Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7543--Andrew Prisoner Prison Array

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7543--Andrew Prisoner Prison Array

"Qin Yao, what brought you here?" Wang Xian asked with a smile, and invited Qin Yao into the hall.

"Sister, why bother to ask?" Qin Yao said with a smile.

"Hehe, my sister is really good. I don't want to be a good Si Tianjian, but I want to hang out with a god-like thing. I don't know... Is your brain flooded!" Wang Xian smiled. Do your best and ask sharply!

"Huh?" Qin Yao's face darkened.

"Hahahaha, close the hall!" The hall door was closed amidst Wang Xian's loud laughter.

The forbidden aura suddenly lit up, and the hall changed its appearance!

"Superintendent's Heaven Formation? Wang Xian, you are fine!"

Qin Yao's eyes were cold and her fists were clenched tightly.

Wang Xian sneered again and again: "Qin Yao, my good sister! You really don't have any self-knowledge, you've gotten to this point, and you still dare to come to my place, you make it difficult for me!"

"Hmph! Don't talk nonsense, come on!"

Qin Yao's eyes are extremely cold.

Although she had been mentally prepared, she still felt disappointed when she saw Wang Xian showing such a face.

More than a hundred years ago, when Wang Xian had not become the chief supervisor, the relationship between the two was very good.

She has helped each other to practice more than once and break through difficulties.

He also once rescued the other party when he was seriously injured.

Moreover, she was the one who resisted all opinions and recommended Wang Xian to the position of chief supervisor.

It can be said that without her, Wang Xian would not be where she is today.

"Qin Yao, don't hate me. If you want to hate me, hate yourself for not being up to date. The pearl is cast in secret. If the chief supervisor doesn't do it, you have to kneel and lick that warrior from the lower plane. I really don't know what's going on in your mind. What!"

Wang Xian waved her hand.

The sky formation of the supervisor and prisoner is running rapidly, and huge pressure is pouring in one after another.

"Get it for me!"

"Yes, chief inspector!"

With an order, dozens of strong physical practitioners surrounded him.

"Okay, very good! With such thorough preparations, you have to worry about it!"

Qin Yao sneered again and again.

The Sijian Prisoner's Heavenly Formation focused on suppressing the spiritual power of the blood, which could make her cultivation in the Void Realm useless.

However, the suppression of physical cultivation was minimal.

"Hehe, hahaha! Wang Xian, have you forgotten that I am also a physical practitioner?"

"Hahahaha! That's right, my good 'sister', so what if you are a physical trainer, so what if you have comprehended the palm domain, under the suppression of the supervisor and prisoner's sky formation, don't you want to drink hatred? Take it for me!" !"

Dozens of stalwart physiques launched a mad attack.

Wang Xian stood aside, watching with a sneer and folded arms.

Boom, boom!

Qin Yao clapped her palms together, sending several people flying.

"Wang Xian! If you reject me today, or fight me one-on-one, I will never blame you, but you really let me down by doing so!"

"Qin Yao! I'm afraid you don't know how valuable you are now. After the changes in the Qingtian Realm, the above offered you an unimaginable reward. The person who wins you can be promoted to the chief supervisor of the Ten Realms. This temptation, I really can't stand it!"

"Ten World Chief Supervisor? Hahahaha, people die for money, birds die for food, Wang Xian, I finally see you clearly today!" Qin Yao laughed wildly.

Although she and Wang Xian are both chief inspectors.

But there is only one interface for the territory under his command.

And the chief supervisor of the ten worlds refers to the chief supervisor who is in charge of ten interfaces at the same time.

Identity, status and power are completely different from ordinary chief inspectors.

No matter who it is, it is an irresistible temptation.

No wonder Wang Xian pretended to welcome her in, and then set up an ambush.

"Get it for me quickly, catch the living!"

"Yes, chief inspector!"

Dozens of body repairers launched another mad attack.

They formed a set of complicated formations, and the offensive they launched could not be resisted by one person alone.

The powerful Qin Yao quickly fell into a passive position.

"Hahahaha, Qin Yao, don't struggle anymore, obediently let me catch you, and you will suffer less. If you continue to resist like this, maybe I will consider abolishing your cultivation!"

"It's useless to talk too much! If you want to destroy me, you have to catch me first, but do you have the ability?"

Qin Yao's palms flew up, raising the power of her palms to the limit.

Every shot made Wang Xian feel afraid.

"Qin Yao! Do you really think that the Supervisory Prison Formation is a joke?"



With a wave of Wang Xian's hand, a hidden magic circle was activated by her!

Buzz buzz!

In an instant, a khaki aura permeated the air.

Heavy pressure filled the formation, and Qin Yao's delicate body shook like a mountain!

"This is... the Houtu Deterring Spirit Formation!"

Qin Yao's face was a little more dignified.

The Supervisory Prison Array is mainly used to suppress bloodline spiritual power.

And then the earth deterring spirit array can make the spiritual power of the five elements almost useless!

In other words, under the confinement of the Houtu Deterring Spirit Formation, the martial artist's cultivation base is equivalent to nothing.

"Although physical cultivation has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages: no matter how strong a physical cultivation is, it is impossible to beat dozens of physical cultivations of the same level. Qin Yao, enjoy the physical cultivation I prepared for you." Feast!"


Under the pressure of the two magic circles, dozens of body repairers launched a mad attack on Qin Yao.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and Qin Yao's situation was in jeopardy!

"Hmph, hahaha! Do you really think you're going to eat me? It's a dream!"

Qin Yao laughed and took out the Yinxu Kunmu.

"What is this?" Wang Xian was taken aback!

Although Qin Yao is a physical trainer, she trains in the palm area.

The palm area focuses on defense, and it is only a matter of time before it is defeated under the joint siege of dozens of body repairers.

But what about this brown stick?

When did Qin Yao become a stick repairer?


Qin Yao yelled violently, swung the Yinxu Kunmu with both hands and slammed it forward.


A terrifying scene appeared!

Accompanied by a terrifying bang, a brown stick field suddenly swayed away.

"Damn it!"



Bang bang bang... click!

The five body cultivators who rushed to the front were killed by her with a stick, and their bodies exploded into blood mist!

"The Stick Field! This is the Stick Field!"

"Everyone be careful!"


The expressions of the physicists in the formation changed drastically, and they didn't dare to come closer for a while.

"You have actually mastered the stick field! When did you change the stick field, why didn't I know?"

Wang Xian was taken aback!

The two used to be good sisters who talked about everything, and knew almost all of each other's secrets.

Understand the various means that the other party is proud of, and even know each other's various hole cards.

And things like the number of cultivation bases are naturally impossible to hide from the past.

But Qin Yao has never heard of the fact that Qin Yao cultivated the stick domain!

"Are you surprised?" Qin Yao looked contemptuous.

"This is the so-called lower plane warrior you mentioned, which brought me the opportunity!"

"What, that martial artist from the lower plane can help you practice stick domain?" Wang Xian was shocked!

According to the available information, it took only a few days for Jiang Tian to reach Qingtian Realm.

It's unbelievable that Qin Yao has mastered the stick domain in just a few days.

"Master's methods are beyond your imagination!" Qin Yao said proudly.

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