Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7536 The power of heavy water

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Chapter 7536 The power of heavy water

In his hands just now, the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower can only explode about 10% of its power, which is really unsatisfactory.

Now that Jiang Tian is here, why don't he urge the giant tower madly and kill him?

"I said, you don't need to deal with these people, you don't need the Qingtianxuan Hunta!" Jiang Tian said indifferently.

"Hahahaha! What kind of bullshit excuses, I think it's just fancy but useless!"

"When we kill you, we will know whether the tower is real or fake!"

"Sitian Wanling Formation, suppress it for me..."


Before I finished speaking, there was a strange noise!

Jiang Tian opened his mouth and sprayed out Xingxuan heavy water!



Following an order, Xingxuan heavy water exploded violently!

Like billions of stars erupting in an instant, the terrifying power instantly tore through the void, piercing through the bodies of countless Si Tianjian experts.

"Damn it!"



"Senior Supervisor, save me!"

"Who the hell will save me... No!"

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The screams resounded through the void, extremely shrill and extremely tragic.

The power of Xingxuan's heavy water blow killed thousands of Si Tianjian experts.

Half of the twenty-seven chief inspectors in the Taixu Realm exploded and died.

The rest were all seriously injured.

More people were pierced by the heavy water and suffered heavy injuries.

The number of injured people exceeded 3,000!

"Hiss! My God!"

"This... what is this?"

"Xingxuan heavy water?"

Jin Tianxing and the elders of Qingtian Daomeng were stunned!

Immediately cheer wildly, applaud Jiang Tian!

"The supreme leader is mighty and domineering!"

"Xingxuan heavy water is too strong!"



The audience shouted wildly, and the momentum of the Qingtian Daomeng rose sharply!


Jiang Tian opened his mouth and took a breath, Xingxuan flew back with heavy water.

On the way back, like a water sword, he beheaded hundreds of Si Tianjian experts.

The whole process is an understatement and effortless!


Si Tianjian's situation is completely chaotic!

The Sitian Wanling Formation collapsed immediately!

"My lord, these people..."



A ferocious light appeared in Jin Tianxing's eyes, and with a big wave of his hand, he led the elders of Qingtian Daomeng to kill them.

The people of the Sitianjian were defeated and slaughtered!

Jiang Tian took a step forward and came to a dozen or so surviving chief supervisors.

"Jiang Daoyou, please forgive me, I will wait..."

"Bloodline devours, swallows!"


Purple light erupts!

Without saying a word, Jiang Tian directly started the blood swallowing.

The blood essence of more than a dozen Taixu Realm powers became his nourishment and poured into his body.


After a while, his bloodline spiritual power reached 40%!

"Only forty percent?"

Jiang Tian frowned and sighed.

It's a bit outrageous!

Stronger than the great powers of the Taixu Realm, there are as many as a dozen of them, and they only make his bloodline spiritual power reach 40%.

It's just a small level of improvement, and there is such a huge change.

Next, the blood nourishment he needs will become more and more exaggerated!

Seeing more than a dozen senior supervisors being devoured, the masters of the Sitianjian completely collapsed.

Many people even gave up resisting and let the Qingtian Daomeng slaughter them.

In just a few moments, the war is over!

Qin Yao held the Yinxu Kunmu, feeling a little embarrassed.

She used Yinxu Kunmu to kill dozens of gold-robed supervisors.

One stick at a time, so happy.

But it's a pity that such joy is over.

Looking at the Yinxu Kunmu in her hand, she couldn't help her eyelids twitching.

This stick is more useful than any sword or magic weapon.

With one stick down, the opponent will directly blow up both the man and the magic weapon.

"Too strong, worthy of the Yinxu Kunmu!"

Qin Yao looked at the stick in front of her, and couldn't put it down.

But after all, this thing is not hers, and Jiang Tian still has to pay it back.

"Master, here it is!"

"Do you like this thing?"

Seeing Qin Yao's reluctance, Jiang Tian asked with a smile.

"I like it, of course I like it, but..."

"gave it to you!"

"What? Master, is this true!"

Qin Yao was very pleasantly surprised.

This is the Yinxu Kunmu, not an ordinary treasure!

Maybe it can still grow, and its level and power may increase in the future.

The value is immeasurable!

Just give it to her?

"Am I kidding you? Take it!"

"Thank you master!"

Qin Yao was so excited that she hurriedly saluted and thanked her.

As a body repairer, this treasure can be said to be extremely handy.

Cooperating with her powerful strength, she can explode a piece with a single swing.

She suddenly remembered a body training secret book she had read, which recorded a kind of "stick domain"!

That's right, stick domain!

That is to say, pouring the strength of the physical body on the magic weapon of the stick, and using it to hit the domain of the stick.

This kind of field can not only exert physical strength, but also increase the stick magic weapon, which is extremely powerful.

But Gunyu's requirements for magic weapons are also unimaginably strict!

Ordinary treasures simply cannot withstand the impact of the physical realm.

It may have exploded before it was fired!

If you don't hurt others, you hurt yourself first, and at worst you will be backlashed. It can be said that it is self-defeating, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But with Yinxu Kunmu, it will be different!

She has witnessed the strength of this magic weapon in the previous sacrifice process, and even experienced it personally.

Absolutely able to bear the strength of her physical body.

With the help of such a rare treasure, perhaps she can really realize her original dream and cultivate an unparalleled "stick domain"!

"Thank you, Master, for the treasure!"

Excited, Qin Yao thanked Jiang Tian again.

Jiang Tian looked calm and didn't care.

As for the treasures of spiritual wood, he already has three great strange trees.


It should be the four strange trees!

In addition to the Taiyi Spirit Wood, the Absolute Beginning Magic Vine and the Zixiao Divine Bamboo, there is also a green "Jinpa" that is suspected to be the Three Lives Dao Wood.

With the four strange trees in hand, he naturally looked down on the Yinxu Kunmu.

If it wasn't necessary to refine Xingxuan heavy water, he might not have traveled all the way to the blood world to find it.

But now, for subduing Qin Yao, a servant of the Taixu Realm, it is only human nature to give him a little reward.

"Could it be...is this... the legendary Yinxu Kunmu?"

At this moment, Jin Tianxing was gasping for air, feeling a little jealous!

"Yes, what the master rewarded me is the legendary Yinxu Kunmu!"

Without hesitation, Qin Yao nodded to confirm.

"With this thing, I can cultivate the long-awaited stick domain. By the way, I am not only a Void Realm, but also a physical trainer!"

Qin Yao said proudly.

Both she and Jin Tianxing have joined under Jiang Tianzuo and become a family.

There are some things that don't need to be hidden from the other party.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be strange to be so excited to get a stick, which is neither wood attribute blood nor physical cultivation?

"Physical training! Physical training in Taixu Realm, dual training in law and body, the chief supervisor of Qinyao... amazing!"

Jin Tianxing is also a Taixu Realm cultivator, but he is not a physical cultivator.

Knowing Qin Yao's secret at this moment is both shocking and pleasantly surprised.

Compared with ordinary warriors, physical training has an incomparable advantage.

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