Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7541 Give Pagoda

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Chapter 7541 give tower

He has been the leader of the Dao League for more than a thousand years, but he has never really controlled the Qingtianxuan Tower.

Because this pagoda has been standing in Qingtian Temple and cannot be moved.

And after Jiang Tian arrived and refined the spiritual energy of Xuanhun Cang, this pagoda, which stood for hundreds of thousands of years, was finally able to leave Qingtian Palace.

In the previous battles, it was also the first time that he personally controlled it to block the incoming enemy.

In his opinion, that was already a great honor. He never expected that Jiang Tian would be so generous and give him this pagoda in return.


To be precise, it should be given back to Qingtian Daomeng!

Today, Jiang Tianlai is in charge of the entire Qingtian Dao League, and even the leader of the alliance is also a member of Jiang Tianzuo.

In a sense, although the Qingtianxuan Tower is in his hands, it is still Jiang Tian's treasure.

Thinking of this, Jin Tianxing immediately felt relieved.

"Thank you, my lord, for giving the pagoda. My subordinates must keep it safe, use it carefully, and never let it be damaged in the slightest. As long as the pagoda is alive, the pagoda will perish!"

Holding the pagoda, Jin Tianxing made a solemn statement to Jiang Tian.

"Mr. Jin doesn't have to be like this. The Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower is not an indestructible existence. It will be consumed over time, and it will accelerate its decline every time it is activated. This is one of the reasons why I kept it. One, otherwise in my hands, it will probably be wasted in vain!"

Jiang Tian told the other party the truth.

But in fact, he still didn't say a word.

The Qingtianxuan mixed tower is really not that important to him.

He not only has Chixue Sword Essence, but also has giant monster hand bones, and there are three strange trees.

There are also various strange fires, cold flames, and various blood vessels around him.

Now there is Xingxuan Heavy Water again... Among these kinds of treasures, the Qingtianxuan Hunta might not even be ranked in the top three.

He really doesn't need this treasure that much!

"Each push will accelerate consumption?"

Jin Tianxing's expression changed!

The Qingtian Dao Hunta is the treasure of the Qingtian Dao League, and its value to him is immeasurable.

If it is true as Jiang Tian said, it will not only consume itself, but also accelerate its decline after each activation, then is it useless?

"Don't believe me, you can feel it." Jiang Tian said lightly.

"My lord is serious! My subordinates dare not question my lord's will, but it is related to the continuation of Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower, a treasure, and my subordinates cannot afford any mistakes!"

Jin Tianxing didn't dare to neglect, and according to Jiang Tian's instructions, injected spiritual power to feel the condition of the pagoda.

"Sure enough! This tower is exactly as my lord said, and the breath is a little weaker than before I activated it!"

Jin Tianxing's face was a little ugly.

What Jiang Tian said is correct, the power of this pagoda is losing speed.

At this moment, he also felt Jiang Tian's painstaking efforts.

In terms of Jiang Tian's cultivation base and combat power, as well as the various powerful enemies he encountered.

If this tower is repeatedly used to make shots, its rate of decline will be beyond imagination.

I'm afraid it won't be too long before this alliance artifact will completely decline, or even collapse and annihilate.

For Qingtian Daomeng, that would be a big blow.

"My lord, rest assured, unless it is absolutely necessary, the subordinates will not use this tower indiscriminately!"

Jin Tianxing made a solemn statement.

"You don't have to be so nervous. The Qingtianxuan Pagoda has fallen from a Taoist tool a million years ago to the current level, which shows that everything in the world has its own law of birth and death. Even if this pagoda really collapses and perishes one day in the future , is also its inevitable destination, but before it is completely annihilated, if it does not work once, that is the real sorrow!"

"My lord is holy!"

Jin Tianxing nodded deeply, ready to put away the pagoda.

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Tian raised his hand to stop him.

"What is my lord's order?" Jin Tianxing asked hastily.

"Although the Qingtian Xuanhun Pagoda is strong, if there is no Xuanhuncang spiritual energy to support it, it can only burst out about 10% of its power. If you encounter a strong enemy above the middle stage of the Taixu Realm, you may be in danger of being taken away!"

"That's true!" Jin Tianxing was a little embarrassed.

This point has been verified in the battle with the strong Si Tianjian.

With the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower in his hands, it can only exert about 10% of its power.

At one time, he was forced into a disadvantage by 30 chief supervisors, and the danger was everywhere.

If Jiang Tian hadn't left the customs in time, the Qingtian Dao League might have collapsed.

But this is also impossible.

With his cultivation base, he can only reach this level.

"This subordinate's cultivation base is superficial, let my lord down!"

"It's not your fault, the key lies in Xuanhuncang's aura!" Jiang Tian said.


Jin Tianxing nodded slowly, feeling depressed.

Xuanhuncang's aura is certainly important, but the problem is that he doesn't have the ability to refine it.

No one, including the leaders of the previous dynasties, was able to refine this special aura.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be helpless watching it towering in Qingtian Palace.

"That's why I decided to keep a part of Xuanhun Cang's aura in the tower in order to increase its ultimate power!"

"What? I mainly inject Xuanhun Cang's spiritual energy! But..."

Jin Tianxing was taken aback, but then his face became ugly.

The Xuanhuncang spiritual energy is powerful, but once it is injected, the Qingtian Xuanhun Tower will become uncontrollable.

Is it necessary to put it on the shelf again and make it a high-end decoration in Qingtian Palace?

"Don't worry, Xuanhuncang's spiritual energy has been refined by me, even if it is injected into it again, it will not change back to its original form!"

"If this is the case, that would be great, Jin Tianxing asks my lord to cast a spell!"


Jiang Tian raised his hand to call, and the Qingtianxuan Tower fell into his palm.

He poured the refined Xuanhun Pagoda spiritual energy into the tower along with his own bloodline spiritual power.


The aura of the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower was turbulent, and its spirituality soared, and suddenly there was a certain vitality!

"It's almost there. With the Xuanhuncang spiritual energy and my bloodline spiritual power, at least 60% to 70% of its power can be exerted."

Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"Sixty to seventy percent? Hiss!"

Jin Tianxing gasped!

With about 10% of the previous power, it was able to withstand the violent attacks of several Taixu Realm chief supervisors, and repeatedly dealt with a large number of powerful enemies.

If it can reach 60 to 70%, wouldn't it be against the sky?

Even if a dozen Taixu Realm join forces, they can easily suppress and kill them!

"Try it!" Jiang Tian's palm trembled, and the Qingtian Xuan Hunta flew towards the opponent.

"Subordinates obey!"

Jin Tianxing took the pagoda excitedly and tried to move it.

It feels really different!

But then, he was stunned!

"Hey, what's going on?"

He discovered an embarrassing fact that no matter how he pushed it, the power of the Qingtianxuan Tower would never exceed 50%.

"Less than fifty percent?" Jiang Tian was also surprised.

Xuanhuncang spiritual energy has been refined by him, and divided into three parts, fused into the body, blood and Zixuan world.

He couldn't feed back all of them, but he added a lot of blood spiritual power.

Ordinarily there should be no problem, but why is it only less than 50% of the power?

Jiang Tian recalled the pagoda and tried it himself.

everything is normal!

If it is handed over to Jin Tianxing, it is still less than 50%!

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