Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7538 terrible control

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Chapter 7538 terrible control

Looking at the huge amount of resources found in tens of thousands of storage rings, Jin Tianxing was filled with emotion.

As the leader of the Qingtian Dao League, he used to be an existence that controlled hundreds of millions of resources.

I am used to seeing all kinds of natural treasures and rare resources.

But at this time, there is still an eye-opening feeling!

Because there are many treasures and even masterpieces from other interfaces, some things, even he has seen them for the first time.

There are even some special treasures that even he has never seen before!

"My lord is amazing, the rise of Qingtian Daomeng is just around the corner!"

Jin Tianxing looked forward to the future of Qingtian Daomeng.

With the guidance of an enlightened master like Jiang Tian, ​​this force will surely flourish and become a superpower on the upper plane of Megatron!

In the Qingtianxuan mixed tower.

With Jiang Tian's help, Qin Yao has already started practicing!

"Use your full strength to attack me!"

"Master, Qin Yao offended!"

Boom... Boom!

With all her strength, Qin Yao picked up the Yinxu Kunmu and attacked Jiang Tian.

At first, she was afraid that the force would be too strong and hurt the master.

But after taking shots again and again, she suddenly discovered that not only could she not hurt Jiang Tian, ​​but she was even injured by Jiang Tian's backlash!

"Master, your strength...is too strong, I can't stand it!"

Qin Yao smiled wryly.

The hands holding the stick were full of wounds!

For a moment, she even wondered if she was a physical trainer?

Otherwise, how could the physical cultivation known for its physical strength be so embarrassing by the power backlash!

"My strength is indeed a bit strong."

Jiang Tian frowned, also a little depressed.

His fist domain heavy attack, the power is huge!

With a punch, Qin Yao couldn't resist it at all.

This is because he deliberately controlled the strength of his shots, otherwise it would be no problem to hit Qin Yao severely with a punch.

Even if the shot is more violent, Qin Yao may fall.

"Heavy attack in the stick field, and the same is true in my boxing field. Attacking against attack is not an ideal method of cultivation."

Jiang Tian muttered to himself and gave his own judgment.

"What the master said is very true, but..." Qin Yao smiled wryly again and shook her head.

Jiang Tian's major is boxing, and his style is to take the initiative to attack, like a gust of wind and fire, tyrannical and invincible.

Let him guard, how is it possible?

"How about this, I will use the palm area to switch from offense to defense, and try attacking with all your strength!"

"The palm domain! The master is also proficient in the palm domain?"

Qin Yao's expression was horrified!

She has never seen Jiang Tian practice palm domain!

In her cognition, the boxing domain and the palm domain are basically a pair of contradictions.

The former focuses on attacking, while the latter focuses on defending.

There is no physical training that can practice both at the same time.

Because this is fundamentally contradictory, one is a waste of time, and the other is that there will be no increase in strength.

It is simply thankless!

"No, but I can try." Jiang Tian said lightly.

"Master, don't be joking. It doesn't make any sense for you to change from the fist domain to the palm domain." Qin Yao shook her head with a wry smile.

Jiang Tian's willingness to help her practice is already a great gift.

How dare she push forward and let the other party modify the palm area for her?

"You think too much, I just want to try the time and difficulty of changing the palm area." Jiang Tian said lightly.

"This... well, I will obey the master!"

Qin Yao smiled wryly and nodded.

She didn't dare to take Jiang Tian's words seriously.

After all, there is no need for him to modify the palm area, after all, it is to help her.

"Master, be careful, Qin Yao has offended!"

Qin Yao struck out a palm area forcefully.

Jiang Tian didn't dodge or avoid it, and let it fall on him.

Boom... bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

"Not enough, a few more!"

"Yes, master!"

Qin Yao didn't dare to hesitate, and followed Jiang Tian's instructions to slap several palms one after another.

These palms fell on Jiang Tian's body layer upon layer, and the mighty power surged around him.

Jiang Tian raised his palm and carefully felt the power of his palm.

It has to be said that there is indeed a significant difference with his boxing domain.

Although the palm area is heavily guarded, it is also very powerful when used for attack.

He closed his eyes slightly, immersed in the feeling.

Qin Yao withdrew her hand, not daring to move anymore.

For fear of disturbing the other party!

Not long after, Jiang Tian suddenly opened his eyes.

There is a flash of light between the eyebrows!

"Fist area, palm area... I understand!"

Jiang Tian laughed!

"It's nothing more than a way to control the power of the physical body!

If I punch, it is the boxing domain, if I punch, it is the palm domain!

How can it be as troublesome as you think? "

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, his eyes staring proudly.

Qin Yao shook her head in embarrassment: "No, master, that's not the case. I have experienced your boxing domain, and there is a big difference with my palm domain..."

Before the word "same" could be said, Jiang Tian suddenly punched her!


Qin Yao's complexion suddenly changed!

Even if Jiang Tian just shot lightly, it would be difficult for her to resist.

If she puts more effort, she will be seriously injured at any time.

Facing Jiang Tian's punch, Qin Yao raised her long stick, ready to resist.

But the next moment, a scene that surprised her appeared!

Jiang Tian's half-hit fist suddenly opened with five fingers, turning a fist into a palm!

"Huh? This is... the palm domain!"

Qin Yao was taken aback!

The fists and palms can be freely retracted and retracted freely, which requires extremely strong physical strength.

And a more powerful ability to control this power!

Both are indispensable!

Without the former, it would be impossible to make such a shot.

If the latter is lacking, you will suffer backlash and hurt yourself by mistake!

"Use your palm to feel mine!"

Jiang Tian's voice suddenly sounded.

However, the speed of his shots slowed down sharply, giving Qin Yao time to react!

"My God! It's... the master!"

Qin Yao was extremely excited, her eyes were full of strange lights!

Jiang Tian's shot really shocked her!

Not only achieved the above two points, but also forcibly changed the process and speed of the power explosion at the moment of the shot.

This kind of control ability is simply amazing!

Boom... Boom!

There was a loud bang!

The moment Jiang Tian turned his fist into a palm, the void began to vibrate violently, causing layer after layer of slow palm-shaped ripples.

"Palm! Hiss!"

Qin Yao couldn't believe her eyes.

Palm domain!

Jiang Tian really hit the palm!

Less than a quarter of an hour before and after, right?

From the fist domain, Jiang Tian comprehended the palm domain and released it!

This kind of martial arts talent is really terrifying!

Hum, buzz, buzz!

Palm-shaped ripples hit her layer by layer at an extremely slow speed.

Qin Yao didn't dare to hesitate, and used all her strength to hit her palm!



The moment the palms of the two touched, Qin Yao's palm collapsed like paper.

"Hiss!" Qin Yao's face changed suddenly, and she was ready to be severely injured.

But the next moment, she found that Jiang Tian's palm area hadn't accelerated.

Still maintaining the original speed, neither too fast nor too slow!

"My God! What kind of control is this?"

Qin Yao shouted in surprise, her heart was filled with shocking waves.

At this moment, she suddenly had a bizarre illusion!

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