just an attack from the dragon's tail, and its power was relatively small.

Now the entire dragon body is pressed down, and the void is crushed!

Even if Jiang Tianzhen could withstand the first wave of attacks, he would not be able to escape the second wave of attacks entangled and crushed by the dragon body.

By then, you will be considered lucky if your body is not crushed!

How dare this human monster do this!

Where does he have the confidence to be so arrogant?


The ice crystal blood dragon roared crazily, as if seeing Jiang Tian being crushed and seriously injured, he regretted it!

The two are approaching quickly!

Jiang Tian suddenly launched the Void Immortal Realm!


The Immortal Realm swings open and rushes straight towards the dragon's body!

"Fireflies' fire is so ridiculous!"

The ice crystal dragon was extremely disdainful.

The dragon bodies of more than 100,000 feet are gathered together, and the range far exceeds the opponent's void fairyland.

Does this human monster really think that a fairy realm can stop its attack?

Extremely stupid!


The dragon body fell and crushed the Void Immortal Realm without any suspense!

But at the same time, the dragon body also had a slight shock!

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