Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7469 Purple Realm

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"This human race... is so strong!"

Everyone's expressions changed and they all backed away.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to be quite capable!"

"But if you become enemies with our Blood Realm Alliance, you are destined to die!"

Amidst the loud shouts, the three Blood Realm Alliance elders began to besiege Jiang Tian.


Jiang Tian sneered and pointed forward lightly.

The purple sword light appears!

Tsk tsk tsk!

Three heads flew up instantly!

The sword light castrated more than just slashed at the Blood Wind Ancestor on the throne!

"court death!"


The Blood Wind Ancestor exploded the sword light with one palm, and suddenly grabbed it with his right hand from the air!


A ferocious bloody claw suddenly grabbed hold, the power was extremely frightening!

Some people in the room gasped, shocked by the methods of the Blood Wind Ancestor.

"This kid is finished!"

"If you offend the Blood Wind Patriarch, he will die!"

"How is it unusual for the late Blood Emperor to..."


Before he could finish his words, the bloody claw exploded from the pressure rising from Jiang Tian's body.

"How can it be?"

Ancestor Xue Feng was shocked, and the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched!

Although he didn't use his full strength, the power of this attack was also extraordinary.

This human warrior actually blocked it easily. How strong is he?

"The Human Race's Absolute God Realm...Early Stage! How is this possible?"

Ancestor Xue Feng carefully felt Jiang Tian's aura, and then realized that the other party was just a strong human race in the early stage of the Jueshen Realm.

It is equivalent to the early stage of the Blood Emperor.

The combat power revealed was not much weaker than him.

It really shocked him!

"If you dare to act wild in the hall of our Blood Realm Alliance, no matter how strong you are, you will die!"

The Blood Wind Ancestor shouted loudly, clenched his fist with his right hand and punched out!


There was a loud noise and violent power surged!

Puff puff!

The warriors who were closer were all injured by the shock. They vomited blood unexpectedly, screamed and retreated again.

Jiang Tian calmly raised his hand and struck forward.

The movements look light and airy.


There was a roar and explosion, and the blood fist collapsed.

Jiang Tian's fist speed did not slow down and he hit the throne directly!

"not good!"

Ancestor Xue Feng's expression suddenly changed and he dodged from the throne.


The throne exploded into powder!

Ancestor Xue Feng stood aside, his face extremely ugly, even a little embarrassed.

"This ancestor will let you die without a burial..."



Purple light appears!

A head suddenly flew up, it was the Blood Wind Ancestor!

There was a look of disbelief in his eyes, and his face was even filled with anger.

But he has been beheaded!


The Blood Realm warriors in the main hall all gasped, extremely shocked!

Seeing the head fall to the ground, they didn't see clearly how Jiang Tian took action.

Ancestor Xue Feng, the mighty late-stage Blood Emperor and the new leader of the Blood Realm Alliance, died just like that!

"What...what a terrible method!"

"Killing the late-stage Blood Emperor with one sword, he... what is his level of cultivation?"

"The early stage of the human race's Absolute God Realm? Impossible, it must not be that low!"

"I'm afraid it's at least the late stage of the Absolute God Realm, or even the peak!"

"That's right, this powerful human race must be hiding his true realm!"

"It's too scary...everyone, run!"


There was a frenzy in the hall, and all the Blood Realm warriors ran frantically for their lives.

Jiang Tian ignored these people, waved his hand, and began to devour blood!

But when the devouring was over, he shook his head in disappointment.

The blood essence of the later Blood Emperor was once his excellent nourishment.

But as he entered the realm of absolute gods, his effectiveness declined significantly!


His breath only fluctuated slightly, and then quickly returned to stability.

Obviously, the nourishing effect of this level of late-stage Blood Emperor on him is no longer ideal.

The noisy Blood Alliance Hall became deserted again.

Jiang Tian held the alliance leader's token in his hand and silently examined the teleportation formations on the opposite side.

The Star Domain Dragon Clan is said to be on the same high-level plane as the Star Clan.

And things like Star Ruins, Blood Realm, and Dao Realm are all low-level planes.

And here, there is no direct passage to the big plane.

Therefore, if you want to go to that big plane, you must find the small interface closest to it.

Jiang Tian inspected the teleportation arrays.

His eyes finally locked onto a medium-sized interface called the Purple World!

This interface is located at the other end of the collapsed Star Ruins, facing the Blood Realm across the Star Ruins.

This teleportation array can reach directly to the Purple Realm!


Jiang Tian held the alliance leader's token and walked into the teleportation array.

At the same time, a special space restriction was laid in the main hall behind him!


The light of the teleportation array lit up, and the power of teleportation enveloped him and teleported him out.

A moment later, Jiang Tian came to the other end of the teleportation array!

At the same time, the space restriction he left in the Blood Boundary Alliance's main hall detonated on its own, destroying the Blood Boundary Alliance's main hall.

"Purple Realm!"

Jiang Tian walked out of the hall and scanned the void.

The information provided by the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce shows that there is an ancient passage to a higher plane in the Ziluo Realm.

It is controlled by several of the strongest forces in this world.

What the specific situation was, he didn't know yet.

You have to find out on your own!



Jiang Tian activated the void formation and fled forward.

Half a day later.

In a large city chamber of commerce called Qingyan City, I spent a little money to find out the information about the ancient passage in the Ziluo Realm.

He thought that this inquiry would be troublesome, but he didn't expect that the news about the ancient passage was not a big secret in the Ziluo world.

The research process was smoother than expected.

But when he left Qingyan City, he encountered a little trouble!

"Boy, stop!"

"We want what you have on you, and we want your life too!"

"Jie Jie Jie!"

In the mountains outside Qingyan City, several warriors with powerful auras surrounded Jiang Tian.

There are five of them in total!

Led by two at the peak of the God-creation realm, the remaining three are all in the late stages of the God-creation realm.

Such a lineup, if placed on the Dao Domain side, would be really scary.

But in Qingyan City, it is not surprising.

Although Jiang Tian stayed in the city for a short time, he had already deeply felt the level of martial arts in this city.

The strongest people in this city are mainly at the level of the Absolute God.

According to his induction, there are no fewer than dozens of absolute gods in the city.

Moreover, there are different levels of cultivation, including those in the early stages of the Absolute God Realm and a few who are suspected of being in the middle stage of the Absolute God Realm!

This means that the level of martial arts in Qingyan City can instantly defeat the Dao Domain and the Blood Realm!

This is already the case in Qingyan City, let alone the situation in the entire Ziluo Realm.

"Robbery?" Jiang Tian asked without looking back with his hands behind his back.

"Boy, you are still so arrogant even when you are about to die. Do you really think you are strong?"

"We never leave weapons behind when doing things. Handing over your things obediently will help you die more happily!"

The auras of several people surged, like several evil wolves approaching Jiang Tian.

"Tsk! Since we are all going to die, what difference does it make if it hurts or not?" Jiang Tian sneered.

"Hahahaha! Boy, you are quite thorough!"

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