Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7515 Fist realm, physical realm!

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I remembered!

He remembered an ancient book he had read a long time ago.

There is a description of the physical realm above!

That’s right!

In that unknown ancient book, there are indeed records about the physical realm.

Although it was just a few words, and it seemed to him at the time that it was just a fantasy, even a little ridiculous.

But today, he suddenly understood that it was not just a fantasy, but a real thing!

"Come in the boxing domain and the physical domain, let me feel your temperament and power!"


Click, click, click!

Next, Jiang Tian continued to punch, wildly bombarding the void.

With one punch, it exploded, the void collapsed, and layers of it were annihilated.

At the same time, ripples that were different from the spiritual power of space rippled out, erupting with terrifying power.

This is real power, the power of hard work!

Rather than spiritual power or mysterious power, or a certain realm of martial arts intention!

This is beyond the realm of cultivation, the violent power erupted from pure physical power.

Extraordinary, extraordinary!

"Immortal dragon critical strike, come again!"


Jiang Tian shook his fists wildly, exerting his ultimate physical strength again and again.

A terrifying roar exploded in front of him, and the power of his body turned into giant waves and rippled out.

It is overwhelming, as if it has the power to crush everything!

Jiang Tian was greatly refreshed. He had never thought that the power of the physical body could burst out with such terrifying power.

If your physical strength can reach this level, it doesn't matter whether you have blood or spiritual power!

"Sure enough, something that seems to have reached its limit, if repeatedly tempered under special circumstances, may burst into unimaginable potential!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, feeling extremely excited.

Qingtian Realm!

Qingtian Xuanhun Tower!

A flash of lightning flashed in Jiang Tian's mind, remembering the unexpected discovery he made while searching for souls just now.

In the memory of that supervisor, there is a special existence.

It’s called Qingtian Xuanhun Tower!

This tower is said to be transformed from an ancient Taoist artifact.

Although it has lost its original peak power as a Taoist weapon, it has also degraded more than once.

Nowadays, even incomplete Taoist weapons are not considered.

But it has a special function, which is to polish the martial arts skills of the top experts in the Qingtian world.

It is said that in the Qingtian Xuanhun Tower, there is the "Xuanhun Cang aura" of the original Qingtian ancestor!

That’s right!

The Qingtian Realm was originally called "Cang Realm". Millions of years ago, a superpower rose up.

After this person ascended the avenue, he realized the supreme divine power. In order to show his prestige, he changed the name of the Cang Realm to Qingtian Realm!

And the Xuanhun Tower holding the sky was the Taoist weapon that he relied on to achieve enlightenment back then!

As for the specific situation and the location of Qingtian Xuanhun Tower, Jiang Tian still doesn't know yet.

But this clue is enough!

This rare treasure must be a prestigious existence in the Qingtian world, and it must not be difficult to find it.

What he has to do now is to reach Qingtian Realm as soon as possible!


At this time, there is no guard in front of the interface channel.

All the powerful Si Tianjian men have been crushed and killed by him.

The road ahead is clear!

"Qingtianjie, here I come!"


With white light shining, Jiang Tian walked into the interface channel.

At the same time Jiang Tian entered the interface channel.

In front of the largest interface channel of "Mangjie", another interface on the same level as Yuanjie, a furious roar came from a majestic golden palace!

"Fist Domain! A junior from a lower plane, in the early stage of the Absolute God Realm, actually understood the 'Fist Domain'. It's simply unbelievable!"

Sitting on the throne at the end of the golden palace was a purple-armored chief eunuch.

Gu Jing's name is Yuan Yi, and he is the owner of the giant golden palm that suppressed Jiang Tian from the air just now.

Si Tianjian, the golden-robed Great Si Tianjian, is a true master of the Taixu Realm!


At the same time as the words rang out, the golden shadow he condensed in the air exploded in front of his eyes and was quickly annihilated.

"Fist realm! Physical realm?"

"Chief Superintendent, are you kidding?"

"How can a junior who is in the early stage of the Absolute God Realm or a person from a lower plane understand the method of boxing domain?"

"No matter how talented a warrior at this level is, how far can his physical body reach?"

There was an exclamation in the hall, and the ten golden-robed supervisors under the throne were all stunned!

"Impossible, Chief Superintendent, did you see it wrong?"

"How can a warrior of that level touch the physical realm?"

"That is a more difficult and mysterious existence than the realm of spiritual power!"

The ten golden-robed supervisors are all half-step existences at the very top of the Taixu Realm, and are only half a step away from reaching the Taixu Realm.

But even those who are strong in physical cultivation at their level dare not say that they can understand the realm of the physical body.

From this point of view, Chief Superintendent Yuan Yi might have made a mistake?

"Absurd! Do you think I am blind?"

Yuan Yi asked sharply.


The ten golden-robed supervisors gasped, their eyes twitching wildly.

Chief Supervisor Yuan Yi is their immediate superior, and they will not be able to bear the consequences once they are angry.

"Chief Inspector, calm down!"

"We have no intention of offending, we just think this is a bit incredible!"

"Let alone the early stage of the Absolute God Realm, even with our level of physical cultivation, it is extremely difficult to touch the physical realm!"

"After all...the path of physical cultivation is far more difficult than that of a normal spiritual warrior!"

Everyone sighed with emotion and smiled bitterly.

Common fields, such as sword fields, knife fields, space fields, even thunder fields, fantasy fields, etc., can essentially be classified as spiritual fields.

The physical realm is another concept!

It cannot achieve that mysterious effect with the help of bloodline spiritual power. It relies on pure physical strength, that is, hard work and hard power!

This kind of approach is often looked down upon by spiritual warriors of the same level when their strength is low.

Moreover, the difficulty of advancing for this type of warrior is far beyond that of a normal warrior who majors in spiritual power.

But with the passage of time and the improvement of realm, the combat power of physical warriors will become stronger and stronger.

One effort to conquer ten sessions is the most vivid portrayal of physical cultivation!

This road is inherently difficult, but one of the most difficult parts of it is that it is extremely difficult to touch the "field" level!

The body cultivation that can touch the realm of the physical body can be said to be unique among all!

This thing not only requires hard work, but also depends on chance and luck.

And once you touch this level, you will be invincible among the same level.

When fighting, they have an absolute crushing advantage!

"Ahem, I believe in Chief Superintendent Yuan Yi's vision. That person must have touched the realm of the physical body!"

"I didn't expect that such a monster would appear in the lower plane!"

"To understand the realm of the physical body in this realm, this person's talents and qualifications are probably beyond our imagination!"

Seeing that Yuan Yi was a little angry, everyone immediately changed their tune and began to praise Jiang Tian, ​​flattering Yuan Yi in disguise.


After saying these few words, Yuan Yi's anger dissipated a lot.

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