Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7551 Unscrupulous

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All over the Qingtian Daomeng, everyone who saw this scene was terrified.

They were all terrified, and some of them didn't even dare to speak.


Bang, click, click... Boom, boom, boom!

Where the two golden rainbows passed, layers of golden ripples rippled like golden waves.

Unscrupulously destroying everything below.

The disciples and elders of Qingtian Daomeng exploded to death.

There are also halls and halls, all of which are turned into powder!

It is a completely destructive method!

The disciples and elders who were far away were shocked by this scene.

"Elder... Elder!"

"Do you want to... report to the leader and the Supreme Leader?"

At the edge of the Qingtian Dao League, a row of disciples stood on a mountain peak, looking at the terrifying scene in the distance, their faces pale.

"No...no need, because...it's too late!"

The elder's heart was beating wildly, and he was covered in cold sweat.


Also report a fart!

That Jin Hong's speed was unimaginably fast.

At this moment, it has rushed into the core area of ​​the Qingtian Dao League, and it is about to destroy the entire Dao League.



"Who is coming?"

A shout suddenly soared into the sky!

At the same time, a huge golden light curtain and several layers of guardian circles of different colors rose up.

Securely protect the core area of ​​Qingtian Daomeng!

The two golden rainbows came to a sudden stop, and the next moment, a hideous and terrifying sound came!

"A few defensive circles, can An Neng stop me?"

Chang Hou grinned grinningly, using his palm as a knife, and slashed downward.

Bai Chu's eyes were cold and extremely indifferent.

The purpose of their coming here is not to arrest people, but to kill people!

They wanted to kill Jiang Tian and Qin Yao.

But they don't have that much thought to pick and kill people.

For them, that's a waste of time.

They only need to kill all the living people here like crushing a group of ants to be successful.

Crack... Rumble!

The moment Chang Hou's giant palm fell, several layers of defensive circles collapsed.

After one palm, there was only a light curtain left in the core area of ​​Qingtian Daomeng.

And crumbling!


The core area of ​​Qingtian Daomeng was in shock, and everyone was terrified.

Some people even collapse directly.

They had never seen such a terrifying scene, or even thought about it.


The sudden arrival of these two powerful men, a man and a woman, is too powerful!

Even their alliance leader Jin Tianxing, and even the Supreme Alliance leader Jiang Tian have never shown such a terrifying method.

At this moment, Chang Hou was like a god, overlooking the core area of ​​the Qingtian Dao League with ferocious eyes.

"Jiang Tian, ​​Qin Yao, if you don't get out, let them be buried together!"

"Hehe! As long as you kill yourself in person, we have no interest in others."

Chang Hou and Bai Chu stood in the air and said coldly.

"No interest?"

"Damn it!"

The elders and disciples of Qingtian Daomeng gritted their teeth, extremely furious.

These two came all the way, obliterating so many innocent elders and disciples.

Now you say you have no interest in others?

Since you have no interest, why do you want to kill innocent people indiscriminately?

But they all dared not speak out.

Because the strength of these two people is really terrifying!

"It's over, Qingtian Daomeng...it's over!"

"I didn't expect that just when a new Supreme Leader was ushered in, he suffered a catastrophe!"

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

The elders and disciples gritted their teeth and howled, extremely unwilling.

They thought that Jiang Tian's arrival would bring new vitality to the Daomeng.

Take Daomeng to an unprecedented height.

But it now appears that this hope is only an illusion.

With the arrival of these two strong men, the Qingtian Daomeng will be destroyed soon!

"One person does one person, Changhou, Baichu, I will fight with you!"

Qin Yao, who was retreating, was furious instantly.

He rushed up against the blood and sprayed it out all at once.

The breath is disordered!

But without any hesitation, she forced her way out of the retreat, ready to make a move.


The figure flickered, and a palm was pressed on her shoulder.


It was Jiang Tian who made the move!

He shook his head and said: "You have just recovered from a serious injury, so don't make a move, go back to retreat immediately, and improve your strength as soon as possible!"

"But master..." Qin Yao had a murderous look on her face.

With the current enemy, Qingtian Daomeng will be destroyed, how can she still think about retreating?

"You don't listen?" Jiang Tian's eyes turned cold!

"Qin Yao... dare not!"

Qin Yao's heart skipped a beat, she was overwhelmed by Jiang Tian's aura.

This is the first time since she met Jiang Tian that the other party has used authority on her!

Qin Yao, who has always been strong and domineering, suddenly felt a strange feeling at this moment.

If it were someone else, she would not be convinced no matter what.

But for Jiang Tian, ​​it was difficult for her to develop a heart of resistance!

Because Jiang Tian does have such authority!

And his authority comes precisely from that astonishing strength!

That's right!

Jiang Tian has enough strength to support his strong authority.

This point is irrefutable!

And she also understood that Jiang Tian did this for her own good.

She was too seriously injured before, and now she is only recovering initially.

And even if she is in her prime, even if she has comprehended the stick domain, she is by no means a match for Chang Hou and Bai Chu.

"These two are the best among the golden-robed chief inspectors, and the most popular people to be promoted to the purple-robed chief inspector. Master, be careful!"

Qin Yao said in a deep voice, her eyes full of worry.

"Really?" Jiang Tian's face was slightly cold, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

He hadn't met an evenly matched opponent for a long time.

I don't know if I can have a good fight today?

"The most popular competitor of the Zipao Chief Supervisor must be of extraordinary strength. Let me see, how strong are you?"

"My lord, my subordinates can urge the alliance to assist!"

Jin Tianxing held the token in his hand, ready to help.


Jiang Tian decisively refused.


Jin Tianxing's face changed slightly.

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tian had already swept out of the big formation, facing Chang Hou and Bai Chu directly.

"This..." Jin Tianxing's eyes twitched wildly, feeling very worried.

Qin Yao did not carry out Jiang Tian's order either.

At this special moment, she chooses to disobey!

She didn't continue to retreat to practice, because she didn't have that mood at all!

At this moment, she was extremely worried about Jiang Tian's safety.

"Qin Yao's deputy leader, they..."

"Chang Hou and Bai Chu are the most popular contenders to be promoted to the Zipao chief supervisor. Their strength is more than one level higher than ours!"


Jin Tianxing's face changed drastically, and his heart suddenly snapped up.

The result of this battle not only represented Jiang Tian's victory or defeat.

It also represents the safety, even survival, of Qingtian Daomeng.

Once Jiang Tian is defeated, will Changhou and Bai Chu really let Qingtian Daomeng go?

The answer is already in front of us!

These two men crushed all the way, destroying everything in their path.

The background of Qingtian Daomeng has been hit like never before.

Daomeng had already suffered huge losses when the chief supervisors from the thirty planes joined forces to attack.

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