Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7516 Qingtian Realm

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"Hmph! I actually stumbled in front of a junior from a lower plane. I must say I was careless!"

Yuan Yi let out a sullen breath and said with a livid face.

"No! The Chief Supervisor's words are serious. No one else could have expected that a warrior from the lower planes could actually touch the realm of the physical body!"

"But one thing I dare to say is that even if he really understands the realm of the physical body, his level cannot be too high!"

"Yes! In the physical cultivation of the upper plane, this kind of situation is rare. He is just lucky!"

Everyone followed Yuan Yi's tone and continued to flatter him wildly.

Yuan Yi can sit in this position, so he is not a stupid person.

He smiled coldly: "You should pat less of my flattery. No matter how much you pat me, it won't affect my strict requirements for you!"


Everyone's expressions changed slightly and they nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, yes, the Chief Superintendent taught you that!"

"We're just telling the truth!"

The atmosphere was a little tense for a while.

Soon, it was Yuan Yi himself who broke the embarrassment.

"You are right about one thing. This person touched the Fist Realm in the early stage of the Absolute God Realm, and his physical level will not be too high, so next..."

"I understand! What the Chief Supervisor means is that next he will look for a place that can polish his physical realm!" A golden-armored Supervisor said excitedly.

"I see, the Chief Superintendent is really cruel!"

"The Chief Supervisor is wise!"

Everyone was flattering again, but this time, Yuan Yi did not stop.

On the contrary, it is very useful!

"Chief Supervisor, my subordinates boldly speculate that this boy will definitely go to Qingtian Realm next!"

"That's right! I think so too. Looking at the surrounding interfaces, only Qingtian Realm can make his body better polished!"

"Qingtian Realm, Qingtian Xuanhun Tower, Chief Supervisor, my subordinates are willing to lead people to suppress this son!"

"My subordinates are also willing to go!"

"My subordinates invite you to fight!"


All ten golden-robed supervisors asked to fight.

Yuan Yi shook his head, his expression became ferocious!

"No one of you has to fight, everyone can go!"



The ten golden-robed supervisors looked at each other, thinking they had heard wrong!

No one has to fight?

Anyone can go!

What does it mean?

The next moment, everyone's expressions suddenly changed!


"Grand Superintendent!"

"You...you don't want to go to Qingtian Realm in person, right?"

Everyone exclaimed repeatedly, as if they thought of something incredible.

"Isn't it possible?" Yuan Yi asked in a deep voice, with a ferocious look in his eyes!

"This... this is not a question of whether it is possible or not. The chief supervisor should understand that the side of Qingtian Realm is..."

"What is it?" Yuan Yi asked ferociously, but the other party hesitated.

"It's... the territory of Chief Superintendent Qin Yao!"

"What the hell Chief Superintendent Qin Yao!"


Before he finished speaking, a terrifying aura erupted from Yuan Yi's body, making everyone almost unable to breathe!

"Captain, please calm down! I have no other intentions, I'm just afraid that she will seize the opportunity to attack you!"

The golden-robed supervisor was eager to explain.

Yuan Yi sneered: "Absurd! Will Yuan be afraid of her? It is true that Qingtian Realm is her territory, but if she dares to stop it, I will give her some trouble!"


"May the Chief Supervisor succeed!"

No one dared to say anything more and could only flatter him.

"Everyone, set off immediately and follow me to Qingtian Realm!"

"Yes, Chief Supervisor!"


Qingtian Realm!

A golden light suddenly appeared in front of the interface channel, and Jiang Tian walked out of the channel and stepped onto the ground of Qingtian Realm!


"Why is there only one person?"

"Hey, why do I feel like...this person looks familiar?"

In front of the exit of the interface channel, several Jinjia Sitian stared at Jiang Tian.

One of them subconsciously took out a white jade talisman used for communication. His spiritual power was activated, and a picture appeared.

"As expected, it's him, a low-level martial artist, a serious criminal on Si Tianjian's wanted list—Jiang Tian!"

"Good boy!"

"How dare the most wanted criminals come to our Qingtian Realm!"

"You are so careless about walking out of the interface channel, you are so crazy!"

"Take it!"

Boom boom boom!

The roar starts!

The three golden-armored Sitians all pounced on Jiang Tian, ​​preparing to perform meritorious deeds.

At the same time, a cry of surprise came from behind!

"...This son has killed dozens of golden-armored Great Sitian. He is extremely powerful and extremely dangerous... Hiss, be careful!"

The golden-armored Sitian holding the jade talisman was frightened!

However, the words have not yet been spoken!

Bang bang bang!

Three colleagues have already exploded into blood mist!

"Damn it! Da Si Tian is quick..."


The bloody light reappeared, and the golden-armored Haotian behind him exploded at the same time as the messenger jade talisman in his hand.

In front of the interface channel, there is blood!

"Who dares to cause trouble?"

Three golden-armored Great Sitian swept over from the main hall in front.

Seeing the scene of four men falling, he immediately became furious!

"Disturbing the interface channel is a capital crime!"


Boom boom boom!

The three of them struck wildly, with fists, palms, and swords coming out.

But the next moment, they suddenly discovered something strange!

The person who came here actually looked familiar!

They suddenly remembered that they were actually low-level warriors who had been on Si Tianjian's wanted list recently.

"Jiang Tian! He is Jiang Tian!"

"not good!"

"Everyone is little..."

Before they finished speaking, Jiang Tian appeared in front of them.

The sudden scene scared them out of their wits!


Tsk tsk tsk!

Purple light suddenly appeared, the heads of the three people flew up, and the corpses fell from the air.

For such characters, Jiang Tian no longer even has any interest in swallowing their blood essence.

Because after his bloodline spiritual power reaches 70%, the effect of the ordinary Half-Step Taixu Realm Da Sitian drops sharply.

Only Da Sitian, who is at the top of the Half-Step Taixu Realm, can have some effect, but it also has a huge discount.

Now, he just wants to find a chance to try the blood essence of the Great Superintendent of Taixu Realm!

But he was still unable to estimate the true combat power of the Great Void Realm.

After all, until now, he has only had two experiences against strong men of that level.

Moreover, both times were not direct face-to-face confrontations, but a contest with the opponent's split soul or the will of the other party to be transported through the air.

Although he didn't suffer any loss both times, the situation would obviously be very different if he encountered the powerful deity in the Taixu Realm!


Jiang Tian grabbed a few storage rings, then took one step forward and swept straight to the hall opposite.

"Who are you……"


There was an explosion!

Before a golden-armored Da Sitian could rush out of the hall, he was crushed by Jiang Tian's pressure.

This horrifying scene shocked the dozen or so golden-armored Great Sitians in the hall!

The companion who was half a step into the Taixu Realm was actually crushed to death by someone coming in front of him.

What kind of power is this, what kind of method is this?

"This person is very strong!"

"Siege him!"


Boom boom boom!

More than a dozen golden-armored Da Sitian took action frantically and launched a siege.

Jiang Tian looked at these people expressionlessly.

Among more than a dozen people, there were only six or seven who were at the top of the Half-Step Taixu Realm.

The rest is not worthy of him taking another look!

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