Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7466 Return to the True Dragon Family

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"Star Territory Dragon Clan, Xuanyuan Lineage... Fellow Daoist Jiang's questions are more exaggerated than the last, and each one is beyond my ability. I am afraid I will disappoint Fellow Daoist!"

Feng Yutong shook his head and sighed, and put the three blood rings back into Jiang Tian's hand.

"There is no reward for no merit. Although our Jiutian Chamber of Commerce is engaged in business, we do not earn money beyond our capabilities. Please take it back, Fellow Daoist Jiang!"

Feng Yutong's words were full of shame.

no way!

Among the three questions, the question about Feng Weiwei seems to be the simplest.

But finding a person out of thin air is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

The remaining two issues, whether it is the territory of the Phoenix Clan or the information of the Star Domain Dragon Clan, are not within the scope of the Dao Domain Jiutian Chamber of Commerce.

As for the Xuanyuan lineage, she had never even heard of it!

Perhaps only the powerful within the Dragon Clan can come into contact with this matter.

No matter how many informants and powerful intelligence the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce has, it is impossible for them to penetrate every corner of the entire Dao Domain.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

She discovered that the capabilities of the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce could no longer keep up with Jiang Tian's needs!

"Do you have any other questions, Fellow Daoist Jiang?" Feng Yutong asked.

"there is none left!"

Jiang Tian shook his head, not too disappointed.

No matter how powerful the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce was, it could not answer his doubts. He was not too surprised by this.

He had no more extravagant hopes for Feng Yutong.

"A mere gift is not a sign of respect, so please accept it with a smile, Fellow Daoist Jiang!"

Feng Yutong took out a jade bottle and gave it to Jiang Tian.

"What is this?" Jiang Tian was stunned!

What should I give you for no reason?

Being courteous for nothing?

"This is the Jiutian Creation Pill. It is the most precious secret elixir of our Jiutian Merchant Guild. It is very beneficial to those who are strong in the realm of God Creation and above..."

Feng Yutong looked at Jiang Tian and said meaningfully.

"Oh?" Jiang Tian's eyes lit up, but he didn't pick it up.

"No reward for no merit, I'll take my leave!"

"Fellow Daoist Jiang..."

Jiang Tian stood up and teleported away from the star boat.


The purple array spread out and disappeared far away in the starry sky!

"Elder Feng, why did you let him..."

"shut up!"

An elder of the Chamber of Commerce walked out of the cabin with a dissatisfied look on his face.

But he was scolded by Feng Yutong!

"The Absolute God Realm, how long has it been since then, and he has actually entered the Absolute God Realm!"

Beside Feng Yutong, an old woman with white hair and beard slowly appeared, her eyes full of shock!

Feng Yutong looked at the jade bottle in his hand with a very ugly expression.

I thought Jiang Tian would be tempted by this priceless elixir of the Absolute God Realm, but he didn't expect that the other party wouldn't even look at it and left decisively.

"Immediately summon the Chamber of Commerce to pay close attention to the situation of the True Dragon Family and return to the Dao Domain immediately!"



Xing Zhou accelerated his escape and rushed towards the Dao Domain.

But Feng Yutong knew that no matter how fast the star boat was, it could not be faster than Jiang Tian's secret technique of void.

By the time the group of people rushed back to the Dao Domain, Jiang Tian might have already left.

Where will he go next?

Looking for the Phoenix Clan?

Looking for Feng Weiwei?

Or cross the starry sky, go to the legendary star field, and look for traces of the dragon clan and the so-called Xuanyuan lineage?

At this point, Feng Yutong sent another summons!

"Please ask the senior executives of the Chamber of Commerce to mobilize all their spies to immediately look for clues about Feng Weiwei. At the same time, send all the collected information about the Star Territory Dragon Clan and Xuanyuan's lineage, regardless of source, true or false, to the True Dragon Family and hand it over to Jiang Tian!"


The subpoena found that Daoyu Jiutian Chamber of Commerce was busy!

One day later!

Jiang Tian returns to the Dao realm!


Purple formations spread over the territory of the True Dragon Family, and Jiang Tian stood in the air, overlooking the entire True Dragon Family.

"Who... Huh?"

"Isn't that...a monster with a foreign surname from the True Dragon Holy Land?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​it's him!"

"What an amazing aura, this is his secret space technique!"


The elders and disciples of the True Dragon Family were all stunned by the scene in front of them!

The purple formations are thousands of feet tall.

Being stepped on by Jiang Tian, ​​it looked spectacular!

"Jiang Tian, ​​since you have returned, let's go into the palace to meet the master of the family!"

An elder looked at Jiang Tian and said loudly.

"Don't make mistakes!"

A scolding came from the hall!

Immediately afterwards, a majestic figure swept out of the hall and headed straight for Jiang Tian!



"Master of the family...why did you come out in person?"

"This...this is wrong!"


Within the territory of the True Dragon Family, the elders and countless disciples fell to their knees like a tide.

The head of the True Dragon Family sits in the main hall, in charge of the clan, and never shows up easily.

Now, with Jiang Tian's return, this big shot came outside the palace in person!

What is he doing?

Why do you have to come forward in person? Can't you just send an elder?

It is completely against the rules for the head of a dignified family to personally welcome the return of a bloodline with a foreign surname!

"The master of the family should not do this!"

"Yes! Doing this really insults the majesty of the family!"

"There must be an inside story when something goes wrong. The head of the family may have some unknown reason for doing this!"

The disciples and elders looked at the two figures approaching quickly in the air and speculated one after another.

But everyone felt that when the two met, Jiang Tian would definitely pay homage.

This is in line with the etiquette of a descendant of foreign blood and martial arts!

But the next scene shocked everyone!

"Long Tianyun, the head of the True Dragon Family, pays homage to Senior Jiang!"


"What is the master doing?"

"I...did I hear it correctly?"

"The head of the family actually... called him senior?"

Hiss... Wow!

The words spread and the whole place was in an uproar!

The elders and disciples of the True Dragon Family were all shocked!

But before they could come to their senses!

All the elders of the True Dragon Family quickly came to the head of the family and lined up to pay homage!

"All the elders of the True Dragon Family, pay your respects to Senior Jiang!"


The scene of the elders of these two teams bowing their heads to worship completely shocked the entire clan!

"Oh my God! What happened?"

"Why do the family heads and elders call him senior?"

“Isn’t this person’s bloodline just a trip to Star Market to be a big deal?”

"Hey, where are the elders and others who went with him?"

"No...it's completely wrong!"

There was a wave of exclamations in the territory of the True Dragon Family, and everyone was in extreme shock.

The actions of the family head and elders were so sudden!

What qualifications does this bloodline of a foreign surname have to be called a senior in front of the head of the family?


It’s simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

"Calm down, calm down! The head of the family must have done this for a reason!"

"Maybe something happened in Xingxu that we don't know about!"

"Impossible! Even if he has an adventure in Xingxu, so what?"

"Yes! When he came to our True Dragon Family, his cultivation seemed to be only half-step to the realm of God-making. Even if he had an adventure in the Star Ruins, so what?"

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