Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7540--Andrew Dragon's Secret

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7540--Andrew Dragon's Secret

Qin Yao's confidence and confidence are getting stronger and stronger, and her control over the stick domain is becoming more and more proficient.

One day later!

After countless shots, Qin Yao's stick domain has been completely stabilized, and has reached a high level.

At this time, Qin Yao was standing with a stick, exuding an astonishing aura all over her body!

"Qin Yao thanked the master for the gift!"

Qin Yao put away the Yinxu Kunmu and knelt down to thank her.

"Get up, female physique cultivators are rare, meeting you is a kind of fate, your potential is still great, don't set limits, continue to practice and grow!"

"Follow the instruction of the master!"

Qin Yao nodded heavily, full of motivation.

Jiang Tian's evaluation is her greatest affirmation.

Since meeting Jiang Tian, ​​her strength has repeatedly broken through.

Compared with a few days ago, it is already much stronger!

"Huh?" Qin Yao raised her head and glanced around, then frowned suddenly.

"Did you notice it too?" Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, implying something.

"Yes, the power of Qingtianxuan Hunta is a little weaker than when it came in last time!"

Qin Yao was in the tower, so she could naturally feel the changes in the breath of the tower.

Jiang Tian, ​​as the owner of the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower, has a clearer feeling.

The power of Qingtianxuan Hunta continued to decline with the passage of time.

Although the speed of the decline is extremely slow, there will still be some traces.

But the biggest impact is not the baptism of time.

But every time this tower shows its power, it will bring about a greater loss of power.

In addition, without the support of Xuanhun Cang's aura, the power of Qingtian Xuanhun Tower will be lost faster!

Various circumstances have greatly reduced the value of this treasure.

"Master, what should I do?"

Qin Yao was worried.

"It's nothing. It's very rare for this former Taoist artifact to maintain its current power and grade after millions of years of baptism."

Jiang Tian smiled lightly, without thinking too much.

For him, the greatest value of Qingtian Xuanhun Pagoda is to preserve the aura of Xuanhun Cang.

Now that Cang Lingqi has been refined by him, the tower itself is actually not important.

"Let's go!"

"Master please!"

Jiang Tian walked forward, Qin Yao followed behind and left the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower.

After a day, the Qingtian Daomeng area has restored order.

The leader of the alliance, Jin Tianxing, has already started recruiting manpower to replenish his strength.

Jiang Tian returned to the main hall and sat on the throne!

"Welcome my lord to leave the customs!"

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Qin Yao for your success in cultivation!"

Without asking, Jin Tianxing can feel Qin Yao's improvement and progress.

Her breath was significantly stronger than a day ago.

Most importantly, the temperament of the whole person is different!

It can be seen that in this day, the benefits Jiang Tian brought her are quite considerable.

Qin Yao said with a smile: "Thanks to the guidance and help of the master, I cultivated the stick domain as I wished, and my strength has greatly improved!"

"It's really gratifying, it's enviable!" Jin Tianxing said sourly.

It's a pity that he is not a physical trainer, otherwise he would be able to accept Jiang Tian's guidance and gain a chance like Qin Yao.

Jiang Tian said solemnly: "How much do you know about the situation of the Starfield Dragon Clan?"

"Starfield Dragon Clan?" Jin Tianxing's face changed slightly, he was obviously very afraid!

"I think Fellow Daoist Qin Yao has more say in this matter!"

Qin Yao nodded: "Yes! When I was the chief supervisor, I had consulted the classics of many forces in the star field, and I also had a little understanding of the dragon clan in the star field. This is a mysterious and powerful force. Although it is on the same plane, but No one knows exactly where they are... But it is said that the interface where the star dragons are located is higher than the Qingtian Realm, and belongs to the most mysterious hidden interface in the upper plane!"

"Hidden interface?" Jiang Tian frowned, greatly surprised.

This is the first time he has heard this statement!

"Yes! The hidden interface is just like its name, covered with a veil of mystery. To some extent, it is equivalent to an undisclosed interface, and it can even be said to be independent of the upper plane. It is a special existence!"

"Fellow Daoist Qin Yao deserves to be a person who has served as the chief supervisor. This reminds me of some rumors. It is said that this kind of hidden interface is not completely restricted by the rules of the upper plane. The level of martial arts there cannot be used by the upper plane. Measured by normal standards, it is mysterious, difficult and terrifying!"

Jin Tianxing spoke in a deep voice, and added in a timely manner.

"Where's Star Clan?" Jiang Tian asked.


"This is an existence as mysterious as the Dragon Clan of the Star Field, even more powerful than the Dragon Clan, and besides these Clans... It is said that there are some unknown mysterious Clans and forces!" Qin Yao said.


Jiang Tian was surprised.

He originally thought that the Star Clan was a general term for the Star Clan, but he didn't expect it to be a specific race.

It seems that the situation on the upper plane is still very complicated.

And his current understanding is still very limited.

Thinking of all kinds of demons again, I can't help but feel a little headache.

He discovered that the upper plane was far beyond imagination!

Not to mention, there are also some mysterious and powerful races such as Kunpeng and Phoenix.

The unknown is more terrifying!

But the most urgent task is to find the clues of the Starfield Dragon Clan.

This is one of his biggest goals along the way!

"Try your best to collect clues about the dragon clan in the star field, and report them in detail!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Master, don't worry, I still have some connections with Si Tianjian, I will ask them to help!"

"You still have something to do with Sitianjian?" Jiang Tian was a little surprised.

Qin Yao smiled and said: "Although I have broken with Si Tianjian, the relationship I have established for many years will not be completely severed. Some people have received my help and favor, and some people have many secrets under my control. As long as I need them, and they will definitely help me!"

"Then act immediately and collect these clues, I can't wait!"

"Yes, master!" Qin Yao was ready to act immediately.

Jin Tianxing was not to be outdone: "My lord, I will also make arrangements to let the subordinate forces of the Dao League do their best to collect information!"

"Wait!" Jiang Tian called to stop him.

Flipping his right hand, he took out the Qingtianxuan Tower.

"Jin Tianxing, this pagoda was originally a treasure of Qingtian Daomeng. Now, I will return it to you!"

"My lord... what do you mean?"

Jin Tianxing's face changed drastically!

Qin Yao was also shocked!

Why did Jiang Tian return the Qingtianxuan Tower to the other party?

Could it be that you don't like the small temple of Qingtian Daomeng and want to leave?

"My lord..." Jin Tianxing was very anxious, his face was extremely ugly.

"Don't get me wrong!" Jiang Tian waved his hands and smiled: "I have Xingxuan heavy water in my hand, and I have refined Xuanhuncang's spiritual energy. It doesn't matter if I have this pagoda or not. It is inevitable that you will be harassed, so leave this pagoda for a rainy day!"

"Huh! So that's the case, I thought... cough, I'm going to leave here and leave Qingtian Daomeng behind!"

Jin Tianxing smiled awkwardly, and solemnly took over the Qingtianxuan Tower.

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