Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7458 Dragon slaying, blood escape!

However, this little shock is nothing to the huge body of the ice crystal blood dragon.

It was as if the resistance brought by the gently swaying clothes when the wind was blowing was completely negligible.

"Star Sword Domain, rise!"

Rumble, rumble!

The moment the Void Fairy Realm swung away, Jiang Tian activated the Star Sword Realm!

"Explosive sword!"


While the Star Sword Domain blasted towards the dragon's body, Jiang Tiantian used the Explosive Sword Style among the three Star Styles!

With a sword blast, the dragon's body shook violently!


The ice crystal blood dragon was shocked!

At this moment, its dragon body was really shaken!

Although this offensive could not damage its roots, at most it could break the ice on its body and even leave some marks on its dragon scales.

But it is absolutely impossible to withstand its offensive!

"Receiving the power of guidance, open!"


The moment the exploding sword exploded, Jiang Tian activated his power to attract, and his body quickly spun and rushed into the violent sword wave!

Bang, click...chichi, rumble, rumble!

Jiang Tian was like a rotating sword edge, with shocking power, forcefully getting through the narrow gap left by the turbulence of the dragon's body!

At the same time, wisps of the purest sword intent of the stars wandered on his body.

It turned into a star blade, cutting the body surface of the ice crystal blood dragon!

The ice crystal blood dragon subconsciously tightened its dragon body, trying to block and crush Jiang Tian.

But this just makes it pay a greater price!

The cutting power of the star blade is intensified by the plunder of the dragon body!

Blah blah blah... bang bang, click!

After the ice layer broke open, dozens of dragon scales were also chopped apart, and even traces of dragon blood spurted out!

"Ah...hohoho, damn it!"

The ice crystal blood dragon roared in pain!

The severe pain caused it to subconsciously stop crushing.

The distance between the dragon's bodies expanded, leaving a space more than ten feet long.

Hiss, click, click!

With a flash of cold light, the injured dragon scales were frozen, and the wounds quickly solidified, showing its powerful self-healing ability!

"Do you think this is the end?"

Jiang Tian sneered!

Raise your hand to knead the formula and point downwards.

"Star Sword Domain, explode!"

Click... boom, boom!

The Star Sword Domain was launched again, blasting into the gap of more than ten feet open in the dragon's body.

He exploded violently and set off a shocking wave of swords!


The face of the ice crystal blood dragon changed drastically, its body shook violently, and it roared in extreme pain!

Dozens of dragon scales were blown to pieces, and the top dragon scale was cut by the sword energy!

The dragon's body was cut with thousands of wounds, and blood flowed everywhere!

The sword intent that made it furiously rush into the dragon's body along the wound!

They turned into star blades, and with the swimming of the dragon's blood, they slashed wildly at the dragon's meridians, making it extremely painful!

"Ooohhoho... Damn it, get out of my body!"

Bang bang bang... pfft!

The ice crystal blood dragon activated the power of its bloodline to force out the star blade that had entered its body, even piercing its own body.

Compared with this physical injury, the threat of the Star Blade is greater!

Once these sword blades are allowed to reach critical points, the consequences will be disastrous!

Ho ho ho!

The ice crystal blood dragon moved quickly, trying to distance itself from Jiang Tian.

Only in this way can it gain a moment of self-healing time in order to launch a comprehensive counterattack.

Of course Jiang Tian understood its plan!

So I won't give it such a chance!

"Void Immortal Realm, get up!"


The Immortal Realm swings open, blocking the blood dragon's downward movement.

But then it was crushed by the dragon body, and the effect was not good!

"Wait for me!"


The ice around the ice crystal blood dragon exploded, igniting terrifying blood flames, and its aura became extremely terrifying!

"Oh?" Jiang Tian's eyes twitched.

But they found that the blood dragon did not escape, but plunged into the extremely cold pool of blood below!

Hiss... ho ho ho!

A strange sound came out, followed by a thunderous roar!

"Boy, don't leave. I will kill you today, swallow your blood, eat your flesh, and enslave your soul!"

Roar... boom!

In the blink of an eye, the ice crystal blood dragon rushed out again.

The injuries on the body surface have recovered!

"So fast?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

Although the ice crystal blood dragon's self-healing ability is strong, it cannot be so exaggerated.


Of course down here!


His gaze fell on the Extreme Blood Cold Pond!

This forbidden area for the blood dragon clan provides excellent nourishment to the ice crystal blood dragon, allowing it to recover as before in an instant.

If the fight continues like this, the Ice Crystal Blood Dragon will indeed take advantage!

Because if it is slightly injured, it can go back to recover and then make a comeback!

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian, ​​who should have been scrupulous, suddenly smiled!

Extreme Blood Cold Pond!

He didn't understand the use of this thing originally, but now it's clear to him!

"Boy, die!"

"Bloodline aura, give it to me!"

The Ice Crystal Blood Dragon has shown its will to kill!

Jiang Tian faced the blood dragon rising into the sky and suddenly unfolded his blood aura!


The aura of the wild blood dragon rippled out, covering the ice crystal blood dragon!

"Aohoho...your bloodline...how is that possible? Hiss!"

The blood dragon's body shook violently, and there was deep fear in his eyes!

This fear comes from its soul!

It discovered that the aura exuding from this human dragon vein was more fearful than the fear it had faced when it faced that generation of supreme elders.

The feelings of the two are completely different!

When he faced the supreme elders of that generation, he was mainly intimidated and suppressed by his cultivation level.

What the human dragon vein in front of him gave him was the shock and suppression from the divine soul!

"No...there's something wrong with your bloodline! Where are you from?"

The ice crystal blood dragon's body shook violently and he shouted sharply.

This kind of blood will has never been seen before even when he faced his parents and ancestors when he was young.

He has been the number one genius in the clan since he was born!

That confidence of being aloof and contemptuous of all things has been with it almost its whole life.

But now, it has encountered unprecedented challenges and fallen into great fear!

This human dragon vein has a weird and terrifying aura!

He is definitely an ordinary person, and he must have a big secret hidden in him!

"Who are you and what is your bloodline?"

The ice crystal blood dragon struggled hard to endure the fear of its soul and the pressure of its dragon blood that was almost stagnant.

But its aura is no longer what it used to be, and its combat power has also dropped significantly!

"Kill your people!"

Jiang Tian pointed his fingers together!

The red snow sword marrow turned into a thousand-foot giant sword and slashed down in the air!



The ice crystal blood dragon screamed, and its huge dragon head separated from its body.

But what surprised Jiang Tian!

The dragon head did not fall after being separated, but actually seemed to be reunited with the dragon body!

"Void Immortal Realm, give me control!"


The Immortal Realm swung open, and the dragon's head and body were both suppressed by him, making it difficult to move.


Teleport in one step and hold the tap!

Search for souls!

"You're dreaming!"


The dragon head suddenly let out a furious roar!


A blood shadow shot out and instantly submerged into the extremely cold pool of blood!

The dragon head under his hand instantly became a godless thing!

"Run? You can't run!"

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