Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7562 broke into Jin's house

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When beheading Jin Wudi before, he never searched for his soul.

Now coming to this Golden Cauldron Realm, of course one must understand the situation here.

Especially those rare resources such as spirit veins and forbidden land that can be put on the table.

Jiang Tian couldn't help sneering as the complicated information jumped into his mind.

This person was none other than an elder of the Jin family where Jin Wudi belonged.

The Jin family sent a total of four elders to guard it.

Three bright and one dark!

This person is the one who guards in secret.


After searching for the soul, Jiang Tian directly launched the blood devouring, and put the blood essence of this person into the body of another elder.

The elder's aura improved slightly, and he had already reached the bottleneck.

But it is not that simple to break through.


Hum rumble!

The soul search was over, and Jiang Tian opened the Great Formation of Transformation and went straight to Jin's house.

The dozens of storage rings that were captured were all rewarded to the accompanying elders.

These people urgently need to be promoted, which is the time when a lot of cultivation resources are needed.

Although the conditions in the Qingtian Realm are not bad, it is impossible to create so many middle-stage Taixu Realm in a short period of time.

This is why Jiang Tian decisively started this trip.

Hum rumble!

The number one family in the Jinding world, the sky above the Jin family's mansion suddenly changed!

A purple formation appeared out of nowhere, carrying more than a hundred figures in midair.

"Jiang Taishang, what kind of place is this?"

The elder who had just advanced to the middle stage of the Taixu Realm asked.

"The family behind Jin Wudi!"

"So that's it! Dare I ask Mrs. Jiang, how will the Jin family deal with it?"

Jiang Tian overlooked the mansion below with indifferent eyes.

"I'll take care of the Patriarch of the Jin Family and the Supreme Elder, and leave the rest to you."

"Understood!" This elder in the middle stage of Taixu Realm was named He Kang.

Hearing Jiang Tian's order, his eyes lit up!

He knew that next, he was no longer the focus.

The point is to let the second mid-stage Taixu Realm be born.

But to do this, Jiang Tian doesn't necessarily have to do it himself.

He who has just broken through can also contribute a little bit.

If he can give birth to a second, third, or even more powerhouses of the same level in his hands, it will definitely be a great achievement!

"Everyone, follow me!"

"That's the forbidden area of ​​the Jin family, remember not to kill innocent people indiscriminately!" Jiang Tian said coldly.

"Jiang Taishang is merciful! We focus on seizing cultivation resources, and we will only suppress those strong Jin family members who resist, and we will never kill weak women and children indiscriminately!"


Jiang Tian nodded lightly.

He Kang rushed into the Jin family's mansion with ninety-nine early Taixu Realm powerhouses, and went straight to the forbidden area pointed by Jiang Tian.

"Extremely arrogant, do you really think my Jin family is made of mud?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are courting death!"

"I'll let you come and go today!"


There was a thunderous roar, and more than 20 strong men in the Jin family hall rose into the air and faced Jiang Tian.

In the forbidden area of ​​the Jin family, nearly a thousand people showed up together to defend against the attack of a hundred strong men from the Void Realm.

When Jiang Tian first arrived in this world, the elder hiding in the dark had already sent back a message.

So the Jin family is fully prepared.

But when they saw that among the one hundred people, there was actually a strong person in the mid-stage of the Void Realm, they suddenly became nervous.

"The middle stage of the Void Realm, not good!"

Jin Qianyu, the Patriarch of the Jin Family, changed his expression!

Although there are many people in the forbidden area, there is no mid-stage Taixu Realm to sit there.

How can we resist the strong men in the sky realm who are like wolves and tigers?

"I can't care so much anymore, this kid is the number one enemy!"

Jin Tianfeng, the elder of the Jin family, said coldly.

Thousands of years ago, he had reached the middle stage of Taixu Realm.

But later, he was injured by a powerful enemy, and his cultivation level fell back to the early stage of Taixu Realm, and he never broke through again.

Even so, Jin Tianfeng's strength can still crush the average mid-stage Taixu Realm.

After all, the background of the past mid-term is not empty!

"Jiang Tian, ​​I heard that you are so powerful that even Si Tianjian can't do anything to you. You stomped out thirty golden robed chief supervisors in one go?"

"So?" Jiang Tian looked at Jin Tianfeng expressionlessly.

"Today, the top experts of my Jin family will meet you for a while to see how strong you are?"



As soon as Jin Tianfeng finished speaking, a golden light array suddenly lit up.

Seeing this formation, Jiang Tian didn't panic at all.

Just looking out of curiosity.

"Is this the clan protection formation of your Jin family?" Jiang Tian looked contemptuously.

This point, he already knew when he searched for the hidden elder of the Jin family.

So no surprise.

And this is exactly what he expected.

He restrained the entire senior Jin family with his own power, leaving the rest to He Kang and the others.

Not killing innocent people indiscriminately is already his greatest kindness!


"Everyone shoots together and strangles him!"


Under the signal of Jin Tianfeng and Jin Qianyu, dozens of the top powerhouses of the Jin family shot with all their strength.

Some people even directly swallowed the elixir that stimulated potential, preparing for a battle to the death!

Jin Wudi was originally the number one master other than the Supreme Elder, and his combat power crushed the same level.

Unfortunately, he fell into the Sky Realm.

What can be put on the table now is all the top combat power of the Jin family.

In this battle, the Jin family can only win, not lose!


Under the suppression of the clan protection formation, everyone stood outside the formation and shot at Jiang Tian.

The void was filled with golden light, and the violent offensive pointed directly at Jiang Tian, ​​launching a frenzied strangulation.

"Fist field!"

Bang, bang, bang... Boom!

Jiang Tian punched out a series of punches to resist the attack from all directions.

When streaks of golden light hit these fist areas, they turned into ripples like the surface of water.

There is no threat at all!


Boom boom boom!

In a blink of an eye, several elders of the Jin family sacrificed their magic weapon and urged it to explode without mercy.

Amidst the violent roar, golden light, golden flames, and large golden waves engulfed Jiang Tian.

"Okay, good fight!"

"Jiang Tian has been recruited!"

"This time, he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die!"

"What kind of evildoer from the lower plane, I can't see it like that...huh?"


"How can it be?"

The strong members of the Jin family thought they had succeeded, but before they had time to be happy, they saw an astonishing scene.

Jiang Tian, ​​who seemed to be engulfed by the golden light, actually resisted their offensive under the protection of a layer of strange domain!

"Void Domain!"

"What a strong defense!"

"Ordinary methods... it seems that they can't help him!"

The faces of the elders of the Jin family sank.

A few people didn't believe in evil, and slashed wildly with their swords.

What happened next shocked them even more!

Jiang Tian simply withdrew from the Void Immortal Realm, and replaced it with his physical body.

Bang, click... Boom!

Hundreds of sword lights and sword shadows slashed on his body, directly exploding into pieces of golden light, but they couldn't hurt him at all.


"How can it be?"

"This... this is too exaggerated!"

"His physical body is so strong?"

"No wonder you can hit the boxing domain!"

The momentum of the Jin family elders couldn't help but feel a little down.

"This is useless, everyone, follow me!"

Jin Qianyu, the Patriarch of the Jin family, gritted his teeth fiercely, and was about to enter the formation and attack personally.

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