Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7508 A person from heaven

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"Yes, yes, Lao Tu still understands what kind of thing he is, but how do you feel about my children?"

"They are all excellent young people. They all have the opportunity to become warriors before they are twenty years old, and their future achievements will not be too low. But if they are over twenty years old, they can only become ordinary warriors. After thirty years old, they can only become ordinary warriors. Two to three times stronger than you are now!"

Facing this answer, Lao Tu had a complicated expression.

There is no aura of heaven and earth in their place, and becoming warriors is just a fantasy.

But no matter what, the martial arts taught by Jiang Tian are still very useful.

In the worst case scenario, he would still be unable to become a warrior after the age of thirty, and his strength would be two to three times what he is now.

This is already very exaggerated!

With that kind of strength, he is simply a dominant person in this mountain forest.

Those beasts that he doesn't dare to hunt now will definitely be captured!



Jiang Tian called out, and the three children immediately ran over and listened respectfully to the lecture.

"That's all I can teach you for now. I hope you practice diligently and don't let me down, let alone your father's expectations!"

"Yes, Master!"

The three young children answered in childish voices.

Lao Tu's expression became even more complicated.

"Brother Jiang, are you...going to leave?"

"Yes, I have been in this world for a long time, and it is time to go back."

Jiang Tian was filled with emotion.

Although he hasn't found a way to return, it's obvious that he can't stay like this forever.

Must leave!

"I know I can't keep you here. I hope Brother Jiang has a safe journey!"

"Brother Tu, Sister-in-law Tu, and our three disciples, see you again by fate!"

Jiang Tian cupped his hands and smiled, turned around and ran away.

Seeing the speed at which he was running, Lao Tu was shocked in his heart.

The three young children who were stepping into martial arts for the first time were also deeply shocked!

"Oh my God!"

"Master... he's so fast!"

"Faster than daddy, much faster!"


Lao Tu slapped his son on the head.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can your father compare with your master? He is a true warrior!"

"A true warrior?"

The three apprentices are young and have no clear concept of warriors.

But remembering that the last batch of fierce men wearing golden armor were all crushed by their master with one move, they became very excited.

A few days later!

Suddenly, an outsider came to the town. After asking around, he found the house of Orion Tu.

"Are you the Orion Killer?"

The visitors were a middle-aged man and two young men, all wearing white military robes.

Their appearance made Lao Tu feel nervous!

There are almost no outsiders in the town.

First it was Jiang Tian, ​​and then there was the golden-armored Sitian. The three white robes in front of me were the third group!

Is it a blessing or a curse?

Although his strength has greatly improved under Jiang Tian's teaching.

But if you meet a real warrior, it is still useless.

It’s a blessing, not a curse, it’s a curse that cannot be avoided!

Old Tu Heng made up his mind and nodded: "It's me. Who are you and where do you come from?"

"Hahaha! I finally found you. We are from Yijietian. Do you know Senior Jiang Tianjiang?"

"Brother Jiang... uh, Senior Jiang, do you know him?" Lao Tu realized something was wrong and quickly changed his words.

"Hahaha, it seems right, that's it..."

The visitor immediately told the whole story.

They come from a place called "Yijietian" and are warriors of the Shouwang family.

This time I came across the mountains and seas to find the Orion family in the nameless town that Jiang Tian told me about.

Now, finally found it!

"I see!"

Orion Slaughter was immediately relieved.

"Hey, these little kids have amazing bones!"

A middle-aged man from heaven stared at Lao Tu's three children, his eyes shining brightly.

"This is an excellent warrior seedling, Lao Tu, how did you cultivate it? Did you also use to be a warrior?"

The middle-aged man asked impatiently.

Lao Tu knew he couldn't hide it, so he simply told the whole story.

"That's right, they were taught by Brother Jiang, the Senior Jiang you call him..."


"Senior Jiang has accepted a disciple!"

"Hey! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

The three people from Yijietian were shocked!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian would accept these three mortal children as his apprentices.

Very well behaved!

This is an excellent martial arts seedling. If he is accepted by Yi Jie Tian, ​​his future is unlimited!

"Old Tu, I have an unkind request. I want to take them to a world to practice and become true warriors. Are you willing?"


"Oh my God!"

Go to Yijietian to practice and become a true warrior!

Lao Tu was so shocked that he even thought he heard it wrong!

The opportunity came so suddenly that he couldn't even react.

"Why, aren't you willing to give up?" The middle-aged man frowned, his heart pounding.

"Yes, it is indeed difficult to practice a difficult and dangerous path, and once they become warriors, their life span will be far longer than that of ordinary people. I am afraid that when you pass away, they will still remain in their teens, and they may not be able to fulfill their filial piety for you in the future. It’s really difficult for you. If that’s the case, then…”

"No! No, no, no, that's not what I meant!"

Lao Tu's eyelids twitched and he shook his head repeatedly.

Then he showed his excitement!

"Brother Jiang once said that if they can become warriors at a young age, their future prospects will be limitless. Since the three adults are willing to take them to practice, of course I am happy to do so!"

"Old Tu, Old Tu!"

Tu Gao tugged Lao Tu's arm and hesitated to speak.

She obviously still had great concerns and was reluctant to let these children go.

After all, the two parties have never met each other!

It seems very unsafe to send the child away just because of the name Jiang Tian!

"As a woman, what do you know?"

But Lao Tu understood that this matter could not be faked.

First of all, Jiang Tian is an outsider, and no one near or far should know him.

Secondly, Jiang Tian once mentioned the situation of Yi Jie Tian and mentioned the other party's robe and surname.

The man in front of him was named Su, and he wore the same robe as Jiang Tian said.

There is no doubt that he is a heavenly warrior!

If you don't seize this opportunity, what are you waiting for?

"Even if it's true, we...we..." Tu Gao hesitated, his face turning red.

"Ouch! Why are you so wordy? If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you have a fart, hurry up!"

The old man was so angry that he cursed!

This bitch, why can’t she even speak smoothly?

"They are all gone. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to even see each other in the future, woohoo!"

Mr. Tu Gao mustered up his courage and cried before he finished speaking!

"Women know how to cry!"

Lao Tu was so angry that his face turned blue and he raised his palm, but he couldn't bear to slap it down.

All he could do was slap it on himself.

This scene made all three people from Yijie Tianlai laugh.

The middle-aged man in white robe looked at the old couple and hesitated to speak.

He actually couldn't bear it, but there were some things he couldn't make the decision.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came!

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