Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7468 The Blood Realm Alliance is occupied

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Long Tianyun waved his hand, and the two family elders quickly greeted him.


The flying boat stopped, and an old man stood at the head of the boat.

But he ignored the two elders coming towards him and glanced at Jiang Tian.

Then with a happy face, he said respectfully: "This must be Senior Jiang. I am sent by Elder Feng of the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce to present you with some information!"


"It turns out I'm looking for Senior Jiang!"

The elder of the True Dragon Family who was about to question him couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Long Tianyun's eyes twitched and he spoke quickly.

"Haha, since you are looking for Senior Jiang, he is also a guest of our True Dragon Family. You might as well move to the main hall with Senior Jiang to talk in detail!"

Don’t look at the monk’s face but look at the Buddha’s face!

The people of the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce were not well received by the True Dragon Family, but since they were here to find Jiang Tian, ​​they naturally could not be treated too lightly.

"No need!" Jiang Tian waved his hand and refused.

Then he received the information sent by the elders of the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce, swept away his mind, and nodded lightly.

"Elder Feng is thoughtful, say thank you for me!"

"Senior Jiang is serious. Elder Feng said that it is our honor to serve senior. If senior has any other needs, just ask him!"

"No more!" Jiang Tian waved his hand.

"Then I won't disturb you. Senior Jiang, take your leave!"

The elder of the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce immediately turned around and fled quickly in his flying boat.

"Master Long, Jiang is leaving!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tian teleported into the air.

The purple formations spread out and disappeared in a flash!

"Senior Jiang... is gone!"

"After all, this great master of the Absolute God Realm couldn't stay in our True Dragon Family!"

"This is actually not surprising. After all... his strength is no longer on the same level as ours!"

The elders were filled with emotion!

Two months ago, Jiang Tian was still a foreign bloodline in their eyes that needed to be observed.

At best, he is just a young monster with slightly better qualifications.

Two months later today!

However, he crossed two great realms at a terrifying speed and boldly entered the level of the Absolute God Realm!

Such speed is truly unbelievable and terrifying!

The heritage of the True Dragon Family is completely worthless in such a situation.

There is really nothing that can keep the other party.

Leaving is inevitable!

A few days later.

Blood Realm!

Jiang Tian returned to the Heavenly Territory Blood Realm Alliance.

There was chaos in the Blood Alliance Hall, and noises were coming and going!

A large number of powerful people with high blood volume gathered here, competing to use the teleportation array.

The death of the former leader led to the disintegration of the Blood Realm Alliance.

These teleportation arrays once became ownerless things, and many blood realm greats rushed to seize the territory.

The final result is naturally that the strong will be respected.

The current Blood Realm Alliance is controlled by a Blood Wind Ancestor!

This Blood Wind Patriarch is a powerful person in the later stage of the Blood Emperor, and his strength is comparable to that of the former alliance leader.

With his powerful cultivation, he controlled the Blood Alliance Palace and used these teleportation arrays to collect teleportation fees.

"This is unreasonable! Last month, I only wanted 100 million high-quality blood crystals. In just one month, the price has tripled. Are you trying to steal money?"

A middle-aged strong man in the middle stage of the Blood Emperor complained loudly, reluctantly took out the blood ring and paid a high transfer fee.

There are many similar complaints.

Almost everyone who comes to the teleportation array will make similar protests.

"Tsk! If you can't use it, don't use it. No one forces you to teleport!"

"Our Blood Wind Ancestors are not here to do good deeds!"

"You people are so ignorant. You should all be grateful to the Blood Wind Ancestor. Without him taking control of the Blood Realm Alliance, this place would be a place of chaos. No matter how many blood crystals there are, it can't be teleported!"

"Now we only charge a small fee, are you at a loss?"

"Everyone, listen to me. Anyone who dares to complain again will be immediately disqualified from teleportation!"

Several elders in the middle stage of the Blood Emperor yelled at everyone, assuming a condescending attitude.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense!

The warriors who were still complaining before immediately silenced their voices and paid the transmission fee obediently.

Seeing the top-quality blood crystals being added to their accounts one after another, these elders were filled with joy.

The Blood Wind Ancestor on the throne is also very excited!

"When I was the elder of the Blood Realm Alliance, I was ostracized and was disheartened for a time. I didn't expect that things would turn around and it was time for me to take over!"

The Blood Realm Alliance controls the interface teleportation array, which is a hugely profitable business.

Now that he has significantly increased the transmission fee, within a few years, the strength of the Blood Alliance will increase significantly.

By then, he will become the most powerful giant in the blood world!

All kinds of pictures made him extremely excited just thinking about them.

The benefits of being in charge of the Blood Realm Alliance don't stop there. It can also support a large number of strong men and use these teleportation arrays to search for opportunities and treasures in various interfaces for his cultivation!

I believe it won’t be long before he can hit that unprecedented level!

"The Blood God Realm, I will break through it sooner or later!"

The Blood Wind Ancestor murmured to himself, his heart surging.

At this moment, a young warrior suddenly walked toward the teleportation array with his hands behind his back.

"Stop!" an elder shouted harshly!

"Boy, go queue up behind me and behave yourself, otherwise your teleportation qualification will be revoked!"

The young man raised his head and glanced at him, his eyes were extremely cold!

This young man is none other than Jiang Tian!

"I just destroyed the Blood Realm Alliance, and you are here to dominate?"

Jiang Tian sneered, his eyes cold.

He had only been back and forth for a few days when the Blood Realm Alliance was taken over by someone. He was really speechless!

"What did you say, that the Blood Alliance was destroyed by you?"

"Hahaha, did you hear this? This guy said that he destroyed the Blood Realm Alliance!"

"The Blood Boundary Alliance was clearly destroyed by our Blood Wind Ancestor, why did they say it was you?"

"How dare you?"

The elders of the Blood Siam Alliance pointed at Jiang Tian and laughed wildly.

"It's just you... Hey, no, he's not from the blood realm!"

"Human race, he is a human warrior!"

"Human warrior, why are you here in our blood realm?"

The atmosphere suddenly changed!

All the strong men in the blood realm stared at Jiang Tian, ​​as if they had seen prey!

Outside warriors, especially the human race, are often regarded as targets of ravage by the Blood World.

Under normal circumstances, strong men from the human race would never come to the Blood Realm easily.

Even if they come, they can only hide and live with their tail between their legs.

Instead of hiding, this human kid actually got into the crowd and was so high-profile.

Looking for death?

"What a human warrior!"

"Now that you've come to our Blood Realm, how can you not 'entertain' us properly?"

"Take it!"


A mid-stage Blood Emperor elder rushed out!

Slap Jiang Tian hard with his right palm!


Amidst the loud noise, someone exploded into blood mist!

Of course it was not Jiang Tian who died, but the elder who took action!


"Did anyone see him take action?"

"No, he used coercion to kill his opponent!"

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