Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7549 Dayan world, the chief supervisor in purple robe!

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She actually injected a little life into Wang Xian!

"Well, Qin...Qin Yao, what are you?"

Wang Xian once again had the ecstasy of surviving after a catastrophe.

Could it be that Qin Yao was thinking about the old friendship and refused to kill her after all?

It seems that she still has a chance!

"Qin... Sister, I was wrong, I regret it now, please..."

"Are you begging me to save you? Heh!"

Qin Yao's eyes are extremely cold.

While speaking, Wang Xian's other arm was violently torn off!

"Ah... hiss!"

Wang Xian screamed and gasped.

If she hadn't been injected with vitality, she shouldn't feel too much pain now.

Or even if you feel it, you won't have much reaction.

But now that life is injected, her pain has reached the extreme.

"Golden Thunder Prisoner Spirit Formation, I want you to enjoy it too!"


Qin Yao threw Wang Xian into the golden cage, picked up Wang Xian's severed arm, and activated it.

Then, throw the severed arm into the cage again!

"no, do not want!"

Wang Xian was completely desperate!

This cage requires her to open and close it herself.

Now she is in the cage with her broken arm.

It means that this cage can never be opened, and it also means that she must die.

"Enjoy it, my 'good sister'!"

Puff, puff, puff, puff!

Gold masterpiece!

A series of golden chains pierced through Wang Xian's body, causing her extreme pain.

At this moment, she felt what Qin Yao used to feel.

"Kill... me, quickly... kill... me!"

Wang Xian screamed again and again, regretting to the extreme.


Jiang Tian broke through the roof of the hall and came to another hall.

This hall looks very inconspicuous, even a little dilapidated.

It is Wang Xian's secret treasure hall!

Its surface is covered with several layers of magic circles, even for those who are strong in the Void Realm, it is difficult to break through.

"Chixue Sword Essence, cut!"

Click... Boom!

With a swipe of Jiang Tian's fingers, the thousand-foot red and white giant sword cut down.

The restriction on the surface of the treasure hall suddenly collapsed.

Jiang Tian put away the sword marrow and fished it down.


A large number of treasures and resources were all in his hands, and they were conveniently collected into the Zixuan Realm.

At the same time, Wang Xian's desperate screams continued to be heard in the hall.

Qin Yao tried her best to return her pain ten times and a hundred times back.

After a while, the shouting stopped abruptly!

Qin Yao used the most violent means to end Wang Xian.

"Master, Qin Yao knows her mistake!"

Qin Yao came to Jiang Tian and knelt down to plead guilty.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Qin Yao knew the risks of this trip, but she was not fully prepared. If the master hadn't come, I'm afraid she would have..."

"It doesn't have to be!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand.

Qin Yao came to Xuanjie to collect information and was eager to contribute to him.

But even if there was no such accident, the senior management of Sitianjian would not let her go.

Therefore, her danger is far from lifted!

Wang Xian is just the beginning. Next, Qin Yao may face Si Tianjian's pursuit again and again.

"The purple-robed supervisor just now..."

"His name is Yu Fu, and he lives in the Dayan Realm, where is the stronghold of the Zipao chief supervisor, where great powers gather!"

"Da Yanjie!"

Jiang Tian looked into the void.

Dayan Realm is a large interface of the upper plane.

It is far away from Xuanjie and Qingtianjie.

"Master, don't underestimate the strength of the purple-robed chief inspector, and don't underestimate the defense of Dayan Realm!

Not only is there a large formation protecting the world, but the space passages are also more tightly guarded. If you are not sure enough, you should not force your way! "Qin Yao said.

Jiang Tian smiled calmly: "I'm afraid they will come if I don't go!"

"Yes... yes!" Qin Yao's expression turned ugly.

The change in the Qingtian Realm has affected the surrounding 30 medium-level interfaces.

Now it has spread to the mysterious world.

Jiang Tian also blasted Yu Fu's phantom clone, which was an unprecedented provocation for Fu and the senior management of Si Tianjian.

The other party will never let it go!

"Master, it's not suitable to stay here for long!"


Jiang Tian opened the large array of space transformation, and took Qin Yao away from far away.

After returning to Qingtian Realm, Qin Yao immediately began to retreat.

Jiang Tian ordered her to practice with all her strength with the help of the resources obtained from the Mysterious World.


"What a Jiang Tian, ​​what a Qin Yao!"

"If I don't kill you, how can this old man have the face to serve as the chief supervisor in purple robe?"


Dayan Realm, the stronghold of the purple-robed chief inspector!

There was a loud noise from a certain hall, and the terrifying fluctuations of spiritual power swayed wildly, making the hall crumble!

It was none other than Yu Fu, the purple-robed chief inspector of Dayan Realm, who fell into rage!

"Brother Yu, don't be impatient. You are just a rebel, so send a few people to kill him." A white-haired old man said with a smile.

"That's right, those who are against our Si Tianjian must be full and full!" Another old woman in yellow robe had cold eyes.

There are more than a dozen purple-robed chief supervisors sitting in the hall, all of whom are in the middle stage of the Taixu Realm.

Such a person can easily obliterate the level of Qin Yao and Wang Xian.

Dealing with Jiang Tian is naturally no problem.

"An evildoer in the lower plane has such energy, which really opened my eyes! It seems that I have to go to the Qingtian Realm to see what kind of magic power Jiang Tian has, which can make the golden robe Qin Yao of the Chief Supervisor betrayed Si Tianjian at the risk of death!"

Yu Fu gritted his teeth and reprimanded sharply.

"Sir, calm down, why do you need to take care of such a trivial matter?"

"In the assessment task of the chief inspector in purple robe, there happens to be the task of killing rebels, which is a great opportunity for us to be promoted, hehe!"

Two middle-aged warriors, a man and a woman, walked into the hall and asked Yu Fu for orders.

"Oh?" Yu Fu looked at the two of them, a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

These two are the best among the golden robe chief supervisors.

The man's name is Chang Hou, and the woman's name is Bai Chu.

Right now, he is preparing to be promoted to the chief supervisor of the purple robe, but he has not yet reached the standard.

Both of them are at the peak of the early stages of the Great Illusion Realm, and they may enter the middle stage of the Great Illusion Realm at any time.

"Well, it's a bit wasteful to ask the old man to go for a mere low-plane warrior. In this case, I will leave this mission to you!" Yu Fu nodded.

"Thank you, Chief Supervisor Yu Chengquan!"

"The two of us must live up to our high expectations, punish rebellion and kill Jiang Tian!"

The two were ordered to leave the palace, overjoyed in their hearts.

Talking while walking, the appreciation is beyond words.

"You can be promoted by killing rebels and warriors from the next plane, which is really cheap for us!"

"Yeah, the promotion criteria are so strict, I was prepared to fail the promotion, I didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon, it's God helping me!"

Chang Hou and Bai Chu talked while walking, their hearts were filled with excitement.

Can't wait to step on the space channel and head to the Sky Realm.


Yin Demon Realm!

In a huge valley shrouded in devilish energy, there are hideous skeletons everywhere.

The big ones are thousands of feet long, while the small ones are less than one foot long.

Different postures, all kinds of strange things!

There are also a large number of magic weapons of various colors scattered in the valley, which are innumerable.

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