Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7518: Queue to die?

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More than a dozen channel strongholds were immediately closed, and all channels stopped operating.

All the warriors from Si Tianjian were teleported back to the location of Qin Yao's Chief Supervisor, and gathered to stand by.

"He's down!"

"What are the orders from the Chief Superintendent?"

Ten supervisors came to the hall with hundreds of golden-armored Grand Sitians.

The thousands of gold armors they brought back were left on standby in the square outside the palace.

"It's nothing, I'm just afraid that you will act recklessly and lose your life in vain."

Chief Supervisor Qin Yao said with a smile.



"What's going on?"

Everyone looked at each other in astonishment.

Soon, they got the news about the change in the interface stronghold.

"He's here? He's really here!"

"So fast!"

"What is he doing in our Qingtian Realm?"

The ten golden-robed supervisors hesitated.

After a while of discussion, there was no clear answer.

Chief Superintendent Qin Yao smiled leisurely: "There is Mang Realm near Yuan Realm, and there are several other interfaces that are comparable to our Qingtian Realm. Why didn't he go elsewhere and just come to Qingtian Realm?"

"My subordinates believe that he came all the way from the lower plane in a hurry, as if he was looking for something or someone!"

"This is extremely possible, otherwise he, a lower plane warrior, would not be able to move in such a hurry!"

"You know, there are some unique treasures and opportunities in each interface. If he spends more time, his harvest will be several times greater than now!"

"But he still kept running through the passage and came to our Qingtian Realm!"

"So, is there anything special here that attracts him?"

Everyone looked at each other, unable to think of a clear answer for a while.

Because there are too few clues, they know too little about Jiang Tian!

After a brief silence, everyone looked at Chief Superintendent Qin Yao in unison.

"Is it possible...cough!"

Someone made an embarrassed sound and hesitated to speak.

Chief Inspector Qin Yao couldn't help but sneer: "Don't make those baseless conjectures. He can't be here for me. He must be here for a certain existence unique to Qingtian Realm. Do you need me to remind you?"


"This subordinate is stupid!"

"Please also ask the Chief Superintendent to make it clear!"

Everyone bowed to listen.

Chief Superintendent Qin Yao smiled and said: "According to the current clues, that person is a... powerful physical practitioner!"

"Xiu Xiu!"

"I see!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone suddenly realized!

Physical training!

Jiang Tian is a physical practitioner!

"Hahahaha, our Qingtian Realm is the interface with the most physical cultivation among the several interfaces nearby. He must be looking for a follow-up method of physical cultivation when he comes here!"

"As we all know, it is extremely difficult to advance in physical training, but his combat power is outstanding among those at the same level. No wonder he has such high combat power in the early stage of the Absolute God Realm!"

"In this case, things will be much easier to handle. As long as we keep a close eye on those top fitness families and sects, we can wait and catch him!"

Everyone was full of confidence and laughed.

"Is that all you can think of?"

Qin Yao sneered, with a look of ridicule on her face.

Everyone looked embarrassed and confused.

Qin Yao sneered: "You only know that he is a physical practitioner, but why can't you be bolder and assume that he has touched or even understood the physical realm?"


"Physical Realm!"

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

"How can a lower-level warrior in the early stage of the Absolute God Realm touch the physical realm?"

"Even if we are strong in physical cultivation in Qingtian Realm, it would be difficult for us to reach this level!"

The golden-robed supervisors were all shocked and did not agree with Qin Yao's opinion.

"Chief Superintendent, I think you must be worrying too much. If he reaches that level, why is there no mention of it in the existing intelligence?"

"You know, our Si Tianjian's intelligence network is the largest and most rigorous in the upper and lower planes!"

Everyone was so confident that no matter how much they thought about it, they thought it was impossible.

Qin Yao's smile became colder and colder, and her eyes became more disdainful!

"If you really think so, it only means that you are too naive. No, this is not naive, but stupid!"

"Do you think Si Tianjian's intelligence is really impeccable?"

Faced with Qin Yao's questioning, everyone fell into silence.


Si Tianjian's power covers the upper and lower planes, as well as almost every small interface.

The intelligence power is unparalleled.

But these intelligence networks are ultimately controlled by one stronghold and one person.

Wherever there are people, there will be conflicts of interest.

And as long as there are disputes, there can be no 100% transparency.

They themselves also understand that it is actually impossible to share information in all details.

"What the Chief Supervisor means is that other interfaces conceal part of the situation?"

"No need to ask, that's for sure!"

"The Chief Supervisor is wise, but we were too hasty!"

Everyone quickly understood the connection and admired the wisdom of Chief Supervisor Qin Yao.

Angry shouts suddenly sounded!

"Hmph! What a Yuanjie Si Tianjian, the people there actually concealed such important information!"

"They sincerely want to trick us, Chief Supervisor Qin Yao!"

"The people from Yuanjie are simply too much!"

Click, click, click!

Everyone clenched their fists and vented their anger.

Yuanjie is the interface that Jiang Tian just left.

Jiang Tian walked out of the Yuan Realm and came to the Qingtian Realm.

But not a word of information about his understanding of the boxing domain was passed on.

Clearly trying to trick people!

"That's not necessarily true. Judging from the current situation, all the passage strongholds in the Yuan Realm should have fallen!"

"All fell!"


Everyone's necks went cold when they heard it!

I can't help but admire Chief Supervisor Qin Yao's decisiveness and wisdom.

If they are not called back, perhaps they will face the same result.

After all, the people in Yuanjie are not much different from them in strength.

The biggest difference is that there is no big supervisor like Qin Yao in charge!

"Chief Supervisor, our people have been withdrawn, how to track Jiang Tian next?" someone asked.

Qin Yao sneered: "It seems you still don't understand what I mean. Can anyone explain it to him?"

"Come down!" A middle-aged golden-robed supervisor came out.

He smiled and said: "Don't you guys understand? Since Jiang Tian has understood the realm of the physical body, he must go to the Qingtian Xuanhun Tower!"

"Qing Tian Xuan Hun Tower!"

"Qingtian Dao Alliance, Qingtian Palace!"

"I see!"

"The Chief Supervisor is so wise!"

Everyone raised their hands and admired Qin Yao.

From just one small detail, Jiang Tian's specific direction can be inferred.

At this point, they are really beyond their reach!

"My subordinate is willing to take people there!"

"My subordinates are willing to go!"

"We are all going!"

Everyone asked for a fight.

Qin Yao smiled: "What are you going to do? Queue to die?"


Everyone's faces were stiff, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward.


There is no point in asking for a battle!

He is no match for Jiang Tian!

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