Biquge, the fastest update of Tian-Eating Dragon Emperor!

The elders and disciples of the True Dragon Family found it difficult to understand the family leader's actions.

Everyone was very angry!

"As far as I know, when Jiang Tian left the Holy Land and went to Xingxu, he was still half-step into the God-making realm, and the master of the family has reached the late stage of the God-making realm. There is a huge gap in the realm, and it is absolutely impossible to reach it in just two months. Make up for it in time!”

"I think he is in the middle stage of the God-making realm!"

"Master, there must be a mistake!"

The elders and disciples were indignant and couldn't wait to see the misunderstanding resolved.

But then, the family head’s words extinguished their illusions!

"Senior Jiang's return after all the calamity is really a blessing for our True Dragon Family. Congratulations to Senior Jiang for entering the Absolute God Realm and becoming the first Supreme God of the True Dragon Family to be enshrined. I also ask Senior Jiang to accept this position!"

Long Tianyun and a group of elders bowed to Jiang Tian in mid-air!


The tribesmen below were in an uproar again, but this time, their voices were much lower!

They were all trying their best to suppress the shock in their hearts!

Absolute God Realm!

Jiang Tian actually reached the level of Absolute God!

No wonder!

No wonder the owner of the house reacted so strongly!

"It seems that you already know about the changes in Star Ruins. I'm sorry that I didn't stay in Star Ruins during that time!" Jiang Tian said.

"Senior Jiang, there is no need to regret! Fortunately, you left Xingxu early, otherwise it would have been difficult to predict life and death when the great changes occurred. Fortunately, our elders were lucky and were carried by a mysterious force to leave Xingxu. In the end, several people were able to come back alive. !”

"Oh, they are back?" Jiang Tian was greatly surprised!

The changes in Star Ruins were so severe, and you still managed to survive, you are really lucky!

"Yes! Long Qingke, Long Zhen and other five elders and disciples survived serious injuries and returned. They are now in seclusion to heal their injuries. After they recover, they will come to see Jiang Chongfeng again!"

"No need!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand.

He came to say goodbye to the True Dragon Family and had no interest in serving as a worshipper.

"Senior Jiang?" Long Tianyun's expression changed and he felt very uneasy!

"I won't stay here. I just want to give an explanation for my trip to Xingxu when I come back this time. Since Elder Long Qingke has returned, there is no need to say anything more!"

"I know that Senior Jiang will definitely look down on this enshrined position, but it really doesn't work...Senior Jiang can also be the supreme elder of the family, but no matter what, please don't doubt the sincerity of the True Dragon Family!"

Long Tianyun smiled bitterly and pleaded hard.

Jiang Tian waved his hand: "How much does the family leader know about the Star Territory Dragon Clan and the Xuanyuan lineage?"

"Star Domain Dragon Clan, Xuanyuan lineage?" Long Tianyun's face changed slightly.

There was silence for a moment and then he spoke in a deep voice.

"The plane where Dao Realm is located is a low-level plane. Interfaces such as Star Ruins and Blood Realm are slightly higher than Dao Realm. But above these small interfaces, there are also higher-level large planes such as Star Realm. It is said that the Domain Dragon Clan is in that kind of plane!"

"It is said?"

"Yes! Star Territory is just a general name for a large plane. It does not refer to a specific plane. There are many small interfaces like Dao Domain, Star Ruins, and Blood Realm in those large planes, but any One, they are all of a very high level, and their martial arts level is far above that of the Dao realm and the blood realm!"

"That's it!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly.

This point is basically consistent with the description of the first generation head of the Blood Realm Dragon Clan.

"As for the Xuanyuan bloodline, they belong to the Starry Sky Dragon Clan, which is an extremely noble bloodline group. In fact, the background and level are far beyond the reach of our True Dragon Family. We know very little about them, and there are only a few records. They are all in the True Dragon Family’s canon…”

"Where is the clan code?" Jiang Tian interrupted and asked.

"Come here, get the clan book!"

"Master?" The expression of the elder behind him changed slightly!

The clan book is placed in the forbidden area of ​​the True Dragon Family.

Removal is strictly prohibited according to family rules.

Even if he wanted to check it out, the head of the family should take Jiang Tian to the forbidden area.

What you are doing is not entirely in line with the rules!

"Didn't you hear what I said? Get the clan book quickly!"

"It's... the head of the family!"

The elders looked at each other, not daring to disobey.

The three elders, the first elder, the second elder, and the third elder immediately rushed to the forbidden area and solemnly invited the clan code.

"This is the clan book of the True Dragon Family. The records about Xuanyuan's lineage are in the second half of the clan book... As for whether it is true or false, we have no way of telling. Seniors, please check it yourself!"

Long Tianyun held the clan book and took the initiative to turn to the page recording the clues of Xuanyuan's lineage for Jiang Tian to check.

"Thank you, I'll remember this favor!"

Jiang Tian looked carefully and closed the family book.

As the other party said, there are only a few records in the family classics. It seems more like speculation, and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

But the sincerity of the True Dragon Family cannot be doubted.

"It is our True Dragon Family's honor to be able to contribute a small amount to Senior Jiang. Unfortunately, there are too few records and may not be useful!" Long Tianyun was extremely humble.

"There are three blood dragon bodies here. They are all mid-term blood emperors of the blood dragon clan. This can be regarded as a little reward for the true dragon family!"

" does this happen?"

Long Tianyun was ecstatic, but he didn’t dare to pick it up!

Compared with their contribution to Jiang Tian, ​​this gift is too heavy!

The foundation of the Dragon Clan in the Blood Realm completely crushes the True Dragon Family!

Even a big lead!

The dragon blood contained in the dragon bodies of the three mid-term blood emperors is too precious.

As long as you make good use of it, it will be enough to elevate the True Dragon Family to a higher level.

The future benefits are even more immeasurable!

How could he dare to accept such a gift if his merits were not recorded?



The elders are anxious!

Why are you still stunned?

Come on next!

"Take it, these things are no longer useful to me."

Jiang Tian placed a blood ring on the clan book held by Long Tianyun and gave it to him forcefully.

"Huh! Long Tianyun, together with all the elders and clan members, on behalf of the True Dragon Family, thanks Senior Jiang for his great kindness!"


A group of people prostrated themselves in the air.

Seeing this scene, countless elders and disciples also knelt down like a tide.

The scene is spectacular!

"Master Long, you're welcome. With the strength I have today, I have been contaminated by the karma and luck of the True Dragon Family. This small reward is not worth mentioning. Please take yours seriously. Jiang takes his leave!"

"Senior Jiang, slow down!"


Long Tianyun was so excited that he withdrew the clan protection formation and saw Jiang Tian off in person.

At this moment, a flying boat came through the sky!

Long Tianyun was stunned!

There is a "nine" flag hanging on the flying boat, and its origin can be known at a glance.

"Jiutian Chamber of Commerce, why are they here?"

"The Jiutian Chamber of Commerce has little contact with our True Dragon Family. They suddenly visited us today. I don't know why?"

"This chamber of commerce is extremely well-informed. Could it be that they learned about the fact that we suffered heavy losses during this trip to Star Market and want to take advantage of this opportunity to pursue something?"

The elders speculated one after another, and Long Tianyun gradually frowned.

"Master, please be patient and let your subordinates go down and ask why they are here!"

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