Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7542 Sisterhood

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Chapter 7542 Sisterhood

"I see!"

Jiang Tian understood.

Because of Xuanhuncang's aura, this throne can only exert its full power in his hands.

In the hands of Jin Tianxing, it is not bad to be able to reach 50%.

"Fifty percent of the power is enough to crush the early stage of the Taixu Realm, and even compete with the middle stage of the Taixu Realm." Jiang Tian said.

As long as you don't encounter the great powers of the late stage of the Taixu Realm, there shouldn't be a big problem.

In fact, if Jiang Tian hadn't devoured the aura of Xuanhun Cang, Jin Tianxing would have no way to control this pagoda at all.

Now, injecting the bloodline spiritual power fused with Xuanhun Cang's aura into the tower, to put it bluntly, is to use his own power to help Jin Tianxing control the Qingtian Xuanhun tower.

"Thank you, my lord! My subordinates and all Qingtian Daomeng, swear to be loyal to my lord to the death!"

Jin Tianxing accepted the pagoda and turned to look at the elders in the hall.

"Everyone has: Pass my order, all the forces belonging to the Qingtian Dao League will do their best to search for information about the dragon clan in the star field from now on!"

"Yes, lord!"

With Jin Tianxing's order, Qingtian Daomeng's intelligence network immediately took action.

"Qin Yao, aren't you going to collect information?"

Jiang Tian looked at Qin Yao, and it seemed that the other party seemed to be hesitant.

Qin Yao clasped her hands and said, "Master! In this battle, 30 chief inspectors fell, and the 30 surrounding interfaces were temporarily separated from Sitianjian's control, but this situation will not last long, and Sitianjian will soon Sending a new chief inspector to take over, at that time, our Qingtian Realm will face huge pressure again, and it will definitely be greater than last time!"

"You're right!" Jiang Tian nodded, having already expected this.

Qin Yao said solemnly: "So I suggest that the master take over these dozens of interfaces as soon as possible, so that Si Tianjian will have some scruples!"

"I've thought about this question too, but I don't have the conditions right now." Jiang Tian waved his hand and said.

After beheading thirty chief supervisors, he once thought about this question.

But no matter how strong he is, he can only do it alone.

The strongest helpers under the seat are only Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing.

In this battle, the Qingtian Daomeng suffered heavy losses, and for the time being, they couldn't pick out a good player like them to take over the thirty interfaces.

If someone is sent out by force, once Si Tianjian's power strikes, he will only be reduced to cannon fodder.

He never wanted to see such a meaningless sacrifice.

"Master's concerns are right, but if we wait until the new chief inspector takes office, our previous efforts will be in vain."

Qin Yao frowned and sighed, feeling a little unwilling.

It was a great pity if they couldn't take this opportunity to take control of the 30 chief inspectors who were finally killed and shocked the surrounding worlds.

"Forcibly controlling it will only be counterproductive. Qingtian Daomeng still needs some time to grow, let's wait until it has enough strength!"

"Yes, master!"

Today's Qin Yao is already the right leader of the Qingtian Dao League.

An existence on the same level as Jin Tianxing.


After Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao left.

Jiang Tian came to the secret place of refining equipment to retreat again.

"Liu Li Yin Huo, come!"


Jiang Tian opened his mouth and sprayed, and a black lotus appeared in front of him.

Wisps of black flames undulated on the black lotus petals, exuding a strange aura.

When he first obtained this fire, he tried to fuse with the Xuanbing forbidden fire and the real fire of the incinerator, but all failed.

Now, still unwilling to give up, he decided to try again.

Qin Yao left Qingtian Daomeng.

Go straight to the "mysterious world"!

She is going to the Sitianjian stronghold in Xuanjie to find old acquaintances to gather information.


It is separated from Qingtian Realm by three interfaces.

Previously, dozens of surrounding interfaces besieged Qingtian Realm, but Mysterious Realm did not participate.

This made Qin Yao feel relieved.

After all, the chief supervisor of Xuanjie and her are old acquaintances, and they had a very good friendship in the past.

In order to save time, she went directly to the mysterious world through the space passage on the nearby interface.


Beyond the mysterious world, a huge light gate is suspended in the starry sky.

"The gate of the mysterious world, long time no see!"

Qin Yao walked out of the space passage and came to the light gate.

This gate of light is called the gate of the mysterious world!

Looking at it, Qin Yao couldn't help but her thoughts fluctuated.

The last time I came here was a hundred years ago.

That time, she came to be a guest at the invitation of her friend Wang Xian, the chief inspector of Xuanjie.

At that time, the newly appointed chief supervisor Wang Xian personally came to the gate of the mysterious world to greet him, and brought his elders with him.

The golden robe is fluttering, high-spirited!

After a hundred years, Qin Yao once again came to the gate of the mysterious world.

But I don't see the scene where old friends lead their seats to welcome them back then.

But she was not surprised, after all, today is different from the past.

She used to be the chief supervisor of Qingtian Realm.

Now she is already a traitor of Si Tianjian, she has joined Jiang Tian's seat, and her identity is sensitive.

It's really not appropriate to act in a high-profile manner.

Wang Xian probably didn't know about her visit, but even if she knew, she might not dare to welcome her openly.

In fact, Wang Xian was extremely relieved that she didn't attack Qingtian Realm with the thirty chief supervisors.

"Who is coming?"

A cold shout came from the gate of the mysterious world.

Two teams of guards appeared, and the leading guard captain in gold armor shouted and asked from afar.

"Qingtian Dao League, Qin Yao, leader of the right alliance!"


"The right leader of Qingtian Dao League...Qin Yao?"

"Aren't you the chief inspector of Qingtian Realm? Why... have you become the right leader of Qingtian Dao League?"

The two guard captains looked at Qin Yao with surprise on their faces.

The two teams of guards behind them had different expressions.

They are no strangers to the name Qin Yao, and they have been friends with Chief Supervisor Wang Xian from Xuanjie for many years!

"It seems that you don't know anything about Qingtian Realm, that's good, so as not to embarrass you."

Qin Yao said with a smile.

"What happened to the Sky Realm?"

"Could it be possible, Chief Supervisor Qinyao, you subdued the Qingtian Dao League and concurrently served as the leader of the Right Alliance. It makes sense to say so."

The two captains guessed.

"Let's gossip, I'm here to find my old friend, Chief Supervisor Wang Xian, what's the matter, don't you want me to go in?" Qin Yao asked with a smile.

"Hahaha, where, where, you are a close friend of our Chief Supervisor Wang Xian, how dare we stop?"

"Supervisor Qinyao, please hurry up!"

Under the watchful eyes of the guards, Qin Yao walked into the gate of the mysterious world.


A golden light flashed and disappeared into the light gate.

After she disappeared, the expressions of the two guard captains became serious.

"She's still here!"

"The chief inspector shouldn't have let her in, isn't this asking for trouble?"

"After all, they are close friends, maybe the chief supervisor can't save face?"

"Face? Hmph, this kind of thing happened, face is for nothing!"

"Stop talking, hurry up and notify Chief Supervisor Wang Xian!"


The two immediately issued a subpoena.

Xuanjie Sitianjian stronghold!

Wang Xian walked out of the hall and greeted Qin Yao.

"Qin Yao, my good sister, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, how are you?"

"Wang Xian, my good sister, long time no see!"


In front of the main hall, the two hugged each other, and the atmosphere was joyous.

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