Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7550 Yin Demon Realm, Mo Sihong

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No one has dared to come here for many years, and it is a famous place of death in the Yin Demon Realm!

Even those demon gods with powerful cultivation bases dare not set foot in it easily.

Even if they pass through this place, they often choose to bypass it.

Legend has it that warriors who enter here will die ten times.

Even if it is a powerful demon god, it is no exception!

At the same time that Mo Sili fell into the mysterious world, the devilish energy in this valley suddenly boiled up.


Accompanied by a scream, it was hidden in a secret hall at the bottom of the valley.

A black demon soul monument suddenly collapsed!

Immediately afterwards, there was a furious roar.


A huge black-robed old man appeared in front of the Demon Soul Monument.

The man exuded a ferocious demonic energy all over his body, and he waved his hand.

The collapsed Demon Soul Monument suddenly turned into phantom scenes, which were the scenes before Mo Sili's fall.

There are two men and two women in the picture!

One of them was Mo Sili.

The screen rotated rapidly, and finally stopped at the scene before the fall of Mo Sili.


Then, the old man locked his eyes on the strange young man.

"No matter who it is, I want you to be buried with him!"

Crack... Rumble!

Amidst the crazy roar, the old man slammed out his palm, and the entire valley was annihilated.

The old man turned into a black magic rainbow and penetrated into the sky at a terrifying speed.


In the sky above the Yin Demon Realm with black clouds floating, a large space array formed by intertwining demon energy appeared.

The figure of the old man got into the formation and disappeared instantly.

The big formation was closed immediately, but there was still a mighty demonic energy mixed with terrifying spatial spiritual energy rippling.

The ripples of demonic energy that were set off directly knocked down all the demons within a radius of hundreds of thousands of feet.


"what is that?"

"What a terrifying magic rainbow!"

"Obviously a certain power was born!"

"Who is the one?"

The warriors who were still in shock began to guess, and were extremely curious about the identity of the old man.

"Could it be him?" The corners of the eyes of a middle-aged man in black robes twitched violently, and his body shook violently!



Everyone heard the sound and looked at him, waiting for an answer.

"Ten thousand... ten thousand years ago, Mo Sihong was said to have fallen!"


"Is it the legendary Demon God Almighty?"

"Impossible! Hasn't he already fallen for thousands of years?"

There was an uproar at the scene, and all the strong demons were stunned.

Mo Sihong is an extremely terrifying name for them.

But it is said that he was besieged by his enemies ten thousand years ago and strangled together in a magic valley.

After his death, the demonic energy suffuses the sky, and it will last forever.

In the end, it became a place of death where everyone turned pale!

The middle-aged demon clan shook his head slowly, his face full of fear.

"I don't really want to believe it's him, but this is a place of death, and no one has been able to enter it for thousands of years. Besides him, who else?"

There was silence at the scene, and everyone began to believe this guess.

"Ten thousand years ago, he was already in the early stage of the Demon God, what should he do now?"

"It's hard to say! Maybe for ten thousand years, he has been retreating to recuperate, avoiding the pursuit of his enemies?"

"I remember, after his fall, it seems that a descendant of blood was hunted down?"

"I know, that man's name is Mo Si Li, and after the fall of Mo Si Hong, he once became the public enemy of our Yin Demon Realm!"

"It's not that simple! I heard that he went to another plane, and that plane does not belong to the plane of the demons, so he escaped the sight of our demons!"

"He went so eagerly, could it be... Could it be that he found out about Mo Sili?"

Everyone guessed endlessly, and there were huge waves in their hearts.

The middle-aged demon said in a deep voice: "No matter where it is, one thing is certain, wherever Mo Sihong goes, there will definitely be a bloodbath!"




Click... Boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void!

The sky of Qingtian Realm was torn apart by a golden sword light, revealing a huge golden crack.

Boom, boom!

Two beams of golden light burst out from the crack, stirring up a sky-shattering turmoil in the void, spreading over hundreds of thousands of feet.

"Sky Sky Realm, Chang is here!"

"Hmph! Qinyao's maidservant, do you think we won't be able to get in if the space channel is closed? Ridiculous!"

Two golden rainbows blasted into the Sky Realm at a terrifying speed, and let out a majestic roar in the air.


"My God!"


In Qingtian Realm, near the original Sitianjian stronghold.

The main hall here has long since ceased to exist, completely reduced to ruins.

At this moment, a group of warriors were hunting for treasure in the ruins, but when they saw the golden light tearing apart the sky, they were all terrified.

They immediately flew into the sky, ready to flee for their lives.

"Want to run? Stop!"


With a flash of golden light, the terrifying coercion turned into layers of golden ripples to suppress it.

Shock all these warriors to the ground.

Puff puff puff... wow!

Everyone vomited blood and screamed, their breathing was extremely disordered.

Some people were seriously injured, and many people exploded into blood mist. The scene was extremely terrifying!

"You...you are..."

Looking at the two golden figures descending from the sky, they recognized each other's robes.

"Si Tianjian... the golden-cloaked chief supervisor!"

"Bad... Broken!"

Si Tianjian!

It was originally a shocking name.

Now, the two golden-robed senior supervisors, a man and a woman, tore the void and forcibly descended. Those who came were not good!

Changhou and Baichu didn't talk nonsense.

Stepping into the void, spread ten fingers and press down.

Search for souls across the air!


Bang bang bang!

A moment later, the crowd exploded into a blood mist, and the scene was extremely tragic.

The soul search is over.

Chang Hou and Bai Chu looked at each other with cruel smiles on their lips.

"Qingtian Daomeng, let's go!"

Boom, boom!

Two golden rainbows burst out of the sky.

Outside the Qingtiandao League!

The two golden rainbows rushed towards it at an astonishing speed, causing the expressions of the guarding disciples and elders to change drastically.

"what's the situation?"

"Those two golden rainbows... so frighteningly fast!"

"No, they're coming straight here!"

"Are the elders going to stop them?"

The guard disciples immediately panicked.

"Stop? Stop the fart!"

The elders of Qingtian Daomeng already saw that something was wrong.

If Jin Hong had been good at fighting, she wouldn't have gone straight to the Dao League so recklessly.

The coming situation is so scary, obviously the comer is not good!

"Withdraw! I'll report..."

This elder is also considered to be very experienced, and he didn't intend to take it hard when he saw the situation.

Directly let the subordinates retreat, and at the same time prepare to report to the leader.

But at this moment, the speed of the two golden rainbows skyrocketed again, directly crushing them.




Bang bang bang bang!

The golden rainbow swept past wildly, like two golden knives cutting through the void.

The terrifying coercion rippling wantonly, dozens of guards and that elder instantly exploded into blood mist!



Everyone in the Qingtian Dao League was shocked, and everyone was terrified!

"what happened?"

"What are the origins of these two golden rainbows?"

"Even if our lord... I'm afraid we don't have such means?"

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