Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7519 Jiang Tian is here!

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The entire Yuan Realm couldn't stop Jiang Tian, ​​so what could they do?

"You stay and handle the affairs here. I will go to the Qingtian Dao Alliance in person to wait for this evil genius from the lower plane!"

"Grand Superintendent!"

Although everyone had expected it, they were still shocked when they heard these words.

Qin Yao, the Chief Superintendent, is a powerful person in the Taixu Realm.

The being who could crush them all to death with one finger actually made an exception for a junior from a lower plane!

This is not only exaggerated, but also outrageous.

But thinking about it carefully, this is the only way to suppress Jiang Tian.

Let them go, they will indeed just line up to die.

"This matter is of great importance, please think twice!"

"Chief Superintendent, be careful!"

"At least... bring a few capable people with you!"

Everyone was eager to show their loyalty, but they were ridiculed.

"I'm going to hinder you, or am I going to use a trap?"


Everyone laughed bitterly and did not dare to persuade him any more.

After some comfort, Qin Yao immediately left the hall and fled to the Qingtian Taoist Alliance.

Qingtian Dao Alliance!

The largest force in Qingtian Realm!

In this world alone, the energy of Qingtian Dao Alliance is greater than that of Chief Superintendent Qin Yao.

Therefore, Chief Supervisor Qin Yao often has to give them some face.

It has never happened before that Chief Supervisor Qin Yao went to the Qingtian Dao Alliance in person.

Even the top leaders of the Qingtian Dao Alliance were extremely surprised!


"The monster from the lower plane, the felon on Si Tianjian's wanted list, wants to come to our Qingtian Dao Alliance?"

"That's unreasonable!"

"Don't worry, Chief Supervisor Qin Yao, even if you don't personally supervise him, we will reject him!"

"If necessary, we can use part of our power to assist you!"

After learning the intention of Chief Supervisor Qin Yao, the senior officials of the Qingtian Dao Alliance immediately expressed their stance and spoke righteously.

"No, no, everyone has obviously misunderstood. I am not here to ask you to reject him, but to ask you to agree to him and enter the Qingtian Xuanhun Tower!"


"Chief Supervisor Qin Yao, are you... not joking?"

The senior officials of the Qingtian Dao Alliance all stared at each other in shock.

What's happening here?

The dignified Chief Si Tianjian actually came to tell them personally that he wanted Jiang Tian to enter the Qingtian Xuanhun Tower.

If they weren't there in person, I'd be afraid they wouldn't believe it even if I beat them to death!

"Don't be so surprised. You heard me right. I want to remove obstacles for him so that he can enter Qingtian Xuanhun Tower in the shortest possible time!"


"Why, can't you?" Qin Yao's eyes were slightly cold, and her smile was a bit oppressive.

"It's not impossible, the main thing is...wait a minute, Chief Superintendent Qin Yao, what you did is too abrupt, you have to let me slow down!"

The people from the Qingtian Dao Alliance looked strange.

If they hadn't met the Chief Superintendent several times from afar, they would have even suspected that this person was a spy sent by Jiang Tian?

Jiang Tian and Si Tianjian are in the same situation, but the other party wants to create conditions for him to enter Qingtian Xuanhun Tower.

This is too outrageous!

"I see!"

"The purpose of Chief Supervisor Qin Yao is to imprison him in Qingtian Xuanhun Tower!"

"I have to say, this is indeed a brilliant idea!"

"What a move to put you in the urn!"

"Wonderful, really wonderful!"

The senior officials of the Qingtian Dao Alliance applauded her.

Qin Yao just smiled and said nothing.

"Then I'll thank you all. Before he arrives, please keep it a secret for me and not reveal my whereabouts."

"That's natural!"

Next, Chief Supervisor Qin Yao was arranged by the Qingtian Taoist Alliance in the VIP Hall, keeping the entire process confidential.

Except for them, no one knew that Chief Inspector Qin Yao stayed here.

One day later, Jiang Tian came!

And at the same time!

Superintendent Yuan Yi on the other interface was blocked in front of the interface channel of Mangjie!

"Qin Yao, you bitch, I'm not done with you!"

Yuan Yi wanted to teleport to Qingtian Realm, but found that the interface channel was closed.

Obviously, this was Qin Yao's idea!

Without her order, no one would dare to close the interface channel at will.

"Grand Secretary, please calm down. We should be able to bypass other interfaces in time!"

A golden-robed supervisor said, and was immediately scolded by Yuan Yi.

"Idiot! Do you think Qin Yao is stupider than you? Wouldn't she think of everything you can think of?"

"This..." The golden-robed supervisor was scolded bloody, and he was extremely annoyed.

"It's impossible to go through the interface channel, but where Yuan wants to go, no one can stop him!"

"So, the Chief Superintendent has a solution?"

Yuan Yi's eyes were ferocious: "I didn't expect that my dignified Chief Si Tianjian would have to sneak into another interface one day. What a fucking shame. You little maid Qin Yao is waiting for me. With this tone, Yuan is going to be ten I’ll give it back to you a hundredfold!”


After saying that, Yuan Yi took out a secret talisman, activated it in the air and fled away!

Qingtian Dao Alliance!

Outside Qingtian Hall, all the people who were preparing to enter Qingtian Xuanhun Tower lined up in a long queue.

At the end of the team, a burly middle-aged warrior frowned slightly.

It is Jiang Tian who has changed his appearance and body shape!

There were two to three hundred people in front of him, and the earliest one was said to have been here for more than half a year.

I don’t know how many more months it will take to wait until he is in line.

But he didn't force his way in!

Because there were so many powerful people in the Taixu Realm in the Qingtian Dao League, during the time he was waiting in line, seven or eight powerful spiritual thoughts from the Taixu Realm had already swept past him.

From time to time, powerful pressure would slowly pass by, giving these warriors a huge sense of oppression.

This was Jiang Tian's first time to experience the pressure of Taixu Realm power up close, and I have to say that it was indeed beyond his imagination.

"The strength of Taixu Realm is more than one step stronger than the peak of Half-step Taixu Realm!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, thoughtfully.

In addition to these deliberately revealed auras, he believed that there should be hidden powers sitting around the Qingtian Palace.

Looking around, the two to three hundred warriors lining up in front were all as honest as sheep.

No one dares to make trouble here!

Because everyone knows that once the Qingtian Dao Alliance is angered, there will definitely be no good results.

Jiang Tian gave up the idea of ​​forcing his way in!

After all, he didn't know the details of the Qingtian Xuanhu Tower in the Qingtian Palace, so it was definitely unwise to force his way into it.

It seemed that all he could do was wait!

Fortunately, he had plenty of time, otherwise he would have had an even bigger headache right now.

While he was sizing up the Qingtian Palace, in a huge wing of the Qingtian Palace, two Taixu Realm powerhouses were also sizing him up.

"Is it him?" A black-bearded old man suddenly spoke and looked at the Chief Superintendent Qin Yao next to him.

"Yes, that's the person!" Qin Yao's sharp eyes looked through the window of the side room at the burly middle-aged man at the back of the team.

"At this rate, it will take at least half a year before it's his turn. Can Chief Supervisor Qin Yao wait?" the old man asked.

"Half a year is too long, I want him to enter Qingtian Xuanhun Tower now!"

Chief Superintendent Qin Yao said calmly and domineeringly.

"I'm afraid..." The black-bearded old man hesitated to speak.

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