Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7537 give stick

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Chapter 7537 give stick

That is, in the case of spiritual power failure, it can still maintain a strong combat power.

And the source of this combat power is precisely his super strong physical strength as a physical trainer!

"Master is also a body trainer, and Qin Yao is also a body trainer... It's a pity that this old man is not!"

Jin Tianxing smiled wryly, feeling extremely ashamed.

How great would it be if he was also a physical trainer?

There is some common language between body repairers.

Based on this, the relationship between Qin Yao and Jiang Tian will undoubtedly be closer.

Coupled with the heavy treasure Yinxu Kunmu rewarded by Jiang Tian, ​​it made him even more envious!

"Congratulations to Chief Supervisor Qinyao for winning a treasure, Jin congratulates you!"

Jin Tianxing said enviously.

"Mr. Jin! Don't call me a chief inspector anymore. I have already made a clean break with Si Tianjian. From now on, I will be the master's loyal maid!"

Qin Yao said proudly, her eyes filled with excitement.

Jiang Tian said that he didn't need any maid, and he didn't plan to accept her as a disciple.

Although Jiang Tian's combat power is crushing, her cultivation level is only in the middle stage of Absolute God Realm, while she is in Taixu Realm.

In terms of martial arts realm, there is really nothing to teach her.

Since she can't be a maid, nor can she be a disciple, then she can only be a maid.

If people who don't know the situation listen to it, they will be shocked beyond description!

The majestic Taixu Realm's great power, Si Tianjian's chief supervisor, even takes pride in being someone else's maid!

It's outrageous!

But for Jin Tianxing, this is not an exaggeration at all!

Because he deeply knows what a great opportunity it is to become Jiang Tian's maid.

Among other things, this Yinxu Kunmu alone has already made him extremely jealous.

Although Qin Yao has just recognized the master, she has reaped such unimaginable benefits. Not only did she not lose money, she even made a lot of money!

"Stick field?"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Jiang Tian couldn't help looking at Qin Yao with interest.

Qin Yao was taken aback!

Then he explained with a smile: "Yes, master, with the Yinxu Kunmu, I can practice the long-awaited Stick Domain!"

"So, physical training can also rely on foreign objects?" Jiang Tian's eyes moved.

"Yes, master! Although the source of physical strength is physical power, it doesn't mean that it can't be augmented with the help of foreign objects!

Take me as an example, what I am practicing now is palm domain, and under normal circumstances, there is no way to use external objects.

But if you modify the stick domain, you can get the bonus of Yinxu Kunmu, which can double, triple or even multiply your strength, reaching an astonishing level! "

"So it is!" Jiang Tian nodded thoughtfully.

It has to be said that Qin Yao, as a strong person in the Void Realm, has better knowledge and experience in martial arts than him.

Qin Yao herself understood this, so she explained so much to Jiang Tian.

"How difficult is it to change from the palm domain to the stick domain?" Jiang Tian asked.

Qin Yao's face was slightly stiff, and she said with a wry smile: "Difficult, very difficult! Because the two methods of casting are completely different, it is extremely troublesome to practice, and it is even a question whether they can succeed in cultivation!"

"Is it so difficult?" Jiang Tian was stunned.

He thought it would be easy to transfer to the stick domain, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult!

"Then aren't you worried about wasting a practice session and wasting time?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Even if it's a waste of time, I still have to practice. After all, the power increase of Yinxu Kunmu is too tempting!"

"Mr. Jin!"

"The subordinates are here!"

Jiang Tianwang said to Jin Tianxing: "There should be a lot of physical training in the Qingtian Dao League. Pick some powerful people to serve as Qin Yao's training partners."

"My lord's orders are carried out unconditionally, but..." Jin Tianxing showed embarrassment.


"Hey, it's just that after such a huge change in Qingtian Dao League, there are not many body repairers who can get on the table. It's hard to find a body repairer who can compete with Qin Yao!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, understanding Jin Tianxing's difficulty.


This time, the Sitian Supervisor attacked on a large scale, causing heavy losses to the Qingtian Daomeng.

Of course, Si Tianjian's loss was even more tragic!

All the people who came to attack Qingtian Daomeng were wiped out, and no one could escape!

"My lord, don't be impatient. Let's give my subordinates some time to recruit people in the entire Qingtian Realm. I think those physical practitioners will be very happy to serve my lord and help Qin Yao polish the stick domain!"

"No need!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand.

It would be too troublesome to do that, so he decided to help Qin Yao cultivate the stick domain himself.

May I ask, is there a better physique than him in the entire Sky Realm, and even within dozens of interfaces around it?

"What? My lord!" Hearing Jiang Tian's statement, Jin Tianxing was stunned!

Jiang Tian, ​​the master, actually wants to help his maid to practice stick domain?

This is simply more exaggerated than sending treasures!

"Oh my god! Master, you...do you want to help me cultivate the stick domain yourself?"

Qin Yao was also shocked!

I couldn't believe my ears.

You know, the relationship between the two is no better than when they first met!

In the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower before, she still considered herself a great power in the Taixu Realm, high above the ground, with a bit of arrogance.

But as Jiang Tian broke through the bottleneck of his physical body, his combat power surpassed her by a large margin and crushed her.

The height of the two is different immediately!

And as she resolutely recognized the Lord, the status of the two of them has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Tian was able to take the initiative to help her practice stick domain, which really flattered her!

"Master's reward is too heavy, I...I can't bear it!"

Qin Yao was somewhat panicked.

As the master, Jiang Tian is so kind to her, what can she give in return?

She can't come up with any decent returns at all!

"Don't be surprised! The Qingtian Realm will be my power in the future, and I still have many more important things to do. It is impossible to sit here forever, so your strength should be raised as soon as possible, the higher the better!"

"Qin Yao understands!"

"Subordinates understand!"

Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing bowed again and again.

These words were not only addressed to Qin Yao, but also to Jin Tianxing, and even to the entire Qingtian Dao League.

"The stick field is too powerful, practicing outside will inevitably damage the foundation of the Qingtian Daomeng, let's go to the Qingtianxuan Hun Tower to practice!"

"Everything depends on the arrangement of the master!"

Next, Jiang Tian and Qin Yao walked into the Qingtianxuan Tower.

The messy battlefield was quickly cleaned up under Jin Tianxing's command.

This battle!

The entire army of Si Tianjian in dozens of surrounding interfaces was wiped out, and the losses were extremely heavy.

Although the Qingtian Daomeng lost a lot, it gained thousands of storage rings.

Stored here are the wealth and resources of the Si Tianjian powerhouses in dozens of surrounding interfaces.

The quantity is extremely impressive!

In the main hall of the Qingtian Dao League, Qingtian Xing counted the resources he got, and his heart was surging.

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"

"With so many resources, I would never have imagined it before!"

"And all of this stems from the divine power of our Lord!"

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