Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7507 Accepting Disciples

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In a sense, Jiang Tian gave him these things, which was equivalent to giving him a large number of prey!

"When is Brother Jiang going to leave?"

"I also want to know this question." Jiang Tian's face was full of self-deprecation.

As a warrior in the early stage of the Absolute God Realm, and as a being with monster to abnormal qualifications among the human race.

He couldn't even tell when he would be able to leave.

It's a bit embarrassing to say.

"Oh?" Tu Orion certainly didn't know what Jiang Tian was thinking about.

I can only comfort him according to my own imagination.

"Brother Jiang, don't be afraid. There is always a path. The elders often say that there is another world at the end of the world. Maybe the path you are looking for is there?"

"Maybe!" Jiang Tian smiled, noncommittal.

The road he wants to take is not only the end of the world?

That goes from heaven to earth, across the interface!

However, ordinary people like Lao Tu cannot explain this kind of thing.

"I should stay for a while and won't leave for the time being."

"That would be great, but it's a pity... alas!"

When Lao Tu thought of his dead wife and sister, he couldn't help but sigh.

If that incident hadn't happened, maybe we could have taken advantage of this opportunity and accomplished something good!

Speaking of this matter, Jiang Tian felt extremely guilty.

In the final analysis, that incident happened because of him.

It was he who brought the disaster here, causing Lao Tu's wife and sister to have an accident.

If his strength was still there at that time, everything would certainly not be a problem, and it would not be difficult to even find a way to resurrect him.

However, due to the special rules of Xiao Qingjingtian, he was just a "mortal in one realm" at the time, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Every time he thought about this, he wished he could slap himself in the face!

If he could turn back time, he might come to the Little Purity Heaven in another way.

Will avoid this unknown town.

It's a pity that everything can't be repeated. Tu Orion's wife and sister have passed away and will never be resurrected.

"Brother Tu, are you interested in practicing martial arts?"

"Practice martial arts? Of course!"

When it came to practicing martial arts, Lao Tu jumped up with excitement!

Ever since the day he heard that there were warriors in the world, he had had such a dream in his heart.

However, Xiao Qingjingtian has no spiritual energy, so his dream cannot be realized.

Now that he heard Jiang Tian's proposal, he seemed to see hope again!

"Brother Jiang, I know you are not an ordinary person. You...can you make me a warrior?" Lao Tu grabbed Jiang Tian's arm and asked excitedly.

"No!" Jiang Tian shook his head.

"This..." The old butcher slowly let go of his hand, his face was stiff, and he smiled bitterly.


No one in the entire town had ever seen a warrior.

Except for the so-called "Si Tianjian" people who were killed by Jiang Tian last time.

Wanting to practice martial arts, or even become a martial artist, is of course just a dream.

"However, I can teach you some introductory martial arts!"


The Orion Slaughterer's heart, which had just dropped, became excited again!

He grabbed Jiang Tian's arm tightly again and squeezed it hard, as if he was afraid that he would break his promise or run away.

"Of course! I will teach you some secret techniques to strengthen your body, as well as some martial arts to improve your personal strength. After learning these, you will be considered a half-beginner warrior. If one day in the future, there is spiritual energy from heaven and earth here, you may be transformed. , you can become a warrior immediately!"

"Okay, great, but..." Lao Tu hesitated, looking a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing, Brother Tu, just say it bluntly!" Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"Well, that's it. My old Tudu is nearly fifty years old. To be honest, it only takes a few years to learn these things. But if my children are lucky enough to learn martial arts, it will be a dream opportunity!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian's eyes lit up and he glanced at Lao Tu's children.

They are still very young!

"Brother Jiang, don't look down on them. Although they are young..."

"Brother Tu, there is no need to explain, I understand!"

Jiang Tian smiled.

Lao Tu is from an Orion family and is very attentive to the training of his children.

They have been taught hunting skills since they were young. They eat large amounts of meat, drink bone soup, eat tendons and tendons all year round, and their body bones are much stronger than ordinary people.

All of them are good materials for practicing martial arts!

"I, Jiang Tian, ​​will accept these apprentices!"

"Hahahaha, brother Jiang, please be happy. Children, why don't you come and pay homage to your master?"


Three children who were only a few years old rushed over immediately, holding Jiang Tian's thighs and calling for master.

This scene made Lao Tu dumbfounded!

"Silly boy, you have to kneel down and kowtow when you become a disciple!"

With that said, Lao Tu directly demonstrated to Jiang Tian.

"Brother Tu can't do it!" Jiang Tian was amused.

"How can you not do it? Not only do you have to teach them, but you also have to teach me. After all, they and I can be considered brothers and sisters in the same discipline!"

"Hahahaha, Brother Tu, you are really informal!"

Jiang Tian laughed, and after helping Lao Tu up, he seriously accepted the kneeling of the three young children.

"Disciple pays homage to master!"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, get up quickly. From today on, I will teach you how to practice martial arts. Come on!"

"Yes, Master!"

The three young children stood up and patted the dirt on their knees, then sat next to Jiang Tian and listened to his lecture on martial arts.

Next, Jiang Tian taught Lao Tu and his three children separately according to their aptitude.

Lao Tu is strong and a very experienced hunter.

When it comes to hunting, he is smarter than the foxes in the mountains!

Such a person does not need too much theoretical instruction, just teach him some hard skills.

As for the three young children, Jiang Tian saw that they had excellent bones, so he had to start from the basics.

He taught them the introductory theories of martial arts one by one, and also taught them the breathing and breathing methods, as well as some excellent martial arts mental techniques.

Although they cannot cultivate the blood spiritual power of warriors without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but by laying such a foundation in their childhood, once the environment changes in the future, they will be able to become true warriors in the shortest time and soar to the sky!

Time passes slowly.

One month has passed in a blink of an eye!




The three young children have made rapid progress under Jiang Tian's guidance, and have learned basic martial arts skills well!

Under his teachings, Lao Tu also learned several sets of hard skills, such as "Collapse Mountain Fist", "Splitting Wind Palm", "Breaking Wave Sword" and other hunting techniques.

There are also several wonderful light skills such as "Falling Leaves" and "Wind Step".

"Wonderful, so wonderful! I didn't expect that I, Old Tu, would still be exposed to such excellent martial arts in my lifetime. Brother Jiang...oh no, Master Jiang, please accept my worship!"


Lao Tu was so excited that he bowed to Jiang Tian again.

Jiang Tian quickly helped him up and said with a smile: "Limited by age and qualifications, I can only teach you so much. It's just some superficial skills. There is still a huge gap between you and a real warrior. Even if you have the opportunity to practice in the future, , when you encounter those powerful warriors, you must not show off your strength."

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